Other Random question of the day

No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Is it possible that ageing is a disease, and Earth is a quarantined planet, and that's the reason why aliens never visit us?
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Is it possible that ageing is a disease, and Earth is a quarantined planet, and that's the reason why aliens never visit us?
1) if there were aliens within visiting range, we would detect them regardless of whether they would visit.

2) Aging most likely has evolved for the purpose of keeping generations passing so that species can evolve over time. If something was immortal, its reproductive cycle would be prohibitively long and it would continue using up resources that its offspring needed, so it wouldn't be very effective. Even species that are immune to conventional mechanisms of aging have other mechanisms in place which ensure their eventual death. So I believe aging is a biological mechanism to ensure death for the sake of reproductive fitness.
As cool as that sounds, I don't think so. Stars and suns supposedly have their ends, where they explode or dissipate, and their forms change to become something else until they're nothing at all. And given how that's outside of Earth, I'd guess that the ability for things to end is a universal theme that applies to how living things on Earth 'age'. And maybe aliens experience a similar thing.
my dogs' names are Farfle and Babka. Farfel is often fed small, crushed pieces of matzoh (Matzoh Farfel), but Babka is not allowed his namesake treat. so i guess canibals and farfel are the only ones who are truly what they are.
I mean.....technically yes? It's like that meme of Falcon and the Winter Soldier: out of line but you're right.
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

What's the funniest thing you've ever heard someone say in class at school?

I don’t have a funniest, (at least one that I can remember off the top of my head) but I have a rather strange one, cuz back in high school during JROTC class, we were in our dress greens (cuz we were army JROTC) uniforms and during inspection we were told to solute, so most of us saluted like normal US military, however one dude thought it would be funny to do the hail hitler nazi salute and the entire core almost went off on his ass
Random question of the day:

If the Total Drama reboot ends up doing a Total Drama Action reboot for their second season, what movie genres would you like to see made into challenges?
It makes for a flashy title, though I haven't really heard it used outside of Marvel. Are there any other superhero arguments where that shows up?

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