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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Aedus chased after Ent "E-Ent" Aedus called out as he caught up to Ent "I-it's not that i d-don't want you to be n-nice to me. But i-i'm used to y-you not wanting t-to go out of your w-way to b-be nice to m-me"

Ent ignored Aedus, to annoyed and he didn't want to snap at him. He clicked his fingers and created a vacuum around himself, not allowing Aedus to get any closer "Leave me alone." Ent stated as he continued leaving.

Aedus frowned when Ent told him to leave him alone, but continued walking towards him anyway. When Aedus got closer to Ent he found that there was a vacuum around him. Aedus stepped out of the vacuum to catch his breath before he walked into the vacuum again doing his best to hold his breath as he walked closer to Ent.

Aedus walked in front of Ent, trying to stop him and doing his best to ignore the burning sensation that was appearing in his lungs, He moved closer to Ent before wrapping his arms around him in a hug and burying his head into Ent's chest, trying to ignore his lungs burning with the need for oxygen.

(gaahhhh they're so cute.)

(does Aedus have a stutter or is it just because Ent makes him nervous?)
Aedus took a couple of deep unsteady breaths as the vacuum got removed, filling his lungs with oxygen once again before his breathing became rhythmic once again as his body realized there was no longer a shortage of oxygen. Aedus smiled as Ent hugged him back, happy that Ent wasn't still annoyed.


@Magattahana (Ent makes him nervous due to a mixture of how much he likes Ent and the fact that if Ent gets too angry he might try to kill him, though at this point i don't think Ent will but Aedus doesn't know that :P )
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Aedus unburied his head from Ent's chest and looked up at him "It's okay, I don't blame you." Aedus said, giving Ent a reassuring smile "E-earlier i didn't w-want to b-break up with you. E-even though you've tried to k-kill me, i still l-love you E-Ent and i don't th-think anything can ch-change that" Aedus said honestly as he buried his head back into Ent's chest, trying to hide the small blush he could feel appearing on his face.

Ent smiled and kissed Aedus on the top of his head. Then removing his lips and continuing to hug him "Thank you." he enjoyed the warmth more now, it had a feeling behind it.

Aedus felt his blush grow stronger when he felt Ent kiss the top of his head, but it also brought a happy smile to his face, not wanting to ruin the moment, Aedus chose not to say anything.

@metalcity(Awwww it's so CUTE!)
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Aedus gently got out of the hug, a slight blush still visible on his face "I-I still need t-to take that n-nap" Aedus pointed out, not really wanting to cut their moment short but he felt like he was going to pass out any second "Would you l-like to escort me th-there" Aedus asked hopefully.

@metalcity (I got you bby ;) )
(then Ent changed his mind and removed the oxygen from the air, suffocating Aedus. Then with one swing Ent cut Aedus in half. Then as he cried out for Ent, Ent took the tears falling out of Aedus's dying eyes and drank them. "I always hated you." He muttered before walking away evilly laughing.)

@GingerBread @Magattahana @FalseUser12
Ent was confused by what Aedus did to his hand, but it seemed to make him happy so Ent smiled. He then took Aedus back to his dorm room. "Here you go." He stated outside of Aedus's room.

"T-thanks" Aedus replied before he began to look the ground, awkwardly shuffling his feet "I-I'd feel h-happier i-if you w-were to s-stay with m-me" Aedus said as his face became a shade of crimson "Y-you don't h-have to i-if you don't w-want to" Aedus quickly added, not wanting Ent to feel he was pressuring him into it.

GingerBread said:
"T-thanks" Aedus replied before he began to look the ground, awkwardly shuffling his feet "I-I'd feel h-happier i-if you w-were to s-stay with m-me" Aedus said as his face became a shade of crimson "Y-you don't h-have to i-if you don't w-want to" Aedus quickly added, not wanting Ent to feel he was pressuring him into it.

"Ok." Ent said as he walked into Ent's room, he looked around and saw the plate from earlier. Still giving off a faint fishy smell. Ent looked at it sadly, he walked over and picked it up. Then he offered Aedus it "Here."

Aedus smiled when Ent said he would stay with him. When Ent offered him the plate Aedus was confused "T-thanks?" He said as he took the plate from Ent and placed it on his desk Maybe that's just his cat side..... Is he going to start bringing me dead birds soon? i hope not Aedus thought as he took off his ripped clothing and got into his bed, hoping Ent would join him so he could cuddle up to him.

"N-no" Aedus said as he saw Ent begin to leave "I w-was kind of h-hoping you'd sleep with me, i d-don't like being a-alone" Aedus admitted, sounding embarrassed "A-anyway I-I like cuddling i-into you" Aedus said, his voice only just above a whisper, unsure of what Ent's reaction would be.


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