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Active [Eastern Border of the Fae See - M’lynra Village] - One Last Push

Nearby Pincher Bugs
Bug 1 (Falling Behind Almeida and Yunaesa)
The pincer bug screeched as Watching’s spine jabbed into it. It continued to make horrible noises until it’s vitals finally gave out and it died.

Action1: Gets Stabbed (uncontested)
Action 2: Screeches
Action 3: Dies
HP: Dead

Bug 4 (Attacking Flare)

The remaining Pincer bug facing Watching, Flare, Glim, Seraphina and Irihi attacked the only visible target; the huge suit of armor containing the fire elemental. The monster bug attempted to catch an arm of the OVEN suit in its claws and crush it. It swung the opposite claw at the elemental’s helm, trying to smash it in with repeated blows.

The creature was lanced by ice, spiked by bone, sliced by steel, and broiled by a fiery fist. It’s internals pierced, cooked, and frozen, the monster expired upon the OVEN suit’s flaming fist, falling backwards, it’s legs curling with gruesome rigor around the embers of the crater Flare had made in its belly.

Action1: Pincer Attack/Counter E - Flare/Team
Action2: Pincer Attack/Counter F - Flare/Team
Action3: Pincer Atttack/Counter F (Ungraded) - Flare / Team
(STR D(3) + Pincer E(2) + Abil(E)2) + 2 combo = 9

Effective (Bug 4 V Flare, Watching, Seraphina, and Glim)
Glim: IntC4+CatD3+AbilE2= (BE(9+1combo) (+Blight: Ice E(2))
Watching: BE(8) converted to +1
Seraphina: +1
Flare: BE(6+1combo) converted to +1 (+Blight:Fire F + Continuing F)
9 V 13 (+3blight +Status:Continuing)

Bug 4:
HP: Pincer 1: 0/2, Pincer 2: 2/2, Armor E : 0/2, Vitality E HP: -1/2

Bugs 5&6
Again, both bugs massed attack on Yunaesa were defeated by a powerful hammer-blow from Valerius knocking their pincers aside. The hammer destroyed bug 6’s Pincer that Zjorn had damaged, and went on to crack the armor of the monster. The explosion of Valerite and the shockwaves of the blow completely destroyed the bug’s armor and nearly killed it then and there. It was only Almeida’s retreat to check on her friend, Watching of Reflection, that kept the bug alive.
The blinded and enervated bug 5 fared little better against Zjorn. With it’s pincer knocked aside, Yunaesa was able to dart inside it’s guard and saw into the bug’s internals. Zjorn roared and the bug screeched as guts and ichor sprayed like sawdust from a buzzsaw. The ragged cut was not quite lethal, but the bug was only just barely clinging to life as Yuna followed Almeida to join up with Watching.

Neither monster could see their adversaries. Dedicated soldier insects, they tried using their vestigal [Echolocation F], but Yuna and Almeida were beyond the surface range of the tunnel-evolved clicks and screeches. Unlike in their tunnel homes, the sounds dispersed into the distance instead of bouncing off stone walls and bringing back information about their surroundings. Confused, the two blinded bugs milled aimlessly around until their vision returned. Both bugs were heavily damaged and near death, but they could still fight.

Bugs 5:
Action1,2,3: Unable to move and nothing to attack.
Cooldowns: E 1/1 - Ready next turn, F 0/0 - Ready next turn
Bug 6:
Action1,2,3: Unable to move and nothing to attack.
Cooldowns: E 1/1 - Ready next turn, F 0/0 - Ready next turn

Alm: STR B (5) + Abil F (1) + Weap C (4) = 10
Yuna: STR E (2) + Abil F (1) + Weap F (1) = 4 (teamed +1)
9[Team-Up] - 2 [Yuna Initiative, cuz I think I shorted you a point last time] = 7 V 11
4 damage to bugs - 1 from Zjorn to Bug 5, 3 from Valerius to bug 6, plus status effects.

Bug 6 HP: Tail: 0/2, Pincer1&2: 2/2, Armor: 0/2 (Continuing 2/2 - Gone Next Round), HP 1/2 - Blinded 2/2, Enervated E 2/2 - Gone Next Round

Bug 5 HP: Tail: 2/2, Pincer 1: 0/2 (incurable F), Pincer 2: 2/2, Armor E : 0/2, Vitality E HP: 1/2 (incurable) (Continuing 1/1 - Gone Next Round) Blinded 0/1, Enervated 0/1

Town Bugs: 6 Throwers, 14 Pincers, 1 Tank

With a rippling roar the fire mage’s spellcraft arrived. Massive explosions rocked the ruins of M’lyrna with shockwaves, fireballs, and smoke bursting skyward along with fountains of dirt, masonry, and bug parts. Some of the few remaining buildings collapsed under the onslaught.

Even though the magic had been guided in by the telepathic Fae, Glim had only been able to see a few of the bugs. A line of explosions obliterated the throwers, the bursts of spellcraft tearing apart claws raised in ineffective shields, shattering armored carapaces, and blowing apart muscle and organs.

The rest of the bugs in the village had taken cover--either burying themselves in the dirt or pressing close to the walls of still-standing buildings or ruins. The bombardment fell randomly within the town, killing some while sparing others.

The Tank Bug took a direct hit from the bombardment, but the explosive magic detonated harmlessly against its armored claws and carapace.

[Fire Mission B Flux] - Magic B(C) - Magic Range Range C(B) - Targets E - AoE E - Affinity Explosion C - Blight: Thunder E - Flare E (Hearing)
Int A(6) + Magic C(4) + CatB(5) = BE:15 + 2 Blight:Thunder E + Flare E (Hearing)
X10 Targets X50’ AoE

4 Throwers (Formerly Bugs 7, 8, 9, 10) V Guided Bombardment
(Type 2 Bug V Bombardment)
BE 6 V BE 15 + Blight:Thunder E(2) + Flare E (Like it matters) + AoE E
HP: All 4 very very dead.

Type 1 Bug V Unguided Bombardment
BE 7 V BE 15 + Blight:Thunder E(2) + Flare E (Like it matters) + AoE E
HP: All very dead if hit. 16 targets available. 2D8 Roll to determine how many are hit.

Tank Bug V Guided Bombardment:
Action1: [Bunker C]: Pincer B + STR A + Abil C (Energized C) = 15
BE 15 V BE 15
HP: Pincer1: 5/5, Pincer2: 5/5, Wings: 5/5, Armor B: 5/5 Vitality A: 6/6
C(Energized):0/3 - Unavailable

2 D 8 - # of additional Bugs Destroyed

Bug 1: Killed by WoR.
Bug 4: Killed by Flare, Seraphina, WoR and Glim
Bugs 5&6: Blinded. Not moving for now.
Bugs 7,8,9,10: Killed by Artillery
Village Bugs: 10 Killed by Artillery: 3 Throwers, 7 Pincers
Tank Bug: Unharmed



From: Almeida
Mentions: Irihi Irihi | Yuna TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Purpler Giftvi Giftvi | Flare Develius Develius | Seranphina Karcen Karcen
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

“[Yeah, someone definitely said that!]” She nodded. “[Do you think that also means that more more there are the merrier merrier it gets?]” She wondered if that process could stack up or not.

“[Only one way to find out!]” She'd nod, to pin or to be pinned, that was the bedroom question.

She nodded regarding monsters. “[Let's hope it'll remain clear which ones the real monsters are so we can cut them and smash them up without worry whilst trying to just befriend the others! I like these bugs that way, it's really simple they're monsters and all that!]” She'd state, the big positive about this mission for sure.

“[Oh, thanks! You two are really smart too, especially you, as the fairy thought to put you even above me in the command chain!]” Clearly that meant Yuna was smarter, which hurt as she'd rather just be equals, but so be it.

“[Zjorns Zealful Zap!]” She added some extra alliteration. Because why not?

“[Smash 'em, mince 'em, stick 'em in a pot~]” She sang. “[Perhaps we can cook 'em, before they'll rot~]” Her lyrical genius was clearly showing.

Upon arriving at Purpler, she'd translate. “<Yuna says hi, and that is Zjorn.>” She'd introduce them. “<She's also thank you on behalf of me for letting me draw, which was neat, so thank you from me as well!>”

That reminded her... “<So why'd you make the bug scream so loudly? Why are you even here to begin with... ehm... How to get you to answer quickly. We in trouble? Yes, no? We need to fall back, yes, no? Other enemies arrived, yes, no? Ehm...Missing change, yes, no?>” She'd just spam a few yes/no questions to see which ones it'd nod or shake its head at.

And then the bombs dropped. “[Ah... I guess that's why.]” She spoke. Suddenly things made sense.

She'd move towards purpler and (probably together with purpler) close to the rest of the group.

“[Hey guys! What's up! Who did that bombing just now? That was cool!]” She'd call out. “[Does that mean the big one's dead or should we go check?]” She'd add.

Move x3
Languages: "[Terran]" "%Analog%"

Mentions: Irihi Irihi Elvario Elvario Giftvi Giftvi Develius Develius Karcen Karcen

"[Maybe if you get merry enough it unlocks ultra merry merrier!]" Yunaesa declared very insightfully, that mathed up.

"[It'd be nice if more of them would be friends! I dunno though, I don't think it's always easy to find ones that are agreeable like those last ones cause not all of them are controlled against their will, but there's probably more out there like them!, but yeah it definitely makes the job a lot easier, probably also means there'll be more jobs like this than not with how a lot of monsters tend to be]!"

"[Zjorn says thanks! and I do too, Zjorn thinks Valerius is smart too!]"

"[I mean I am pretty smart, but she probably just put me there cause she realized I've been doing some military work beforehand and it looks like she's been trying to run us more like that rather than an adventurer party which is cool with me, I mean these bugs are pretty much waging war!]"

"[Yeah Zjorn can definitely bring the zeal!]"
She said with a grin.

Before looking a bit more reflective,
"[Maybe we really will have to try cooking part of one of these things up into a soup or something! Might be nutrient dense]!" She'd giggle some.

It became apparent to Yunaesa that it might be hard for her to talk to Purpler without Almeida translating, when they spoke in the beastial language that Yunaesa still wasn't sure about. Hopefully if her creator was as much like Almeida's as she thought they were, then that'd mean she'd be able to pick up some languages too at some point and hopefully it wouldn't be too hard, she'd have to ask Almeida how she learned some of them in the future maybe.

She'd listen to the conversation even if she wasn't entirely sure what was going on, but then she heard the big booms and spun around. "[WOAH! That was pretty awesome!]"

"[Zjorn said he wants to learn how to do something like that!]"

After the realization she let out a soft sigh, "[Please Tell Purpler thanks for helping us not get blasted!]" She said turning to Almeida.

Yunaesa then followed back toward the group with Almeida, leveraging Fast F for one move action.

She'd listen to see if anyone would answer Almeida's question, wondering if whoever did it could maybe teach her and Zjorn how

1. Move with Fast F, following Almeida (And probably purpler)
2. Move
Languages common, Terran

It seemed that Glim got what she was saying and that they needed to talk. If Glim had decided to ignore what she was saying then she would have just told everyone her theory. The bugs seemed to battered and bruised for now and Seraphina suspected the whole operation was fucked, they likely should just retreat and let these bugs have this village till they could be cleaned out latter. There couldn't be that many and it wasn't like the tank bug would be making more. this was a fixed number of bugs which honestly was likely more than they suspected because why would an army this incompetent had good intel when even good armies got bad intel.

when everyone was back including the two who wouldn't understand anything Seraphina turned her illusion just into her ghostly form. her arms were crossed and she wore a frown though she wasn't quite sure who to focus on, but ended up mostly on Glim as well the witch didn't feel guilt for this she had likely retreated to orders and being a tool to avoid these things. " So then Glim explain as i doubt you want me to explain what i think your people are doing with their pet death mage and us " She almost commanded as right now there wasn't to much the fairy could do, she was tired, battered, and beaten, and out numbered. Glim would either explain a hopefully less fucked up plan than Seraphina thought was going on.

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