Put A Name To A Face! (Picture Thread)

I feel sort of.. Late... Oh well! xD I'm Joelle (:



I think finding a photo of me NOT pulling a face is impossible.

When I had blue hair (it turned into a mullet hawk and ergo the worst thing in the world).

View attachment 4505

What am I trying to achieve here? Also the sides of my head need shaving.

View attachment 4506

If you can explain this, well done.

View attachment 4507

My face is hideously naturally round. Everyone thinks I'm a girl because of it (also, because I'm a shortass).
Disclaimer: The following text should not be taken seriously in any way. It's intended to be humorous. And stupid. :8D:

Mr. Grin's Guide to Posting Amazing Internet Pictures

Step 1: A Snazzy Hat

This step is pretty basic, but greatly important. Because, really, who doesn't love a hat? Even Hitler loved hats and he hated EVERYTHING.

Step 2: A Pipe

Hot damn. Did you just hear that? Yeah, that was the sound of it getting fancy as f@#k in here. Even if it's unlit and unpacked, a tobacco pipe makes every picture look sophisticated.

Step 3: The Beard/Any Type of Facial Hair, Really

Are you male? Do you have facial hair? No? Well, stop it. No matter where people see your picture (online or IRL), if you have any type of facial hair, you'll have to beat people away with a yardstick.

Are you female? Perhaps can't grow a decent beard? Photoshop one in. It might look goofy to you, but people will be far too busy praising you for being awesome to notice it's fake.

Step 4: The Expression

Facial expression in any picture is important. However, when posting the BEST pictures online, I like to try and walk the line between a normal smile and grinning like a psychopath.

The Result?


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