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Fantasy Raven-Wing Academy

Kazehana said:
(Bruh you don't mess with a girl when she's that pissed off)
They paused for a moment, glancing at each other for a minute. They silently agreed that Rouge should probably not talk right now. "What is it?" Jaune asked, after a sigh of resignation. They all hoped this would be quick, because when they recombined, they would all have to deal with whatever Damen did to Rouge.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Night Wing didn't enter, she took a moment "…Damen is a nice person…really…he just isn't a social person" she paused "You should go talk to him and settle this…" said Night Wing, she was worried about Damen and this recent 'shutting everyone out' was seeming to be not the best kind of percpective.
Jaune bit her lip as she glanced around at the others, and after a moment, they snapped their fingers and recombined. Heather walked to the door, opening it to face Night Wing. She was still upset, but about 1/4 as so. "Yeah, 'cus talking to him is a great idea," she retorted, thinking it was a really dumb idea.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Abs could see the girl take her hat off. She smacked her brother's head to get his attention, then pointed at her. "Look! She's cute! You should date her! If you don't, I might!"

Zane growled audibly. "Shut up, Sis! Stop trying to set me up with everyone we come across!"

Abigayle sighed. "You're no fun, Zany. No one likes a loner... Well, I mean, she might."

Exasperated air escaped Zane's lungs. Hopefully his sister wouldn't cause too much of a scene as they passed this girl by.

@DJGomez @Aio
Hayden looked at the girl for a second as she stroked her hair before opening his mouth. "Seems that you're my roommate." He'd then turn his head to she a girl getting a piggyback ride from what he inferred was her brother before nodding towards them in a deadpan hello.

@Aio @Magattahana
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Kazehana said:
Jaune bit her lip as she glanced around at the others, and after a moment, they snapped their fingers and recombined. Heather walked to the door, opening it to face Night Wing. She was still upset, but about 1/4 as so. "Yeah, 'cus talking to him is a great idea," she retorted, thinking it was a really dumb idea.
@Veyd Sahvoz
"It's better than letting this progress and so nothing" she explained "I'm worried about Damen…please just settle this" pleaded Night Wing, turning into a crow and flying away to the music room.
She signed, not really wanting to, but not really having much of a choice from what she could gather. She casually strolled to the music room, hands clasped behind her back.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Oh...ah...Okay." She spoke slightly distracted by the two passing before she sighed and rolled out of the bed as she stretched. She walked up to her roommate and offered her hand. "Irisviel. Its nice to meet you I." Her voice was soft as she spoke her eyes wandering everywhere but never resting on him.

Abs beamed happily at the strangers from her throne, i.e, her brother's shoulders. She had put her aviator goggles on, and her eyes were still glowing, which caused it to look like she had headlights in her skull. "Hi! You're the boy I bumped into earlier! I'm still quite sorry about that!" She waved at the girl! "Hello there! I'm Abigayle! This is my brother Zane!"

Zane gave a sheepish smile to the strangers. One of the perks of having his sister back is he didn't have to talk as much. She was usually the voice of the operation.

They continued down the hallway. "Zane, even her name is cute!"

"Shut up, Sis."

@Aio @DJGomez

(Sorry you guys, didn't realize your characters were in their room.)
Kazehana said:
She signed, not really wanting to, but not really having much of a choice from what she could gather. She casually strolled to the music room, hands clasped behind her back.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen stood in the music room, his head sligtly down, he looked at a piano nearby and looked around the room as he shrouded hinself in darkness for the time being.
Heather entered, and upon not seeing anyone, remembered that she had previously left her flute on a chair, so she went to retrieve it. Once she did, she looked around for a moment before declaring, "Is this a joke? I swear to god if it is..." (I'm assuming she can't see him because of the shroud d: )

@Veyd Sahvoz
Hayden gives her a gentle shake of her hand. "I'm Hayden. Pleasure to meet you Irisviel." He'd notice her eyes darting around the room and not resting on him as he realized that her clothing was fairly well kept and began to feel a bit embarrassed at the tattered rags he was wearing. As a result the air in the room would become slightly heated form his embarrassment while he heard the girl tease her brother some more.

@Aio @Magattahana
Irisviel looked at Abigayle wided eyed and then to her brother smiling slightly at the two before looking back at Hayden. "If its easier you can just call me Iris...thats what my family calls me..." She pauses for a moment before shaking her hands finally looking him in the eyes. "Oh I mean you dont have to! Just a suggestion."

@DJGomez @Magattahana
Kazehana said:
Heather entered, and upon not seeing anyone, remembered that she had previously left her flute on a chair, so she went to retrieve it. Once she did, she looked around for a moment before declaring, "Is this a joke? I swear to god if it is..." (I'm assuming she can't see him because of the shroud d: )
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen appeared in the middle if the room, he didn't say anything. He had his head slightly down.
Heather rolled her eyes, thinking it typical of him to so something like that. "What is this about?" she asked, a bit of attitude still present in her voice.

@Veyd Sahvoz
She looked at him perplex for a moment. "I suppose Irisviel but I know its hard for most to remember so I just tell them to call me Iris." As she spoke she rubbed her thumb across her hand as well as bitting her lip, both bad habits on her part.

Kazehana said:
Heather rolled her eyes, thinking it typical of him to so something like that. "What is this about?" she asked, a bit of attitude still present in her voice.
@Veyd Sahvoz
He looked at her "I--You---*sigh*" he tried to say sorry but couldn't, so he paused for a moment "I'm sorry……" he managed to say, he didn't know why he apologized, it just felt like he should. He looked up at her with his red and black eyes as he said it.
She stared at him, amazed that he could admit, well, anything. "Y-you're sorry?" she repeated in disbelief, not knowing how to process what was happening.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"OK Irisviel....Uh....what class are you in?" The air would get warmer as Hayden was a bit shy with talking to Irisviel and wasn't very good at starting conversations.

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"You ask them."

"Why should I ask them?"

She pinched her brother's cheek like she was his aunt. "Because little Zany doesn't talk enough."

"Little? I'm older than you!"

"By 17 minutes..."

Abigayle hopped off of Zane's shoulders and stood behind him with her hands clasped behind her back as he knocked on Hayden's door. "Is it okay if we come in?"

@Aio @DJGomez (hope I'm not interrupting your characters)
"Oh um..." Shuffling back to her bed she picked up her piece of paper off the bed, looking at the two who entered before scaning the sheet and answering his question. "It says here Im Class F." She says as she turned back to the others.

@DJGomez @Magattahana

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