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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

She took Zanes hand and opened it placing hers ontop of his as she let the tiny figure slide onto his hand gracefully. She gave them a reasuring smile before going back to watch the figures dance.

@DJGomez @Magattahana
Zane smiled. His sister was still transfixed with the miniscule performer in her own hands.

@Aio @DJGomez

(btw this is the most fun I've had RPing in a long time)
Irisviel sighed as she apologized. "Sorry but the dancing has to be cut short today." With this she waved her shaking hand infront of her as everything she made disperesed into nothingness. Sucking in a huge breath she laid down and exhaled slowly.

@Magattahana @DJGomez
Zane got up and stretched a little.

Abs rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "I think it's obvious who has the coolest gift."
Irisviel perked her head up to look at Abs and smiled slightly. "Who Zane cause thats pretty cool though yours was too as well as Haydens...You all have amazing gifts." Her voice was quiet exhausted by her mending as she lay there.

@Magattahana @DJGomez
Hikari was silent the whole time. She entered her dorm room, not bothering to talk to her dorm mate. She kept a safe distance to everyone who passed through, just to avoid any contact with them. She had also been getting the weird looks when she first entered at the unusual attire she wore and her samurai covered in its sheath.

I hope I don't get caught here. She thought.

When she grew tired and bored of her ceremonial cleaning of her family's samurai, she stood up and went out the room, looking for a place with less people.
Kazehana said:
Heather sighed as she prepared her thoughts on how to explain. "Shut the door so we can have four players," she instructed, hoping it wouldn't be too unfair to play three sides at once. She made sure to finish preparations before she began explaining. (Gtg Byee)
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen walked over to the door and closed it, he then walked back to Heather and looked at the game wondering how to play.

Night Wing flew around a bit, she had been randomly flying I wonder if Aedus and Ent are doing ok…maybe Crimson or Johnny might want to go to a pool or something, thought Night Wing as she began looking for Aedus Crimson and Johnny.

@Kazehana, @GingerBread, @Johnathan Laurence, @Embaga Elder
The scarlet-haired girl wandered around silently. A lot of things intrigued her yet she didn't want to get close to anyone. She was careful not to talk to anyone. Turning to a hallway with her eyes focused and absorbed at the ambiance outside those windows.

Where should I go? I don't know anyone here. Hikari thought again. "Huh, beats me..." She then shrugged as she continued walking.
Crimson woke up from his long slumber and began to walk around the academy. (I haven't talked to anyone in a long while. Especially DG, Johnny, Aedus, Li, shit I'll even be alright talking to Ent.) He thought as he walked in a white shirt, basketball shorts, with socks that has "Fuck You" on them and Black slides

@Veyd Sahvoz
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(Wait why did you mention me? I'm so confused xD )

She explained the game, then split into four. Verte decided to stay out of it and go find them some snacks or something. So she left the room and started on her quest while the others explained the game. Then, Jaune began the game, getting a card she couldn't use which frustrated her. (should we time skip this? Lol)

@Veyd Sahvoz @Embaga Elder
As Hikari walked around the academy, she saw a few people gathered around absorbed into somewhat of a game. She watched quietly from afar, feeling suddenly amused into the game they were playing. She sat there, hiding into a corner as she watched them. Quiet yet somehow she felt something odd.

How amusing... I don't know what that is... The people at the shrine didn't taught me such game... She thought.
Ent walked out of the school, annoyed by what happened. He left the gates, planing on slaughtering innocent people to calm him down a bit, he walked thought the streets removing the oxygen as he went.

(well will he return? is there another goal behind his slaughter? Find out next time on RavenWing Academy Z)
Celestia slowly opened her eyes as she began to wake up, after a couple of seconds of being 'half dead', she noticed that she was being enveloped by a larger structured man, it appeared as though her arms were also wrapped around the boys body too.. she had no clue what to do in this situation as it was a first, so she just decided to stay still. "U-urmmm....excuse me mister.." she said whilst assuming it was the boy in which she was now sharing the room with, "Would you mind...letting go of me please.." she said whilst loosening her hands from around him clearly showing she must of done something of the same effect, so he wasn't all to blame for how this situation looked...

"S-s-sorry" Aedus stammered, quickly unwrapping his arms from around the girl, his eyes red from crying "I-i noticed that you had some sort of nightmare" Aedus said, leaving out the part about her crying as he moved himself into a sitting position "D-do you want to T-talk about it?"

"U-urmmm sure..." she looked around the room and began to notice that she was on the other side of the room....in the wrong bed... meaning she had clearly done something wrong by accidentally being in the wrong bed. "Oh...I'm sorry mister...I didn't realize I was in your bed...!" she said as she shuffled to the edge of the bed.

Kazehana said:
(Wait why did you mention me? I'm so confused xD )
She explained the game, then split into four. Verte decided to stay out of it and go find them some snacks or something. So she left the room and started on her quest while the others explained the game. Then, Jaune began the game, getting a card she couldn't use which frustrated her. (should we time skip this? Lol)

@Veyd Sahvoz @Embaga Elder
Damen remembered she could duplicate, he sighed a bit. He didn't play games like this but was willing to try, that was the least he could do and who knows what he might learn.
CelestiaVanGuard said:
"U-urmmm sure..." she looked around the room and began to notice that she was on the other side of the room....in the wrong bed... meaning she had clearly done something wrong by accidentally being in the wrong bed. "Oh...I'm sorry mister...I didn't realize I was in your bed...!" she said as she shuffled to the edge of the bed.
"I-it's fine" Aedus replied, not wanting to make the girl feel bad "S-so... Do you want to T-tell me about your nightmare?" Aedus asked apprehensively as he assumed it might be a uncomfortable topic for the girl "O-oh, By the way i'm Aedus" He said, forgetting he hadn't even introduced himself yet.

"N-nightmare...?" she said whilst tilting her head in curiosity, "Was I having a nightmare?..." she asked whilst looking puzzled at the same time due to not remembering anything previously aside from getting her teddy bear... "N-nice to meet you...my names Celestia" she began to say whilst bowing before him on the bed.

Aedus assumed she just didn't want to talk about the Nightmare and decided not push it any further "Nice to meet you celestia, sorry about before" Aedus apologised for kicking her out of their dorm earlier.

"So," Rouge started, moving one of her pieces forward, "what do you generally do for fun if not games?" Jaune looked up at Rouge, then at Damen, then to the card she just picked up. Violette was too involved in the game to pay attention.

Verte got lost in the halls, but was too anxious to ask anyone for help, so she just wandered a bit, hoping she would find some snacks.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kazehana said:
"So," Rouge started, moving one of her pieces forward, "what do you generally do for fun if not games?" Jaune looked up at Rouge, then at Damen, then to the card she just picked up. Violette was too involved in the game to pay attention.
Verte got lost in the halls, but was too anxious to ask anyone for help, so she just wandered a bit, hoping she would find some snacks.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen finished his turn and looked up at Rouge "Does training answer your question?" he asked while getting comfortable in his chair, he wondered what it was like to have duplicates but then looked at the Rouge again "I do read play the piano sometimes though…"

Night Wing saw Verte, who seemed lost, she transformed in to her human self and walked up to Verte "So…did you and Damen make up?" she asked, hoping something bad didn't happen.
"N-no it's fine...anyway I'm sorry about lying to you about having a different dorm room too" she says whilst looking at him and smiling at the same time, "Well...I guess we are even aside from me ending up in your bed somehow..." she mumbled whilst giggling. "Well, what shall we do now then?..."

Tsuki had been wandering through the halls for a while, eventually spotting a girl with blonde hair in a green ribbon, then, she saw a raven turn into yet another girl. Without saying a word, she approached them.

@Kazehana @Veyd Sahvoz
CelestiaVanGuard said:
"N-no it's fine...anyway I'm sorry about lying to you about having a different dorm room too" she says whilst looking at him and smiling at the same time, "Well...I guess we are even aside from me ending up in your bed somehow..." she mumbled whilst giggling. "Well, what shall we do now then?..."
"You can do whatever you want i'm still kind of tired" Aedus said, not really tired but not wanting to go out and risk running into Ent, Not really feeling like he could handle being called weak again.
"Okay, I'll go to my bed now so I don't disturb you...sorry" she said as she began to get up and made her way towards her bed, before quickly turning around and looking for something she had lost....again.. "M-my teddy..have you seen it?" she said whilst looking at him with big teary eyes.


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