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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

"I feel like getting some food, starting to get hungry again." The thought of fish popped in Ent's mind and he happily smiled. Then went back to a serious tone of expression as he continued walking to the canteen.

@GingerBread @Magattahana

(I'm so done with Hi Rez servers. Tried to play on my smurf, lvl 7. And got put with a full team of lvl 30's while mine was a mixture of lvl 5 to lvl 30. And I have no gods I can carry with. GG SERVERS G FUCKING G)
As they were walking towards the cafeteria Aedus got an idea and started running ahead of Ent, Zane and Abs. Once Aedus entered the cafeteria he went over to the kitchen and started talking to the cooks.

@metalcity @Magattahana
Silver helped lily limp to the dorms before running off to get some food for herself and lily. She shifted into wolf form to get there quicker almost bumping into Zane and Abs. She stopped dead in her tracks. She didn't want to startle them again by shifting into human form. She looked up at the two with her head tilted. @Magattahana
Silver laughed hard at the girl who called her a puppy. She looked at the boy and nodded. "Where are you guys heading." She said Telepathically to both of them. She wondered if she should shift or not. @Magattahana
Aedus handed the cooks a lot of money ($40) before grabbing some ingredients that they allowed him to take and cooking some food. Once he was finished he plated up the food and brought it out to Ent, setting it on the table in front of him. The food was the same as the fish dish Aedus had cooked Ent before. "D-do you like it?" Aedus asked apprehensively, wanting to make up for how angry he got earlier.

Silver walked into the café. (cafeteria). She looked at Ent's and Aedus exchange before heading into the kitchen area. She grabbed something at random. She walked over to Aedus and ent sitting a little ways away. She smiled as she ate. @metalcity @GingerBread

(Silver, Ent, Aedus, Zane, and Abs are in Cafeteria. Lily is in the dorms." @Veyd Sahvoz
(Well . . . Don't no where Night Wing and Damen should go :P )

Walking back into the school, Damen rubbed his temples at the annoyance that was. Night Wing didn't worry about it much and flew around, a tad bit hungry 'Damen? Let's go get something to eat' she said, not caring about his response and dashing for the cafeteria. Damen sighed and followed her without saying anything.

Lily recovered slightly from energy loss. She searched for silver, before probing her mind. Café. Interesting. lily thought. She made her way there slowly and stumbling among the way she spotted two people ahead, but couldn't tell from the back who they where. @Veyd Sahvoz (I like how are Characters are interacting in three different RPS) xD
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(Just realized that lololol xD )

Damen kept on walking "So now you're following me eh?" he asked, not even looking behind him but knowing who it was.
"N-no." lily managed to say without collapsing. She was out of energy still and was heading to the cafeteria to eat. "I-m trying -t-to get to t-he c-cater-I-ia to recover energy." She said propping herself on the wall. @Veyd Sahvoz
LilyannaGaming said:
"N-no." lily managed to say without collapsing. She was out of energy still and was heading to the cafeteria to eat. "I-m trying -t-to get to t-he c-cater-I-ia to recover energy." She said propping herself on the wall. @Veyd Sahvoz
Damen walked to the cafeteria by himself but it was Night Wing that turned into her human self and walked up to Lily "Are you okay?" she asked, her hands at her hips wondering what the heck was wrong.
Lily glanced at NightWing "You where at the fight you saw me over use my energy." Lily mumbled loud enough thee girl could hear. "Its worse for me to handle when my powers are drained." Lily said holding up her wrist with the bracelet. @Veyd Sahvoz
LilyannaGaming said:
Lily glanced at NightWing "You where at the fight you saw me over use my energy." Lily mumbled loud enough thee girl could hear. "Its worse for me to handle when my powers are drained." Lily said holding up her wrist with the bracelet. @Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing closed her eyes and transferred some of her aura over to Lily, hoping to heal her "That might not do much but it's worth a shot. . . . you wanna go to the cafeteria with me and Damen?" she asked, hoping she'd say yes because she was wanting a bit of social activity since that wasn't something Damen was good at.
Lily smiled. "I was heading that way, Silvers there. I was hoping food would help with energy Loss." She said. @Veyd Sahvoz
Lily lurched forwarded as NightWing practically dragged her down the hall. "Night wing Slow down." Lily said stumbling trying to keep up. @Veyd Sahvoz

Medea Taroni


Medea sat with her legs folded, perched on top of the cleanest bench she could find within the school's cafeteria. It wasn't exactly as far away from the increasingly noisy students as she'd hoped, though it was better than nothing. She picked up the milk carton in front of her and sipped it slowly, squishing the straw between her teeth as she surveyed the area. She had only allowed a mouthful before she began gagging on the substance.
"What is this?!" She demanded, eyeing the carton skeptically. "...Strawberry milk. How disgusting." She placed the carton on the table gingerly and scowled at the remaining taste in her mouth.
Ent smiled like a child in a sweet shop "Love it!" Then Ent rapidly ate the dish, enjoying every bite. Managing to control his cat side this time by using thoughts about killing innocent people brutally to control both sides. "I'm from hell, part devil, part cat. Don't know why." He stated in-between each mouthful.

@GingerBread @Magattahana

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