Other Random question of the day

Because it's my birthday today, I will be asking two questions today!

Random question of the day #1:

What are your views on word pronounciations?

Random question of the day #2:

With all the crazy stuff that has been released in popular culture over the years, should we make fan fiction into an actual genre of media?
Because it's my birthday today, I will be asking two questions today!

Random question of the day #1:

What are your views on word pronounciations?

Random question of the day #2:

With all the crazy stuff that has been released in popular culture over the years, should we make fan fiction into an actual genre of media?
Happy birthday !!!!

1) Word pronunciations are a strange thing. Sometimes a pain, BUT it does give some insight into how certian words are said in different areas, and goes into dialects, and I love that stuff because I'm super into languages as a whole.

It reminds me of the difference in how "water" is said in different US states. Where I am currently, the "wa-" part isnt pronounced any differently than how w and a are normally pronounced, but across the country in certian states like in New Jersey, it's more like "wuh-der".

2) I feel like fanfic already is a genre of media. And, at that, it's an art form from how I see things. It has its dedicated spaces, we have books wholeheartedly inspired or ripped from fanfic the author wrote, it has it's own history that goes back decades even before the websites and tools we have now, and fanfic can be an absolute ride to go through, so I'd say it solidified itself long ago.
Notice for New Members: If you're gonna answer a previously asked question, please quote the question in particular so we can avoid confusion on which question you're answering.

Notice for everyone, New Members included: Please keep debates and SilvaGunner esque nonsense conversations out of this thread. If you're not gonna answer a question, then please don't say anything.

Notice for everyone, New Members included: Don't ask your own questions in this thread. Only I get to ask questions.

Link to the discussion thread for discussion of loaded questions or questions in general: Other - Random question of the day: The Discussions

In this thread I will ask a question everyday, and you will have to answer it. So the first random question of the day is:

What do you prefer? Playstation or Xbox?
Playstation. It's what my family had when I was younger. I have only played on Xbox a handful of times
Question 0: Happy birthday!! and on turky day too!! i hope you enjoy Pie!
Question 1:as someone who cannot pronounce many words, even those in english despite being a native speaker, but as someone who is great at pronouncing words in the languages i am actualy learning.... it's a strugle man. the number of points i lost on trivia for not being able to pronounce words is rough.
Question 2: fanfiction is as valid of media as a youtube video or a blog post. obviously some things are more mainstream than others, some are shorter, some have more effort, some are just nonsensical. but all media is like that.
Random question of the day:

Is it possible that fictional characters that are happy most of the time act like that because they're trying to hide a depression?
Oh yeah 100%. I mean that's why we have edits and fanart from 6-7 years ago of the happiest fictional characters we know with "BRØKEN" or "THEY DON'T KNOW..." or something like that.

I'm also guilty of headcanoning a few characters like that BUT I'D SAY ITS WITHIN REASON,
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Is true that having preference towards writing a certain gender in stories doesn't necessarily hint at the writer being sexist?
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Is true that having preference towards writing a certain gender in stories doesn't necessarily hint at the writer being sexist?
Yeahhh I don't think having a preference makes someone sexist lol
In the same way I don't think being a gay man would somehow make you automatically sexist towards women
Preferences are preferences
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Is true that having preference towards writing a certain gender in stories doesn't necessarily hint at the writer being sexist?
Hot take, literally everyone is sexist, just to varying extents. Just one of many hints of that being true.
No answers yesterday. What a shame.

Random question of the day:

Is true that having preference towards writing a certain gender in stories doesn't necessarily hint at the writer being sexist?
I guess this could be considered sexist behavior if you're very pedantic about it, since it is a form of discrimination based on gender. Therefore, a person engaging in such behavior could be considered sexist, but since no real person is subject to it it's unproblematic. Sexism isn't bad by definition, but rather because it puts people at a disadvantage/harms them unjustly.

Just some wacky dude from San Francisco who decided he was king now and everyone just went along with it. Also, a character in an RPG setting I plan to run. Also, pretty fly for a monarch, with the whole “what if we quit racisming” idea
Not sure if I asked this one before, but...

Random question of the day:

What's the story behind your profile picture?
it was a choice between Catzilla or using the name Kaiju I grew fond of Kaiju it’s fitting for my cat. He leaves a path of destroying cables in his need for vengeance if he doesn’t get his way. No one would think a cat that likes yogurt would be so vindictive. That’s the story behind the pfp.
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