Other Random question of the day

Random question of the day:

Is the self-centered nature of the residents of fictional cities an accurate and fundamental depiction of the self-centered nature of the real life human race?
It depends on the work, but I do generally find it to be a bit exaggerated for some manner of thematic purpose, though I do believe people are self-centered by nature (which should be noted doesn’t mean one can’t be altruistic. The two aren’t truly incompatible as even if one’s reasons when it comes down to the core is self-centered, one can still tie one’s own well-being to that of others).
Random question of the day:

Is the self-centered nature of the residents of fictional cities an accurate and fundamental depiction of the self-centered nature of the real life human race?
I mean, the "nature of the real life human race" is incredibly diverse. Saying the nature of the human race is self-centered is like saying the temperament of pit bulls is violent. You're half-right and half-wrong.
In fandom not a fan. To me it just tends to come off as an environment of bad fanfic OCs and in some cases it even brings in multifandom or something close to it. It's not that it can't be done well but it's overshadowed by the times its really really not.

In TTRPGs it can be far more interesting though, though it does presumably usually entail having completed a whole campaign with characters or at least having spent enough time with them to justify it. At least from my experience this kind tends to build more on what came before, tackling the actual themes of a "next generation" and the legacy of the characters that came before.
Notice for New Members: If you're gonna answer a previously asked question, please quote the question in particular so we can avoid confusion on which question you're answering.

Notice for everyone, New Members included: Please keep debates and SilvaGunner esque nonsense conversations out of this thread. If you're not gonna answer a question, then please don't say anything.

Notice for everyone, New Members included: Don't ask your own questions in this thread. Only I get to ask questions.

Link to the discussion thread for discussion of loaded questions or questions in general: Other - Random question of the day: The Discussions

In this thread I will ask a question everyday, and you will have to answer it. So the first random question of the day is:

What do you prefer? Playstation or Xbox?
I grew up with Xbox so I gotta stay loyal to Xbox for sure :))
Random question of the day:

If Nintendo ends up making another Punch-Out game in the future, should they add a feature where blood can be coming from the boxers' faces if you damage them enough?
Well, it can very well depend on the experience, environment, and who you are talking to. Grammatically that line doesn’t really make sense, but depending on the person they could jokingly say it. I don’t see it being said in a professional matter however.
Random question of the day:

If a businessman says "It was pleasure doing business with you", does a prostitute say "It was business doing pleasure with you"?
Random question of the day:

If a businessman says "It was pleasure doing business with you", does a prostitute say "It was business doing pleasure with you"?
Absolutely XD

Well, it can very well depend on the experience, environment, and who you are talking to. Grammatically that line doesn’t really make sense, but depending on the person they could jokingly say it. I don’t see it being said in a professional matter however.
The line actually has 0 grammatical errors.
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

What's the strangest roleplay you've ever taken part in?
A Choose your own adventure style what’s weird about it. It was about something eating a gummy bear or sparing it done in several scenarios. I still couldn’t figure out if it was supposed to be silly or if it was a weird fetish.
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Random question of the day:

Would you rather walk a tightrope situated over a pit full of giant scorpions or go scuba diving in an undersea grotto full of large sharks?

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