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Raising the Winchesters

Dean smiled and hugged Sam back, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He was a better babysitter than Gabriel, he just knew it.
Whistling to himself, Gabriel finished making lunch, before brushing his hands dramatically and smiling. The kitchen smelled wonderful, and getting the food set on the boys' plates, the archangel swaggered into the living room, "Hey! Food. Is. Ready!" he chimed, before picking up each Winchester in his arm and putting them in their highchairs.

Sam gurgled, hearing his tummy start to growl. He was pretty hungry.
Seeing the older Winchester glare at him, Gabriel pulled a funny face before starting to feed both of them. At first, the archangel thought this whole babysitting business would be rather hard, but he kinda liked it. Besides, the boys were adorable.

Eating the yummy food, Sam squirmed happily. Gabriel cooked better than Daddy did, who was still trying to figure out how to use a stove without setting anything on fire. Kissing his Uncle's cheek, the little one thanked him for the food. Daddy always taught him to be polite.

"D'aww. Thanks, kiddo."
Dean hated this. He actually liked Gabriel's food. A lot. He even smiled and cooed a bit, as he ate it, but everytime Gabriel looked at him, he made a sour face.
Knowing exactly that the eldest Winchester enjoyed his food, the archangel smirked, "I'll win ya over sometime, Dean-o."

Finishing his meal, Sam cooed, and patted his hands against the tray of his highchair, before giggling at Dean's sour face. The younger knew, just like Gabriel, that the older had nothing behind it.
"Okay, okay," the archangel said as he quickly cleaned the messes from the boys' faces and got them out of their highchairs, bringing them to the living room. Then, Gabriel went back into the kitchen to clean up.

Babbling, Sam crawled over to Dean and poked his tummy and diaper.
Pushing his brother down onto the floor, and crawling on top of him, Sam clumsily tickled Dean, giggling and squealing occasionally. "F-Funnny, Dee."
Dean giggled and squealed, trying to get away from Sammy's tickling hands. He had never expected Sam to do something like that.
Climbing off of his brother, the younger sucked his thumb and crawled to the stuffed animals piled in the corner. He grabbed a dog one and showed it to Dean.
Dean smiled and reached out, petting the dog gently, and then pulling it out of Sam's arms, hugging it tightly.
Grabbing a stuffed bunny, Sam also gave it to Dean. And then another. Then another. Then another. Until the older was surrounded by plushies. The younger, hazel eyes shining, clapped his hands and grinned.
Dean whimpered, trying to move the stuffed animals off him, but couldn't. He grumbled, and fussed, kicking his legs out in frustration. Where was Gabriel when he needed him?
Walking from the kitchen, then stopping when he saw the eldest Winchester surrounded by stuffed animals, and the younger grinning to himself innocently. Gabriel smiled and shook his head, before removing the toys around Dean. "Geez, kiddo. You really let your brother cover you up."

Said brother kicked his legs in giddiness and squeaked.
Dean fussed and cried, reaching for Gabriel, feeling in need of some cuddles. Maybe he was wrong about Gabe. He was a good cook, and he was nice.
Expression softening, the archangel scooped up Dean and went to the couch, cuddling the little one close. "Shhhh, hey. Uncle Gabe's here."

Seeing their babysitter and brother cuddling on the couch, Sam pouted before crawling over and pulling himself onto the couch. Cooing, the taller nuzzled his brother.
Dean yawned and leaned against Gabriel, as was being cuddled, enjoying the closeness of his uncle and little brother.
A while later, Castiel arrived, holding several bags filled with supplies. The shopping trip went well, save for a few awkward encounters with other shoppers. The angel would have to work on his "people skills." But, nonetheless, he managed to get everything he and his little ones needed.

Seeing his brother and the two Winchesters cuddling on the couch, lost in a mild slumber, the blue-eyed man smiled softly and shook his head.
Dean slowly woke up from his slumber, smiling happily when he saw that Cas had returned. He scooted over and made grabby hands at Cas, wanting to give him a hug.
Quickly placing the bags on the kitchen table, to unpack later, Castiel reached down and scooped up his eldest, "Hello, Dean. Were you and Sam well-behaved?"
Also waking from his slumber, Sam gurgled at seeing Daddy, and also made grabby hands.

Thankfully, being an angel came with copious amounts of strength, so Cas was able to hold both Winchesters in each arm. Kissing both of their cheeks, the blue-eyed man wondered why he had even left, even for something as necessary as shopping.

That left Gabriel, who was snoozing on the couch, as if he owned it. An archangel in a nutshell. Or at least this one.

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