Other Random question of the day

Am I the weird one thinking this is a spider man reference? "Don't make me come down there you punk!"
But then again, I'm confused as to why it would be outside a church, like is this supposed to hail down god for the end of times?
Generally, no I wouldn't be concerned. My mind would generally divert to "someone's making a joke" church's can be humorous too.
Random question of the day:

What would World War II have looked like if the Allies and Axis factions were swapped?

(For discussion of this question, please use the discussions thread linked at the beginning of this thread.)
Swapped in what way? Because if you're just asking what would happen if the people on each side were on the other sides instead you'd just end up with the exact same two sides.
Swapped in what way? Because if you're just asking what would happen if the people on each side were on the other sides instead you'd just end up with the exact same two sides.
Yeah, that's what I meant. And I get that nothing would change if the people on each side would be on the other side, but I figured that it would have a great impact on the outcome of the war.
Yes and I have video evidence. And it will embarrass them to the end of eternity but I'll just tuck that family VHS away for the right moment. We were six so I'll be forgiving.
My aunt is actually 4 years younger than me…We were like sisters!

My mom was her older sister, but with the age gap so vast, she was practically an only child which meant she was very loved and spoiled, included by me.

When she was a toddler I would always let her blow out my candles….I didn’t wanna hear her shrill screeching. My parents took more offense to it than I did. Glad to say she eventually grew out of that. 😅
Random question of the day:

The Annoying Orange is coming to turn you into an onion ring. The protagonist from the last video game you played is your only defense against the Orange. Who will be defending you?

They're the male/female versions of the Protagonist. But in the game I'm playing they both exist Lol
Random question of the day:

The Annoying Orange is coming to turn you into an onion ring. The protagonist from the last video game you played is your only defense against the Orange. Who will be defending you?
Clive Rosefield from Final Fantasy XVI will be my defense he has his Eikons and their abilities. He’s a good swordsman


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Random question of the day:

Is it true that giving someone the evil eye like Waldorf did to Statler on The Muppet Show is a common yet wholesome trick grandfathers use to discipline misbehaving grandchildren?
I don't know about everyone else, but my grandfather certainly gave me the evil eye. It was kinda painful at first, but I'm grateful he did because now I can see past the veil.



Ahstu, nigh, astram....

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So yeah, fun times.

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