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Active [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) (N)ice to meet you again.



"Common" "<Beastial>" "%Analog%"

"Oh, I see... it was indeed a long while ago." Glacier would state; he was curious about what Hestia meant by a stir, but he decided to ask later.

"I was not planning to stay for that long... yet, perhaps I will, as I have no particular reason not to." Glacier gave the closest approximation to a shrug he could. Being able to do whatever he wanted was a great benefit of an unscheduled, unguided journey, even if it wasn't always great. "What is Amika doing... in her travel to Sootspire?"

At hearing Hestia's comment on the baroness' name, Glacier froze, his minutiae body movements coming to a halt. Taking a moment, he replayed what he'd just said in his mind, before his ears folded back. "I am sorry for my mistake... it seems that I have forgotten how to properly address Miss Caelia." He firmly shook his head, evidently taking this very seriously. "Since my breakthrough... perhaps I have grown too careless in my demeanor..." Glacier thought aloud, thinking back on his current visit to Stonewall thus far.

Turning his thoughts to his first days in the world, Glacier tilted his head in contemplation. "I may have seen one or two... but I would not know, as I did not stay in the mountains for long, given the danger." While it may have been his "birthplace" so to speak, it certainly wasn't his home. Well, yet, at least. "However... I do intend to return there, in the future."

As a new individual entered the room, Glacier turned to the man, his head tilted. "Greetings, sir..." After a moment of consideration, he continued. "I do not believe I have met you before... I am Glacier; may I ask of your name?"
Tag and character goal:
Voider Voider Glacier – Help Inola make shaved ice. | Train/talk again with Ethel.

The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


She would chuckle when Glacier mentioned he might stay long. “The barony certainly has enough charms to make you want to stick around, no?” She'd check a board at the back of the tavern. “We've got a fair few rooms open for the foreseeable future, if you want to rent one.”

“Amika? Oh, her father lives in Sootspire.” She stated, though by the sound of her voice and her choice of words, it wasn't exactly her favourite topic. She was quick to change it with the mention of the baroness. Seeing the ice fox freeze was a fun sight though. “Lady Caelia, madam Baroness or Baroness Caelia would be the most common ones.” She'd gently correct him. “Though you've nothing to worry, she's not the type to get insulted or rip someone's tongue out for being addressed improperly.”

She was a tad shocked upon hearing his planed return to the Paizu mountains. “That would certainly be a brave endeavour.” She noted. “Please, do be careful when you return.”

Ezekiel Hayward

He hadn't intended to interrupt anyone, though when he was addressed first, he'd gladly reply. “Eziekel Hayward. Better known as Guard Captain Hayward, or just Guard Captain.” He'd introduce himself. He looked ready to shake hands for a second, but withdrew. It'd be too awkward to make Glacier 'give a paw' he figured.

“Glacier? You certainly honour your name. It sounds faintly familiar... Might you be 'thee spirith of iceth thath hath encourageth me and mineth' perhaps?” He stated, mimicking a certain someone's manner of speech.

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