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Raising the Winchesters

Making grabby hands at his brother, Sam gurgled and hiccuped. He wanted to play with Dean again, like last time. Except for the stuffed animals, that didn't seem to make the older happy for a while.
"Oh. I apologize," the angel said as he put his baby boys down, before leaving the room to put away the items he received while shopping.

Kicking his legs happily, Sam sucked on his fingers, drool dribbling down from his mouth onto the front of his onesie.
Dean saw Sammy sucking on his fingers and frowned, picking up a pacifier and popping it into his mouth, he gently patted his brothers bottom, cooing gently.
Giggling around his pacifier at Dean patting his bottom, Sam patted a large hand against his brother's diapered bottom. It wasn't anything bad, just curiosity.
Dean blushed a bit, and smiled at his baby brother, getting onto his hands and knees and crawling over to the toy box, pulling it out and dumping the toys onto the floor.
Hearing the large abundance of toys fall to the ground, Cas smiled fondly, even though it'd take a while to pick them all up later on. Turning around, the angel also saw Gabriel continue to sleep, honey-colored hair in front of half his face. Shaking his head, Castiel continued to put away the supplies.

Squeaking at the sight of tons of things to play with, Sam quickly crawled over and grabbed a toy truck, running it across the floor, "Vvvvooommm," he babbled.
Dean giggled and picked up a little stuffed dog, hugging it close to his chest, refusing to let go. Dean was a cuddler, he loved cuddling things, especially the things that were most important to him, Sammy, Cas and even Gabriel.
Looking at his brother cuddling a stuffed dog, Sam squealed, "D-Doggie!" before going to also cuddle his brother and the stuffed dog. But, at the moment, mostly the stuffed dog. The younger went nuts around 'em.
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Dean growled at Sam, and bit him, holding the dog tightly in his arms, not wanting to share it with his brother, who'd most likely just drool on it. This was his doggy.
Screaming and wailing, tears dripping down his face, Sam held the place where Dean bit him. Why did his brother do that? All the younger wanted to do was cuddle both of them.

Hearing Sam's wails, Castiel rushed into the living room, seeing what the commotion was. Seeing Dean protectively hold a stuffed dog in his arms, and Sam crying, the angel immediately pieced everything together.

"Dean. Come over here," Cas spoke firmly.
Dean pouted, as he sat the dog down and slowly crawled over to Cas, whimpering softly. He was scared of what Cas would do to him. (Maybe Cas spanks Dean?)
(Just what I was thinking.)

"Do not be afraid, Dean. Only know that I am punishing you because it was wrong to bite your brother," the angel rumbled, before picking up his eldest, moving to a chair, and situating Dean so his bottom was in the air. Sighing, Castiel proceeded with ten quick smacks, hoping he wouldn't have to do this again.
Tears welled up in Dean's eyes, and streamed down his cheeks, as he let out a loud, sorrowful cry. Daddy had spanked him. He wonders why Daddy had to do that. A time out would've been much easier.
Exhaling a short breath, Castiel rubbed small circles along the small of Dean's back, he felt rather bad for having to spank him. But it seemed like the only way to get the eldest to know that biting was wrong. Along with not sharing.

"I am sorry, Dean. But you know that it's not right to bite your brother. You know better," the blue-eyed man mused.

Tears now gone and dried, Sam crawled over to Dean and gave him the stuffed dog from earlier, feeling bad for his brother, "S-Sowwy...Dee."
Castiel put a dab of soothing cream on his baby's bottom, before moving Dean to sit in his lap, head on his shoulder.

Feeling a bit dejected, Sam sniffled, and the younger held the stuffed doggy close to his chest.
Dean sniffled and rubbed his eyes. Calm now, the older Winchester looked down at Sammy and frowned when he saw how unhappy he looked.
Pressing a kiss to his eldest's forehead, Castiel set Dean down on the floor, facing his unhappy little brother. Coating Sam's face in butterfly kisses, the angel walked a bit away, wanting the two Winchesters to settle this on their own. It seemed best.

Looking at his brother with sad, hazel eyes, Sam cooed sadly.
Dean frowned and scooted close to Sam wrapping his arms around him, and kissing his cheek. "I srry...Sammy...wub yew..." Dean cooed sadly, as he just kept hugging his brother, ignoring the pain of his stinging bottom.
Nuzzling into his brother's shoulder, Sam kissed Dean's cheek also, "Wub ye-yew, Dee." Cooing into the older's ear, the younger Winchester cuddled Dean close.

Smiling softly at his baby boy's, Castiel walked over to Gabriel and quickly sent him someplace where he could continue sleeping. Cas could always thank him later.
Dean saw the sudden flash of light and gasped, falling onto Sammy, and crying, feeling horrible because he squished his little brother.
Once the sound of wings was gone, and Gabriel disappeared, Castiel turned around and saw Dean laying on top of Sam and crying. Hurrying over to them, and moving Dean so he sat upright, and doing the same with Sam. Wiping away the older's tears with his thumb, the angel rumbled, "Shh, Dean. It's alright. I did not mean to startle you."

Chest hurting a tad because his brother fell onto him, the younger cooed, frowning, and patted Dean's face, hoping to get him to stop crying.
Dean sniffled and smiled at Sam, giving his diaper a few pats, loving the crinkle sounds it made. Then he tunred around, allowing Sam to do the same with him.
Shaking his head fondly at his little ones, Castiel sat himself in a chair with his beloved book, and started to read once more, keeping a sharp, blue eye on the two beside him.

Patting his brother's diaper, Sam giggled and squealed at the funny crinkling sounds it made.

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