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Active [Eastern Border of the Fae See - M’lynra Village] - One Last Push

Mage of the Fae See
The mage of the Fae See pondered Grubble’s reaction as the group prepared to march, contemplating just what it was about the ridiculous spindle-legged thick-armed man that so intrigued her. He was no TonDen--with it’s brilliant but slow mind, cooly analyzing its surroundings with the slow revolutions of its crystalline thoughts--that much was certain. Neither was he like Bruce, the endearing but mindless mindless murder machine of razored fins and flesh-rending teeth. No, Grubble was a different kind of monster; one made by accident; by the pure and cruel thoughtlessness of a child.
He was also kind of dumb and thought she was “weird.”
What would a bolster to his intelligence yield? She wondered. The mage was not in the habit of aiding others, but would making Grubble more acutely aware of the inescapable horror of his existence really be an aid? Well, of course it would.

As the party moved out and she trailed her escorts, the mage of the Fae See was approached by several of them, the first being the hammer-weilder, speaking that modern perversion of the true language that the benighted elves and other Fae of this land tended to use. Irihi could understand it well enough, though she usually pretended she could not. {{“Why thank you, dearheart.”}} The mage replied to Almeida in somewhat-intelligible proto-Sylvan. She could understand especially well, when what was being said was a compliment. Not so much with questions or misapprehensions.

As they passed through the depths of the wild wood, the astral projection of the sword of the armored fire elemental wafted back to drift by her side. She was an impudent little spirit, asking the mage for a scrying, of sorts. The hooded figure stopped, turning her head until cowl-shadowed pale violet eyes took in all of Seraphina. “Do you really want to know?” the mage rejoined. She noted that Flare had likewise dropped back and now loomed over the two of them, ostensibly to protect the spirit of her weapon. A wise move. The mage thought. They make a cute couple, but that would not have stopped me consuming her soul, once upon a time.

That once upon a time was not now, however. Her powers were at ebb, and she was much reduced. Mortals did not cower and grovel in fear, or snuff their matchstick lives out against her monolith power. Ghosts no longer fled her presence, shrieking in terror. It was peaceful, this world; a sabbatical from the maelstrom of her atrocities.

”Very well. So, a scrying. Well, why not? It was better entertainment than traipsing silently to their doom. The mage leaned her scythe against her shoulder and made a “come hither” gesture with one ruby-nailed hand.

A common woodland sparrow flitted, still chirping its morning song, down from the trees, landing in her palm. It twittered, fluffed its little feathers, and hopped to-and-fro on the mage’s pale hand.

Abruptly, her wickedly thin fingers closed about the creature and she flung it violently against the iron-hard trunk of an oak tree. With a cut-off squawk, the sparrow exploded like a tiny feathery grenade, most of it’s flesh and bones consumed in a burst of witchcraft.

Straightening her robes, the sorceress turned to examine the position and orientation of the few wingbones, bits of skull, feathers, and entrails that had survived being consumed by the blast of mana with which she had imbued the slaughtered bird. As these fated shards of the tiny taken life dripped down the rough bark, she divined what she could from the minor sacrifice. “I cannot see a future for you, dearheart,” she murmured, lost in the scrying, and not liking what she found there. “...only what you are, and what you were.”

The mage’s jaw tightened. Seraphina was not, and could never be, one of the witch’s beloved monsters. She was too close to what the mage, herself, was. “Just another flawed weapon, forged by a lust for power,” she sighed. There were towers of silver and glass--that rivaled even the glory of Karas O’ormel--in this one’s past. But in that shining world she had lived a life of lies and betrayal that those who had forged her had tried--and failed--to erase. The blood was already congealing and the casting became murky before she could divine much. Far greater sacrifice was required for a true scrying.

”Death is a doorway,” the mage intoned. “Forgetting is a gift.” She added. “There is much you have forgotten, little one. I would tell you to thank those who forged you; they tried as best they could, to scour the memories from you with fire--yet some remain. The steel in your heart is tainted by the impurities of them…”

The mage turned her baleful gaze upward, to the glowing grate of Flare’s suit. “Be careful how you wield this one; she is more fragile than she seems, and you could shatter her.” She warned.

Her attention returned to the image of Seraphina. “I would tell you to thank them--your makers--but they murdered you and your loved ones, and that forebears absolution.” The mage had unshouldered her scythe. Now her fingers tightened upon it. “Their deaths were not good; it could not have been easy for you to witness them--slowly disappearing down in that silent darkness.” The mage’s jaw tightened. She hated this. This was why she should not do readings for mortals. When the fog of malice parted, and she remembered empathy, it… hurt. “Forgetting is a gift. I wish I could grant it to you.” She said, for once meaning every word, before the stormclouds of ire again obscured her few pinprick stars of humanity.

“Perhaps with greater sacrifice; the eyes--or maybe the heart--of your fiery companion, I could do more for you.” The mage turned away from Seraphina. “But I will not scry you again.” She said, walking on.

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf

Equipped Titles: Tiny (0.2m), Fae, Fire Team LeaderMentions: Speed Speed TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Karcen Karcen Develius Develius Elvario Elvario

Glim let out a sob at Grubble’s words. The heartfelt comfort he was trying to offer her just about broke her tiny heart. She could barely keep flying, knowing what she knew. I can’t do this to him… to them! But she had to. There was no choice. Oh, they could lose M’lyrna to the bugs; let this minor strategic intersection fall. But the whole front was failing; was in danger of collapse.

If this mission failed, it would not lose the war, but if the company to the north likewise folded, and the fort to the south could not hold out, then these pinprick leaks in the dike would become an unstoppable torrent, and the horrors--the ones that glassed Glim’s empty gaze when she sat alone by herself--would flood into the See and consume everything.

Glim took a deep breath and put a tiny hand on the huge purple shoulder again. ”T-thanks, Grubble. You are helping me be brave,” she said. The corporal came to a decision. ”I would like to be your friend, if that’s okay with you,” she requested. I think I can open the portal wide enough for him. she thought to herself. ”I want you to promise me something, Grubble; no matter what you see, or hear, or what’s happening around us; I need you to stay with me.” She paused. ”I know this sounds like the job I gave you earlier, but I mean it, Grubble; things might get… confusing. Just… wherever I go, you have to come too, okay?” She requested.

And then fucking ghost girl was playing ouija with their mage. At least the annoyance Glim felt supplanted the miniscule knot of dread in the pit of her stomach. As the remains of the unfortunate bird dribbled onto the roots of the old growth tree, Glim flitted over. “Guys, she’s not a fire mage, she’s not a mystic or a fucking palm-reader. She our tank-buster.” The fairy called to the group at large. ”And… I’m going to strongly suggest that you all avoid talking to her any more than is absolutely necessary.”

The corporal turned toward the robed mage. ”Private, I’m going to remind you of you’re one job here--”

“I’m well-aware, Corporal; cannon fodder, just like everyone else.” The mage cut her off.

Glim blanched, her fairy sparkles fading like a dimmed lamp before she opened her mouth to issue a rejoinder.

Bug Outer Pickets
And, abruptly, the squad was in it. Something, perhaps a footfall from the woman walking point, maybe the argument between corporal and private, maybe at an unseen signal that had nothing to do with Fae, construct, or human, two Pincher Bugs and one Thrower erupted from the leaves and forest detritus where they had burrowed. The Pincers were close, the Thrower more distant. Each Pincer Bug chose a different target from the two leaders, while the Thrower took aim at the point woman.

One Pincher bug rushed Almedia, forward claws snapping. It aimed for her legs in an attempt to knock her to the ground with a [Pincer Attack E].

The Thrower Bug used its flexible tail to grab--not dung but--a rock from the forest floor. The rock was more deeply buried than the bug had anticipated, and it took some tugging to pull it free. It then flung the stone at Almedia with the impressive force of a [Ranged Attack C].

The second Pincher bug split from its companion and charged Yunaesa. It stopped short of the chainsaw-weilding skirmisher, arching it’s back to give more range to the poison-barbed tail. The tail lashed forward, aiming to deliver a damaging sting from above to Yunaesa’s head or shoulders.


The Fae See mage, the squad is escorting, thanks Almedia for her “compliment” then gruesomly sacrifices a sparrow to divine Seraphina’s past.

Glim feels better (or maybe worse) when Grubble reassures her. She suggests the others not interact with their tankbuster mage.


BUG 1 - Charges and Attacks Almedia with pinchers

Action 1: Unbury
Action2: Charge toward Almedia (move 30 feet) - now within melee range
Action3: Pincher Attack E - Almedia
Cooldowns: E 0/1

BUG 2 - Attacks Almedia with a rock
Action 1: Unbury (30 feet from Almedia, 50 feet from Yunaesa)
Action2: Dig out a rock.
Action3: Ranged Attack C - Almedia
Cooldowns: C 0/4

BUG 3 - Charges toward Yunaesa
Action 1: Unbury
Action2: Charge toward Yunaesa (move 30’)
Action3: Charge toward Yunaesa (move 20’) - now within melee range.
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From: Almeida
Mentions: Irihi Irihi | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Flare Develius Develius | Yuna TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

“[Oh, that'd mean you'd get to command me!]” She realised, when Yuna stressed she was third. That was a weird thought. As for the potential shit throwing and acid... “[Otherwise we'd need yet another bathhouse! I wonder if they have those here.]”

She'd nod sagely. “[We should find a bug-cookbook.]” That should help getting preparing them well. “[An anti-poison bug-cookbook.]” She added after the next consideration.

“{Sticks and stones are horrible weapons. Nothing like Valerius or Zjorn or your cool armour.}” She'd agree with Flare.

She titled her head, as she'd barely gotten the basics of Sylvan down and now barely understood a word all over. “{Thank you...? You're welcome {{dearheart}}!}” She just tried echoing the same word back in the same manner, hoping that was enough to be polite or nice, or something similar enough.

Yawning as the mage was talking lots and lots in a language she didn't get, apparently killing birds for no reason at all, she'd look the others. She titled her head at the tiny fairly calling out angrily. “{What's her problem?}” She asked Flare.

“[Oh, rock smash-back time!]” She would call out, upon the arrival of the enemy bugs. Considering the two bugs seemed to be teaming up, with one trying to pinch attack her from below and another throwing a rock at her from above, she figured the beast way to deal with them was by hitting it all back big-time. “{HAMMER TIME!}”

Full-On-Hammering E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Deflect E, Enervation E, Flare (Sight) E - Grade E – 3 actions – 1 post Cooldown.

She'd swing vertically as to hit the incoming bug and rock alike, deflecting the rock back to its owner whilst hopefully crushing the other one coming at her with its pinchers.

1/2/3 Full-On-Hammering E

E - 0/1
Languages common, Terran

None of that was what Seraphina wanted to hear or wanted anyone else to hear. She had been telling half truths to avoid it and glossed over thongs to keep those memories in the background. The only good thing was that the illusion of what had likely been her human form was controlled by her. The face didn't move unless she willed it as magic should be. That way the anger,the shock, the sadness, none of it showed on the spectral form. Still she disagreed with the spooky mage about one thing forgetting was not a mercy it was a curse. All those lost to rust only went on in her memory and all those before during her lives had been taken. You might feel a bit better not having sad memories but the good sustained you and if you had none you would crave to know what you lost. Forgetting was no mercy when you lingered on the world.

" I'll find those myself, as you and I see mercy differently " Seraphina stated with a huff before the illusion vanished putting an end to any conversation.

Then came the bug attack, luckly nothing seemed to be heading towards flare so Seraphina with the calm afforded to her thanks to her nit worrying about the actual fighting could think about the best thing to do. Flare didn't need to scare the bugs and the bugs weren't right on her now. That was both a relief and a frustration as Seraphina wanted to vent her rage upon a bug or two. For now however, she needed to be defensive. She decided on a plan and used [ projection group E ] to create an image of seraphina and herself about 2 ir 3 feet fron where they stood while the real pair were made unseen by the illusion. Though it was still a weak illusion and Seraphina had no clue if it would fool bugs.


1 use projection group E to hide flare and herself and create a fake version of then feet from where they actully are.
Elvario Elvario Irihi Irihi

"[Huh I guess that does mean I'd get to command you! But let's not lose that many people so that needs to happen, we're gonna destroy those bad bugs instead!]" Yunaesa declared confidently.

"[If we can find a bathhouse guess it means we could check another off the list, since we talked about checking out ones around all over.]"

"[Ooooh a bug cookbook I bet those exist! You know I haven't cooked a lot of stuff before except for really basic things but I think It'd be pretty fun to try something more complicated sometime, maybe we could learn about different kinds of bug meat and parts and learn how to best cook them! Yeah the anti poison part sounds pretty important, or at least learning how to neutralize that kinda thing.]"
Yunaesa grinned at the prospect, not put off at all at the idea of preparing or eating bugs from the sounds of things. Meat was meat after all.

Yunaesa was equally confused by what the mage was talking about since she didn't understand any of it, it just sounded like gargled nonsense.
"[Haha Yeah we got the firepower to overpower them!]" She'd say in agreement with Almeida about their superior weapon options.

Yunaesa would sort of zone out at the point there was more talking she didn't understand, instead focusing on the surroundings and on their mission, so when the bugs finally did arrive she was pretty well ready, calling on her if albeit brief military experience.

"[Skirmishing Time! Me and Zjorn got this one!]" She'd call out before counter attacking the tail attack with

Zjorn's Zinger F - [Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.

She would attempt to severe the tail, before moving in and following up with two basic strikes, "Zjorn" buzzing with magical energy the chainsaw moving rapidly as it made contact with the bugs.

1. Counter bug Tail attack with, Zjorn's Zinger F - [Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
2. Basic attack bug with E Strength + F Weapon
3. Basic attack bug with E Strength + F Weapon.
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Grubble Rumpfuzzle

Titles: Human, Attentive Student [Grade E]
Languages: Common, [Terran]
Grubble kept his eyes on the path ahead, his thoughts lingering on what he’d just said to Glim. He didn’t notice her reaction at first, but when he felt her tiny hand on his shoulder, a soft warmth spread through him. That touch told him all he needed to know.

"Grubble right," he mumbled to himself, a slow grin creeping across his wide face.

When Glim responded, asking him something about being friends, Grubble blinked in confusion. His brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of it. "Huh? We already friends. What you mean?" He scratched his head, not understanding why a friend would ask to be friends again. But he didn’t dwell on it. If Glim wanted to hear him say it again, he didn’t mind. He shrugged his big shoulders and gave her a thumbs up.

"Yup, Grubble stay with Glim."

He felt good about that. Saying things twice didn’t bother him none, especially if it made Glim happy. When she started talking to the others, Grubble tuned out and focused back on the road. It wasn’t his conversation, and there were a lot of words he probably wouldn’t get anyway. He didn’t mind; he liked focusing on the dirt under his feet and watching the bugs skitter away when they heard him coming.

But then, out of nowhere, the quiet woods erupted into chaos. Grubble saw three large insects bursting from the trees. Two of them charged right at the group, their legs clicking loudly, while a third loomed in the rear, twitching its antennae like it was waiting for something.

Grubble tensed, his instincts kicking in. Without a second thought, he bent down, took off one of his shoes, and held it in his hand like a weapon. He glanced at Glim, mumbling under his breath, "Stay close, Glim," before turning back to face the bugs.

With a deep breath, Grubble puffed out his chest, his muscles flexing under his purple skin. He let out a low, rumbling growl that grew into a full-blown roar. His fangs bared, his shoe held up like a small makeshift club, he glared at the approaching insects.

"Grrrrrr! Shooooo!" he bellowed, stomping one foot for extra effect. He waved his shoe menacingly, hoping to scare the creatures off. "Grubble smash y’all good!"

He couldn’t tell if his roar made the bugs think twice, but they weren’t coming at him or Glim. Still, he kept his guard up, shoe in hand, ready to smack anything that came too close. "Grubble ready!" he mumbled to himself. "Shoe always work."

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