Other Random question of the day

Random question of the day:

Is it true that Taylor Swift has done nothing for country music and that Lil Wayne has done nothing for rap music?
I don't really listen to Taylor Swift and I only know Lil Wayne by name so I can't answer this question, I just wanted to be included in today's QOTD.
Random question of the day:

Given that they had cartoon adaptations in the past, should video game series like Mario and Kirby get another cartoon adaptation in the present day?
Random question of the day:

Given that they had cartoon adaptations in the past, should video game series like Mario and Kirby get another cartoon adaptation in the present day?

Well they are already doing Mario, he got his movie, Kirby I wouldn’t mind seeing as a movie, or a series based off the amazing mirror game
Random question of the day:

Is it true that any fictional hero who allows evil to prosper isn't a true hero, but rather an anti-hero?

I'm trying to think of an in-depth explanation for why it doesn't necessarily make them an anti-hero, but my brain is not working right now, so no. I think there are certain situations where allowing evil to "prevail" means saving as many people as possible, and that it's only a matter of time before they figure out a proper way to take that evil out. I don't think it necessarily makes them an anti-hero. I think anti-heroes are simply heroes that aren't conventional in their approach to being a hero. I hate that I used hero so much in one sentence.
Maybe something to do with how variable their size can be.

Rather than older = dead
It is just older = bigger
Random question of the day:

Why are dragons often associated with immortality?
I think thats true of alot of mythical creatures in general. Especially once people started including dragon worship or reverence in stories instead of just hunting them, and they started taking on something of a divine aspect, divine things are usually presented as immortal.
Random question of the day:

Were manipulative mentor figures (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Albus Dumbledore, et cetera) in fictional franchises always bad people or did they change?
In The King (2019), Chief Justice William gaslights King Henry into a war with France, and just gets killed for it afterwards, so not in that case (though he wasn't killed irl).
When an entire army of bads is swayed by a sappy speech, like in Shrek the Third I think it was.
No answers to yesterday's question. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Is it likely for some YouTubers to keep making their videos until they're of elderly age?
honestly, it's not super likley that they stay on youtube if they still keep producing content. the world keeps moving and new sites and ways of sharing ideas are created, because people dont stop creating

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