Put A Name To A Face! (Picture Thread)

So, I guess I can label myself as a new member! Woo!

Selfie from Photography III. Cleavage and lots of it.

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Friend took this one. No, I have no idea why I'm walking towards corn. Don't ask. I'm short. In case you couldn't tell.

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I didnt know where to put this so.. xD


if you recognize her you're old like me.
you never know. She might actually be that girl. You both are pretty *droolzzZz*
I am probably the one who posts so much on this thread. xD

just me and my baby brother. (believe it or not.) :)

I'm new but want to get to know some people on here that I can RP with xD


From left to right: Me, Carley, Faith (my besties (: )
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That's me, my wife, and my little girl

My name is David Murphy, I'm 24, my wife is 20 the little one is 18months

We all live in Irvine, KY

The wife is in School I'm Going back after she gets out

I get Very few Chances to RP so Hopefully I can here...

Me and my wife our Gamers, Me more than my wife but she still plays

SWTOR, WOW, Portal 2, and other multiplayer games with me

Hopefully ill make some good friends here bc most of my Real world Friends

jump ship when the baby came lol....and we are expecting another...a lil boy and then

We aren't having anymore....She is studying Clinical Physcology, me Journalism and New media.

might change that to become a chef I love to cook lol ....

Peace Dave

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