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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Kazehana said:
She stared at him, amazed that he could admit, well, anything. "Y-you're sorry?" she repeated in disbelief, not knowing how to process what was happening.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen remained quiet for a moment "I don't know why…I shouldn't care but I do……I try to shut myself out so I don't have to involve other people..." he said, and for the first time actually seemed sincere, something in his voice seemed to show that he was actully caring.
Zane sat in the floor because he thought it would be rude to sit on the other students' beds. Abs squealed excitedly, pushing her goggles up into her red hair. "I'm Class F too! We can trade notes!"

Zane pointed to his sister. "You guys should definitely trade notes with her. She acts like an idiot, but Abbi here is a genius."

@DJGomez @Aio
Quinn had found the library and was curled on a window bench hidden away from the main entrance. She had her spell book in her lap and was holding a ball of flame in her palm. He grandmother had made her practice this trick a million time to center her magic and help calm her. It was working now as the stress of being in a new place reached her.
Kazehana said:
Heather looked at him with a bit of curiosity, a bit of suspicion. "Involve other people in what?"
@Veyd Sahvoz
"This…what's happening right now. I keep to myself yet here you and I are…" he exclaimed, he didn't seem to want to be in this situation but it happened and he knew he should say something "…Heather…why do you care?" he asked.
As the other three settled in and took a seat in the dorm Hayden found a desk chair before offering it to abs and hoping up to his bunk that was above Iris. He'd be feeling very awkward and out of place as the heat in the room reached to the high 90's due to him. He'd stay silent at Abs's question.

@Aio @Magattahana
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Kazehana said:
"Care?" she echoed. "Care about what?" she replied, unsure what he was getting at.
@Veyd Sahvoz
"About talking to me? About trying to get me to socialize? About all if that……why?" he asked simply, he didn't understand why she nagged at him about manners, and why she wanted him to be like a normal person. Why did it matter to her?
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Abs adjusted her skirt and seated herself in the chair with a smile. Her eyes had stopped glowing, but they were darting from Hayden, to Iris, to her brother, all around the room.

@Aio @DJGomez
Irisviel smiled before shaking her head. "Nowhere of importance." She leaned foreward before looking up at Hayden and sighed before looking back at the two before her.

@DJGomez @Magattahana
Heather shook her head slightly to regain her composure. "Well if you must know, you're the first person I met. Besides, it's totally rude for anyone to be doing that nonsense. Someone has to put you in your place," she answered, once again in control of her syntax.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Well, in case you can't tell by my accent, I'm from the UK!" She gestured to Zane. "And this stick in the mud is from New York!"

Zane silently wondered why Iris was sighing as much as he does.

@Aio @DJGomez
Kazehana said:
Heather shook her head slightly to regain her composure. "Well if you must know, you're the first person I met. Besides, it's totally rude for anyone to be doing that nonsense. Someone has to put you in your place," she answered, once again in control of her syntax.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen didn't say anything for a moment "…Wouldn't you have given up after seeing how I am…I seclude myself for a reason but you insist on continuing to badger snd nag at me" he explained. His mismatched eyes meeting hers as he looked at het, expressionless.
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Heather rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "There you go again, thinking you're exempt from common courtesy," she teased, sticking her tongue out at him. "Someone has to bug you about it. Otherwise, nothing would get fixed," she explained back. "We can't have you running around doing this with other people, can we?"

@Veyd Sahvoz
Zane smiled a little upon learning that he wasn't the only person from New England. Abs winked at Hayden. "Cute accent."

"Sis, stop flirting with everyone."

"He's the first person I've flirted with!"

(At this rate, the room is going to turn into a sauna.)

@Aio @DJGomez
Kazehana said:
Heather rolled her eyes and put a hand on her hip. "There you go again, thinking you're exempt from common courtesy," she teased, sticking her tongue out at him. "Someone has to bug you about it. Otherwise, nothing would get fixed," she explained back. "We can't have you running around doing this with other people, can we?"
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen sighed "I just don't really know how to react…You're sort of starting to take Night Wing's side…And I don't get why or how some one out if everyone I've met, cares this much…" he stated while walking towards her a bit but stopping, looking over at the piano for a moment.
"Okay well, look," she said, starting to head towards the door. "You're looking too much into it. It's what a good friend would do. So get over it and get used to it," she finished, holding the door open. "Coming?"

@Veyd Sahvoz

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