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Active [Quang – Sienna Estate] Property for my Property - Part 2: Let me iiiiin!

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is a direct continuation of What's on Sale and will likely be followed up by a continuation of its own. It is currently limitedly open to be joined, as there would need to be a very good/working narrative reason for new characters to arrive and the group is already growing fairly large. Let me know if you're highly interested and we'll see if we can work something out.

What to expect out of character:
This part is meant to be the second part to a series (aiming for 40 to 60 days per part) with the goal of Saoirse obtaining the Estate she'd obtained (or needs to further obtain) through Wealth D (or higher depending on when gradings take place). Round-turning/narrative posts are planned every Wednesday and Sunday morning or afternoon (UTC+1), so post before then or risk being skipped.

The RP will focus on exploration and character interactions. Some combat might happen. Effectiveness system rules will be used in its 'light' version. Some dice rolls might be used to spice things up with randomness. Multiple posts for going and forth between PC's in-between narration rounds are allowed.

What to expect in character:
The RP takes place on the outskirts of [Quang], capital of the West Empire with a high emphasis on slavery and property exploration.

Saoirse Desrosiers, a bottom-rung member of the Desrosiers family of Haregon/Rabbitfolk slavers, has managed to get her paws on a supposedly 'cursed/monster-infested' estate. Now it's up to her and her trusty crew slaves to explore the mansion. The contract states that, to make it fully hers, she must figure out and resolve its 'deepest mysterious', whatever that might mean. For now, however, she'd probably need to figure out how to get in...

When joining, please let me know the following things in your first post:
1 ) Any specific achievements/goals your character would have within the overall goal of the RP, such as trying to increase standing with a certain faction or obtaining a certain item/asset. So long as it doesn't diverge too much, I'll see what I can do to include it.
2 ) Any point boosters the character might have. (Attentive Student, Mentor, Devour, Narrative Booster, etc.).
3 ) Any [Wanted] or criminal titles your character might have. (Note, some city or guild-related settings will make entry for criminals considerably more difficult and would need discussion pre-joining.)
4 ) Any Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills or Complex Assets your character might have.

Tag and character goal:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Explore her most recently bought real estate... or rather... figure out how to even get in.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Help Saoirse. | Get trained.
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Help Saoirse. | See if he can learn to re-apply and/or re-learn to use his past SCP knowledge and skills in this world.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Help Saoirse. | Prove that butlers are better servants than maids.
Teti Karcen Karcen – Help Saoirse. | Prove that maids are better servants than butlers.

OOC note: This takes place only a bit after meeting back up with Saoirse at Quang's city gates and travelling further to its outskirts to the estate that Saoirse bought, the Sienna Estate. As a result, feel free to describe some of the reactions/things said based on what they'd ran into at the end of that RP. In other words, your opening posts may bridge the travelling bit from the past RP into the arrival bit of this one.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang. Outskirts. Sienna Estate

Saoirse Desrosiers


Meeting back up with her slaves had likely not been ideal, seeing how she'd be in blood and vomit-covered clothing, some of which torn and covered in dirt on op of that. The results of her going beast-mode against the cow. That said, she felt no need to explain herself. Melia had looked at her with clear concern, but was wise enough not to speak up. Jastira had just looked at her in confusion.

Whether or not any of her other slaves decided to speak up would be up to them. The Cow would've found herself coming back to conscious with the bunny seated atop of her. Her finger would've been healed back on by Ryuuji, as Saoirse would've requested the most beastial fight-signs to be healed and hidden before the rest would arrive. That include her action of nearly biting the Cow's finger off. Saoirse had no need for others to know just how feral she'd gotten. That said, Cow's other wounds, like a broken nose and bruised neck, would still be there. She'd yet to earn back getting those healed.

She'd remain fairly silent during the trip, contemplating her life's choices, perhaps, though upon arrival at the estate she'd sigh. “Gods... I hope this place has a bath.” She sighed, she really, really wanted one. She could probably get her maid or butler to scrub her a well.

Upon arriving at the estate, she headed for what seemed to be the 'main' door. “This looks even more promising than I thought.” She stated. From where there were, there was some sort of auxiliary building to their right. In front of them was a tall, white-brick wall. Only the roof of what seemed to be a three-story (including ground floor) building could be seen towering above it. Some sort of clock-tower being its fourth-flour and most notable feature. I was clear that this estate was huge.

In front of the auxiliary building were some benches and a small fountain, although it seemed like the magic that might've once kept it running had long ran out. The water in it smelled like it'd been stale for a long while, for those with more sensitive noses. Near it, oddly enough, were what seemed to be three separate water-pumps for pumping up ground-water, which were attached to some barrels... Those with relevant skills might recognise them as a primitive type of washing 'machines' in which one would thrown dirty laundry, add water and soap, then 'churn' out the filth. Mostly use for bedding, bedsheets and other types of heavy-duty laundry. In particular, it was used for laundry with stains and filth that one couldn't easily scrub off the normal/usual way. Why there were three of them out here as another question.

That said, as Saoirse stuck the key into the gate... It just bounced off. Some sort of magical barrier prevented her from even inserting the key. Yet, well, the key also seemed like it might not have even fitted to begin with. “Really..?” She grumbled. That was a bad start. She sighed, handing the key to Fenrir, who'd be closest at the moment. “Go try the auxiliary building. Perhaps it works on that one.”

Jastira Veidi


Jastira had wandered off to look at some of the plants. “Oh, wow, look at this!” She'd call out. “They're still blooming. Perhaps they got enough rain and are just really resilient?” Compared to how abandoned some bits of the estate looked, it as indeed a bit of a standout.

That said, the weather was nice, the sun shining, pleasantly warm, a gentle breeze waving through the grass and trees. If the rabbit wasn't covered in blood and wishing for a bath in her new estate, she might've not even minded being stuck outside for a little longer. Yet, well, seeing how she was just like that, she'd look at the other slaves as well. “Perhaps some of you should check around the estate, see if there's other entrances that this key might open. Or other things that stand out in general. If the contract is to be believed, we can't just force our way in, we have to get to the bottom of the 'secrets of this place' or something to 'truly own it' if the fine print is to be believed.” She'd explain. “Oh, right, it seems the name of the place is the 'Sienna Estate', a name it's legally obligated to keep regardless of its owner. Another curiosity.”

She looked at the Cow. “By the way, Cow, whilst the rest explores, I'd rather not see you just waiting around. Have you ever heard of a burpee? Melia, show her how to do them with good form.”

Melia Hayward

“Yes ma'am!” She'd state, putting away her gear for now. First, she'd move into a squat position with her hands on the ground. Next, she'd kick her feet back into an extended plank position, while keeping hers arms extended. Then, she'd immediately return her feet into squat position. Then, she'd stand up from the squat position. All in all, it was like an advanced push-up type move.

“Good. Did you get that? If so, give me fifty of them. I want to see how dragging those weights around has affected your form.” There were two things she wanted outside of that. First was to show the Cow her training was on for real now. Secondly to see if the Cow would actually live up to her previous promises to be more obedient.

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Elvario Elvario Saoirse Desrosiers

"Nice big place that you bought boss lady. Though I would like to know where the kitchen is so I can stash the things inside before I help clean the place up." Diego said half-heartedly while holding all the groceries with one arm, as the other held his weapon, he knew he had forgotten something, a weapon carrier on his back. The building was big that much Diego could tell from a glance but for a supposed haunted mansion it was very well kept together state it that was honestly puzzling but considering that it wasn't haunted for long then who knows?

Diego was a bit concerned when Saoirse's key didn't work on the gate, with it being repelled, so wanting to test some things he placed the groceries by the fountain in sight of others he picked up some random rock from the ground and threw it over the wall, seeing as it went in, and that the wall height was jumpable by him he had a small plan.
"I'll try an alternative approach boss lady, though I do pray the repelling force isn't there, or this will be like in an episode of Tom and Jerry." Diego said snickering about his own joke before taking a nice long running start and attempting to jump over the wall surrounding the Sienna Estate though how that ended is to be determined.

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario

As Fenrir set out to gather the fur-care products, he was initially faced with an array of options—bottles, creams, and lotions, each claiming to enhance shine, soften fur, or detangle with ease. Despite his usual attentiveness, he found himself uncertain which would best suit his mistress' preferences. Fortunately, Melia, the crimson-haired swordswoman, accompanied him and discreetly pointed out the right selections. Her assistance was appreciated, even if it was a reminder that there were still aspects of his mistress' likes and dislikes he had yet to learn.

As he carefully placed the items into the basket, Melia’s unexpected question caught him off guard. "A good reason for you to be allowed to apply these lotions on our mistress?" Her request had been enough to pique Fenrir’s curiosity. He repeated her words in a low murmur, ensuring no one else could overhear. His mind raced, trying to understand her motives. The request felt strategic, a way to improve her standing among the ranks of Saoirse's servants. Perhaps, by demonstrating skill and attentiveness, she hoped to earn favor or a more trusted role.

"You look strong enough... maybe you could argue that, with your strength, a deep massage could be done in tandem with applying the products?" he suggested, his voice even as he met her gaze. The idea was simple yet effective; a strong massage could be seen as both a service and a subtle demonstration of capability. Fenrir's towering form loomed over Melia, yet he maintained a calm, steady presence, the basket firm in his right hand.

Later, as the group gathered in front of the new estate Saoirse had acquired, Fenrir’s keen eyes took in the scene before him. His mistress' appearance was disheveled, her clothes torn and marred by dirt, vomit, and blood—a sight that made his furred brows furrow with concern. Lei-Cao, usually so brash and unruly, was visibly injured, her nose crooked and her neck bruised.

Fenrir’s eyes shifted to Melia, then to Jastira, the blue-haired Fae. Neither showed any sign of surprise or concern, as if this was not an uncommon occurrence. Understanding their silence, Fenrir mirrored their composure, deciding it was not his place to question what had transpired. Perhaps there would be time to learn more about this later, if at all.

When Saoirse tried to unlock the gate with a key only for it to be rejected by the keyhole, Fenrir’s head tilted slightly, intrigued by the unusual behavior. Without hesitation, he accepted the key from her, nodding respectfully. "I will check the auxiliary building right away, mistress."

Turning on his heel, Fenrir began walking, feeling the gentle warmth of the breeze brush against his fur. It prompted him to close his eyes for a moment, savoring the sensation before continuing on his task. Taking a longer, more scenic route along the cobbled path, he allowed himself a fleeting moment to enjoy the calm, but his focus quickly returned to the task at hand. Passing by Melia, he continued until he reached the end of the path.

If there was a door at the auxiliary building, Fenrir would test the key, checking to see if it would open.

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