Put A Name To A Face! (Picture Thread)


I should add 'and cuteness' too. *Takes Esme and adopts her because she's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kawaaaaaii*
More Me!!!!!!!

1. My younger sisters wedding (picture is with my sisters-in-law).

2. My younger sisters wedding with my youngest sister.

3. My girlfriend won't let me have my motorcycle back so I will embarasse her each chance I get.

4. Riding in my convertible! Sunny Florida!
Not that you all want to see my whiteness. but eh what the hell. I just put it as my profile pic on facebook, figured i may as well show it off here.


Yay for working at walmart right?
Kaine said:
Not that you all want to see my whiteness. but eh what the hell. I just put it as my profile pic on facebook, figured i may as well show it off here.

Yay for working at walmart right?

Typical facebook picture! I HATE YOU FOR THAT! hahaha
I've seen you before! 8'DD

And you ain't bed to look at.

Nice tat too (tat too - tattoo :8D: ), the back is one of my favorite parts of the body >83

Found some nice music out of these too xDD
Well, I recently got my Grad picture....


...Stupid hat doubling the size of my already big head... stupid B[
Aw, what a cute lil' Lyric, showin' his face and everything x3

This looks a lot like your MSN pichur.

Jeez, give us a little variety why dontcha? B[

*already commented on Kagu's pic over MSN*

What a bighead, right guys? :8D:



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