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Active [Eastern Border of the Fae See - M’lynra Village] - One Last Push

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf
Equipped Titles: Tiny (0.2m), Fae, Fire Team Leader Mentions: Speed Speed TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Karcen Karcen Develius Develius Elvario Elvario @purpler

Leaking glittering golden essence from numerous cuts, Glim pushed herself to her feet. She bit back a scream as she tried to take flight, her broken wing beating useless against her armor. The pincer bug arrived to finish her off and she flinched, raising an arm as if the tiny appendage could ward off a crushing blow from the huge bug.

When the expected coup-de-grace did not arrive, the corporal opened an eye to see Watching of Reflection standing between her and the recoiling insect. A moment later Flare arrived, blasting the bug back with a wall of fire.

“They’re …dead?” She asked Watching, not specifying whom, but already knowing the answer. Her face crumpled with distress no matter what Watching replied. What came after was a scream of unbridled fury--a shocking change in the corporal’s formerly-tremulous attitude. ”Help. Me. Up.” She growled, her tiny teeth bared in a snarl of rage. Helped or not, the fairy would scale to the top of the stone wall sheltering them from the thrower bugs, leaving smears of sparkling golden essence on the stones--and any helping hands or other appendages.

Reaching the top of the wall, Glim summoned a shimmering clear [Barrier F] that would block missiles thrown from the town, but not obscure her vision. Forcing herself not to look at the smoking craters where her comrades had met their violent ends, she stared straight at the town. “I’m gonna burn those motherfuckers.” She said, too incensed to give orders, engage the bugs bearing down on their position or do anything besides call for a [Fire Mission B] on the town.

Action 1: Climb Wall
Action 2: [Barrier F] 4/4 HP
Action 3: [Telepathy D Flux] - Telepathy D(F) - Magic Range D(B) - Energized D

Calling for and guiding:

[Fire Mission B Flux] - Magic B(C) - Magic Range Range C(B) - Targets E - AoE E - Affinity Explosion C - Blight: Thunder E - Flare E (Hearing)
Fire Mission Arrives In 3/3 Rounds. It will strike targets visible to Glim.
Cooldowns (Glim):
C: 1/3
D: 0/1
Cooldown (Distant Support Mages):
B: 0/4

Glim brings the rain.


Irihi regarded the little ghost berating her with an unreadable expression. She wondered what nerve she had touched. Seraphina seemed especially angry--not about being deceived by Glim, but being told not to go rescue her betrayer.

Or perhaps she just doesn’t like me. Irihi thought to herself as Flare pinned her to the wall with a hot gauntleted grip on her throat and threatened to burn her alive. That was a feeling Irihi was used to engendring in others. It was a little odd, being restrained by apparently nothing, while Flare’s image made strangling motions a few feet away.

The elfwitch was a little disappointed in Flare’s threats. The last time she’d been held by the throat, her assailant had broken her neck and then clawed out her eyes. As she was released, Irihi’s hand went to her slightly-warmed neck. No, not even burn or ligature marks. Wonderful, we’re being led by yet another soft-headed, soft-hearted idiot. She thought to herself.

The sorceress did not think Seraphina had really wanted answers to why Irihi was here--more like she had simply wanted to vent some of her own pain. Well, too bad. You asked. “I follow orders.” She said calmly, as if having her throat nearly crushed by a fire elemental in a four-hundred pound suit of oven was an everyday occurance not worthy of taking any particular note. “When I don’t, bad things happen. She concluded, and one might guess--from Irihi’s tone--that she was often the one responsible for those bad things. “I follow orders, but I don’t have to like them,” she said.

So saying, she shrugged and followed the idiot order to go retrieve the wrecked corporal. Apparently her spell had failed to make Flare smarter than a fifth-grader. At least it had sparked enough creativity in the sassy ghostling to come up with that little jem about the gift of forgetting how to talk. Irihi decided she could take credit for that one, and smirked as she drifted along behind Flare and her weapon.

Unlike the others, Irihi was careful not to break cover, so she arrived fashionably late to the Glimmer party. It was not like she would have intervened, anyway.

The corporal was big mad and, though she did not speak, Irihi could tell she was calling for artillery support. Since Alpha squad was dead, she would probably get it. “You should probably take out those Throwers first.” She opined, a little belatedly, and mostly to herself.

Irihi’s last order had been to follow the squad and take out the Bug Tank. These Pincer bugs were not tanks, so she had no business with them. Instead, she found a nice big rock--screened from the snipers in the town by a hedgerow--to sit on and watch the squad attempt to deal with multiple waves of attacks while under fire. Idly, she kicked her heels against the stone and wondered about Seraphina’s ability to look past the horror of her own existence. How does a soul, trapped in a sword, having seen her siblings all murdered, think life is anything but suffering? Maybe she’d ask her, later, Irihi decided--if she lived long enough.

Irihi continues to be mostly useless.
Watching of Reflection

Ambient Vibes

Point Booster: Attentive Student
Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Titles: Beast [Mundane], Hunter, Guardian
Interaction: Irihi Irihi Karcen Karcen Develius Develius
As it rushed across the battlefield, running as fast as it could to get across the field of debris that ravaged it. Tunnel visioned on a single point. So much so it had paid no mind to the sound of the loud Almeida, whose voice it could have otherwise recognized. No, it was far more worried about the safety of Glim to make any note of such.

Yet, as it stood in front of the large abomination. Whose very size dwarfed it to such a degree that it in the dim light of the debris and its body was entirely caught up in shadow.

But it moved not an inch.

It stood resolute, its feet upon its hackles, digging into the sodden dirt filled with rocks, mud, and the blood of those who had died here.

It wouldn't move, because it would be the thing which would die here, and by no means would it be Glim.

Only turning to look at Glim for a moment.

Watching's expression was as grim as its eyes were bloodshot, filled with adrenaline. Like an animal backed into a corner, whose general awareness of all that was happening around it was so slim except for that which was a danger to it. It could grit no teeth. For it had none. It couldn't scream, for it had no mouth. Yet its anger and despair were clear as day.

Its fur was matted and grim looking, like it had been lucky to have only been signed from the explosion, dirtied by the soot and mud now caked all over it.

It barely couldn't look away as it saw the look in her eyes. Both of them locked in with one another. The unbridled scream which came from the pits of her heart as she realized how many of her closest companions she had lost this day. Before turning once more to face the bug.

Though it was tunnel visioned, fueled by adrenaline, as the heavy footfalls of Flare being to cut into the scene, and the sound of scorching flames which burned away against the creature's body approach, it would back off. Moving behind a few feet to see the creature wreathed in flames still burning away at it.

And it would not stand still, it had no time to question on what was going on. On what the creature or person of metal was, whether it was friend or foe, besides the fact they had attacked the bug. Giving it barely enough time to help the Corporal up off of the ground, before coming to full motion.

Quickly, it would grab a hold of one of the spines protruding from its tail, and in one fell motion would lunge forwards like an animal. Jumping forward toward the Pincer Bug, perhaps even grabbing a hold of it to clamber upon if it could, as it stabbed the monstrosity vaguely wherever its heart or core might be to pierce through such.


As the bone, whose head could pierce through metal and flesh, broke through the air, thrusting upwards. Resounding sharply and briefly within the moment.

1 + 2 + 3.
Spinal Lunge [Team-Up] [Combo] — Perception {F}, Tail — Watching of Reflection thrusts a spine held in its hand, stabilizing its own footing, if it extended forward in an uncomfortable position for someone who was simply bipedal through use of its tail. [Attack] [Target: Pincer Bug] (Effectiveness = Strength C (4) + Tail Spines D (3) + Ability F (1) + Combo (2) + Team-Up (Variable) = 10-11)

Regeneration — 0/6

HP: 3/3 {D grade Speed}
: 1/1 {F grade Natural Light Armor}
3/3 {D grade Natural Weapon}
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