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Active [Wapelin Woods, Ryke-Oll's End] Oll’s End My Old Friend

Location: Oll’s End

Temperature: Cool

Time: ???

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy RavenSong RavenSong

Hasufer summoner cultist #1 found themselves getting stabbed in the back and impaled by Kalina, their whole body tensing up as they let out a soft masculine ‘nughhhh” Sound, blood coming out of them as they fell over, the summon they were trying to finish sputtering out as the magical energy left their body, and the casting circle sputtered out, which was part of the reason they had been so vulnerable.

Thankfully Kalina knew where to strike the figure to deal serious damage, they had been so focused on the summoning ritual they hadn’t even noticed her, which appeared to be a trend.

After the first one got downed, the second one let out another pained sound albeit more feminine from her E grade Precision Strike, they had been shorter than the first cultist and this one resulted in the cultist’s spine getting penetrated, their body tensing up before falling over their casting circle and summon also sputtering out.

Finally the last one looked taller and more muscular, so it was fitting that she used her strongest Precision strike of the round on this one, he grasped at the blade which was now going through his stomach, reaching out before falling back, his casting circle and summon failing as the life left his body. Kalina could tell that he had been wearing heavier armor under his cloak, which she had managed to penetrate through with relative ease.

Cultist Summoner #4 at this point looked panicked, they were more hunched over in stature in the way they stood naturally “Oh Lord Hasufer! The witch just murdered Svok, Ramel as well! Even Jez! ” They called out sounding incredibly panicked, as their concentration was broken their summon failed.

“I told you all this was a bad idea! What if she’s actually a demon herself?!” They called out again, taking out a curvy blue handled dagger which looked like it had small snowflakes circulating around the blade, and holding it in a shaky hand, looking to the others

“L-Let’s just surrender before she kills us too! I’m too young to die! I gave up too much for it all to end now!” They called out not sounding confident at all.

The other four who had been buffing themselves were immediately alerted by her presence.

“#Just what are you saying you coward?!#” Buffer Cultist #1 exclaimed, looking over to Summoner Cultist #4.

“#You swore yourself to Lord Hasufer! And you will see to it that he is resurrected, for he gave you the very power you possess! If you disrespect him this way now, he will show you his wrath for violating his contract well beyond the grave! I’ll see to it myself you are punished appropriately for your insolence!#” The figure called out with a masculine voice.

“#And Don’t you DARE believe her propaganda! Lord Hasufer is just dormant!#” Buffer Cultist #1 also threw in for good effect.

Buffer Cultist #1 then looked to the other three, “#You all, focus on me!#” Buffer Cultist #1 demanded. They had a blue icy radiating aura on them now as their robes glowed a bluish hue. What was notable about buffer Cultist #1 was that their robes looked more ornate on the edges compared to the others, with bluish golden inlays on the edges of the hood, and sleeves. In addition they had a symbol which sort of looked like a deeper blue sorrowful face on the center of their robe which was similar to the mask they wore.

They then extended their bluish gloved hand and what appeared to be a sizable one handed war club with a spiked sharp icicle like spike on the end of the rounded end composed of a deep crystalline bluish ice with a similar circulating snowflake vibe to the dagger materialized in their extended hand.

“#Yes Sir!#” Buffer Cultist #2-#4 all said in unison before they pointed their identical icy blue looking wands at Buffer Cultist #1, and they all started chanting in a strange language , streams of magical energy, hitting Buffer Cultist #1, causing the aura around them to intensify,becoming significantly larger and wider.

“#I’ll crush your skull vampire! And then I’ll finish off all the other blasphemers! Lord Hasufer will favor me in his resurrection!#”

Buffer Cultist #1 then raised their club above their head before they yelled out in the strange language, thankfully this pretty obvious gesturing and monologuing suggested to Kalina that a large-scale attack was about to head her way.

When they brought the club down, suddenly a very powerful high speed blizzardy force erupted from the ground diagonally at Kalina where the buffer Cultist #1 struck, sizable chunks of sharp ice, sub zero wind, and hail flying at her. [ Incoming x1 C Grade Magical attack,]

Bjorn looked to Fei “#If you say so, but Bjorn think that there never enough fighting! Fighting is what makes men, men! Defeating powerful opponents, basking in glory! Showing enemies never to mess with you! It is exhilarating!#”
However when Fei asked his question, Bjorn paused for a moment looking like he was thinking things through.

“#Bjorn used to live with nomadic group, before place that Zeo from formed, now group Bjorn was from part of place that Zeo from. Bjorn not see or know why that happened, but Bjorn know it did at some point, unfortunately he does not know why he does not remember.#”


“#If that made a lick of sense to you, apparently Bjorn was from some group before the East Empire became a proper unified Empire, but he does not remember what group, and I’m old but not THAT old that I’d know what group he’s part of, his armor isn’t distinct enough, all I really remember is that I was on a quest with an adventuring party and I think I got killed by a monster, but the details are pretty fuzzy, what I do remember is that it was..quite a dangerous quest, after that I’m pretty sure I ended up here like I am now…but if you’re going to ask us that, I take it you don’t mind if I ask, do you recall on the circumstances of your death and why you ended up the way you are now?#”


“#Haha! I’m much younger than those two, you see I was working on a grand project in a nation you may have heard of before called Widersia! It wasn’t founded all that long ago compared to those two. What I remember before coming here is that I had access to a good deal of money from my father! He owned many factories there, but unfortunately I got killed in an accident, you see the steam destabilized and there was an explosion! Why my family didn’t pay a skilled healer to bring me back from the grave I’m not really sure but I’m quite sure that’s why I’m here now my new boney friend!#” He’d exclaim to Fei.

Reginaldus then looked to Viokii, “Oh come now! You’re not being fun like other constructs I knew when I was flesh and blood, Pffft classified smashified, though I suppose there might be trade secrets your creators don’t want you revealing..” Reginaldus said in thought.

Zeo also looked to Viokii and nodded, “So you’re foreign made? If that’s the case I suppose I can settle with just knowing your purpose for being here, I doubt I’d understand half of what you said even if you tried to explain in detail how you were made anyway.” She’d chuckle a bit.

Bjorn just sort of tilted his head at Viokii in a confused fashion like he was trying to figure out exactly what she was saying.

Reginaldus then spoke up again,
“Well no matter, even post mortem , I still like to think of myself as a proper gentleman, who wouldn’t dream of not assisting a lady, so thankfully for you I actually do know some information about this realm since I’ve been here for quite some time!”

It seemed that Viokii’s ability helped persuade some to speak up.

“It’s mostly what I believe could be called wasteland from where I’ve walked, much of the landscape appears to largely be made up of organic matter, some in various states of decay, There do appear to be some interesting buildings and structures which are still standing, as well as plenty of ruins and bones strung about. You’ll also find a good deal of monsters here, like shadow beasts, and some most peculiar slug-like beings beneath the ground among others, of course there are other skeletons like ourselves, spirits, and undead which are in less decayed states..I don’t know if we have much of an overarching societal structure here..” Reginaldus paused, before Zeo cut in,

“All you need to know is that the social order is the survival of the fittest out here, if you’re the strongest one around you can get away with a lot more…some of these monsters as Reginauld calls them have more ordered groups and influences over certain areas of this realm but more or less are in the context of warbands, hordes, or pack structures.”

“Sometimes you can find rather..unusual flora here compared to the world that you’re from, is probably also worth mentioning.”
Zeo added in.

When the fighting started to heat up Zeo, glanced over and chuckled a bit, “Your friend..Kalina was it? She wasn’t kidding was she? She has quite the skill set on her based on what I'm seeing, she might even be able to teach me a thing or two with moves like that.”

“#Bjorn is impressed.#” Bjorn stated simply after Kalina went on her stabbing spree.

Iberis Odhir

Iberis looked a bit relieved as her familiar clarified his point, giving him a nod with a soft smile on her face. “Thanks for understanding, it’s as I told you before, I really only want to use force if it’s deemed necessary and this is definitely one of those times if they’re going to come after my friends..”

With Kalina culling a good number of the cultists, Iberis, who had been looking over at the fight nodded once more, “Hopefully if Kalina does enough damage some of the remaining ones will come to their senses and realize trying to get revenge on her and Scylla is at best a suicide mission..”

“Maybe some of them will understand like she said, they’d be better off serving the ones who killed Lord Hasufer anyway..”

She then looked to Scylla, “Oh..do you think that eye could have a use in reviving Lord Hasufer?” She sort of just spitballed the first idea that came to her mind.

“All Connected as in they have some sort of leader figure who isn’t a demon that they’re taking orders from?”

She looked a bit puzzled when Scylla was apologizing before she understood what was up. “Oh, you’re fine really, I think it’s..nice that you care so much to be honest…” She spoke the latter part sounding genuine, looking a bit bashful.

“I just..even if it meant endangering myself, I hate the idea of those people hurting you, Kalina or your friend Viokii, but with you and Kalina being so strong..I guess It stands to reason I could be a bit more goal oriented rather than worrying so much or potentially complicating things further by getting on their bad side myself..” She’d say even as she continued to glance over at the ongoing fight.

She’d then nod at what Scylla had to say on them working on exploring while the others fought.

She’d look to Fei, “What do you think..should we go on ahead and explore where Reginaldus was saying we should go checkout, or should we continue to stay on standby encase they need back up?”

When the fight got much more intense however, her eyes watched very carefully, as she had her Catalyst at the ready just encase…

Regardless of how Fei answered her, by the time that Scylla made her way over to the fight and was unleashing her slew of, fire bolts, powerful winds and electrical energy, it was just in time to help Kalina counter the supped up blizzard attack from the buffed higher ranking cultist, even at D grade, As Scylla’s unstaple elemental barrage shot forth, it would noticeably help to lessen the impact of the blizzard, fire hitting the ice, wind against wind, and lightning breaking apart chunks of ice and hail of the spell, causing a spectacle of elements interacting with one another, contrasting with the drab colors of the wasteland.

Iberis looked considerably relieved that Scylla had assisted in such a way, as she wouldn’t herself been able to get over fast enough probably she felt, had Kalina been in serious trouble.

Narrative boon:
Scylla helped to lessen the strength of the magical attack heading toward Kalina with her own magical attack, allowing Kalina to gain advantage on avoiding the spell and following up with a counter attack and or team up bonus.
Kalina Chivernu


Active titles: [Wanted (Demon Cultists)], Evolved, Abomination, Dhampir, Fae, Lune Elf, Monster, Undead, Vampire, Widersia Adventurer D, Ally of Lykra, the Champion, Critical, Blood Celebrant, Roguish, Restrained, Sister's Shattering, Fate Severer, Another Me, Expert Rogue, Apprentice Smuggler, Expert Disguise Artist, Expert Deceiver, Expert Sophist, Expert Seductress, Apprentice Survivalist, Striker, Swashbuckler, Duellist
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Fei Sisyphus Happy Sisyphus Happy

The worst part about fighting cultists? You never knew if you killed one that you might've turned into a neat follower. Kalina realised that upon killing the first three. Who knows, perhaps she'd just ruined some cute and taste ones? Right... that was probably the monster talking. “#Svok, Ramel and Jez? Fun names. Tell you what, surrender now, serve me instead and I'll see to it that they get resurrected!#” She'd chuckle. “#I've got a lovely girlfriend that should be able to resurrect them for you, fresher than ever.#” She stated, recalling Scylla's healing magic having grown rather impressive.

The idea that she was a demon made her laugh. “#Demons are old-fashioned. Dhampires is where it's at. Then again, my girlfriend's a rather hot Demon, so I gotta admit those got some good ones as well.#” Seeing how those folk got into the realm, they likely were the [Criminal] type of cultists. That'd mean she could kill them without repercussion, which was a relief. Even in this situation, she wanted to try stay [criminal] title free herself. Both for practical reasons and to prove she'd not let the [monster] win in full. “#Surrender, good plan! I like you!#” She'd chuckle. She actually meant it, rather not killing more than needed.

Perhaps it was the language, the setting or the situation, but she really felt the monster side was surfacing more and more. “#Resurrected?!? You're really going to bring back such a whimsy little snowflake? I've bitten through ice-cubes more dangerous. Come on, have some taste!#” She'd challenge them. “#If you've the need to punish those folk yourself, isn't it obvious your chilly little friend's dead for good and became powerless?#”

“#Propaganda, for fucks' sake!?!? If I were lying, would you think he'd not be after me himself? Either he's dead for real, which he is, or he'd be such a lousy ass that he got frozen stuck to his throne and can't even handle his own mess!#” She honestly didn't get cultists like this. Silly little folk.

Now something fun happened. “#Oho? We're going full-power! Let's go!!#” This should make things easier. If she could defeat him at his most buffed, the rest should surrender easily enough. “#Try me!#” She'd reply to the threat of getting her skull crushed.

Glad to have saved up her energy, she was able to counter the incoming attack at nearly full strength. She'd use [Precision Strike-Back] to counter and deflect the attack right back at its source.

Precision Strike-Back B – Fighting Style [Specialized] [Precision Strikes] B, Deflect B, Accurate B, Penetrating B, Range C, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] B, Contagion B, Energised B - Character attacks with their fighting style, ignoring speed and armour, reaching beyond normal range, continuing to deal damage and spreading to others. - Action 1 - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown

Rather than following it up with another attack, she'd use her words. “#Now that we've got that out of the way, how about you just lie down and surrender? I'd even allow one of you to run off to tell your friends that we're not worth the hassle of chasing down! The others can serve me instead! It'll be lovely!#” She'd add in some [Roguish Charm].

Roguish Charm – Seduction E, Deception E, Persuasion E, Disguise E, Energised E – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade Ee – 0 Post Cooldown

A tad more serious she'd add. “#Seriously though, I don't like pointless killing. It just makes me thirstier and makes me feel I wasted my time.#”

1 Precision Strike-Back B
2 Roguish Charm E

Be - 0/3
De – 1/1
Ee – 0/0
Fe – 0/0

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