Put A Name To A Face! (Picture Thread)

So I figured I should post a photo of myself.

Nothing new really, just me and my manly self.

I'm thinking of doing a different stache... what do you guys think?

hehe heres me in an awesome retro shop with twenty pounds of dead animal fur on me(and three weasels around my neck...soooo heavy and of course on a day that is like 85 degrees...) *Plus meh super coolio aviators!* B3

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Dread...are you wearing eyeliner in that very first picture of you =.=!!

On the top of the page...

Also. lol, Fhaux.

your gender will never stop confusing me.
Khirina said:
*ponders* Hmm....eh why not *shrugs*

So this is me at Halloween last year! ^.^ I made this costume with my mom so I'm really proud of it. I'll give out a virtual cookie if you know who I'm portraying!


This one's kinda big but this is me eating the Epic Snowcone of Epicness! It was my treat for climbing all the way to the top of Diamonhead in Hawaii last year
:D It was epic @.@[/color]
sexy cosplay!! *GRRRROWL!!*
Esme said:
Holy Batman! An Esme[/url]
As an added treat


So you can hunt down the names...
So I glared at the second pic looking for my name for like 5 minutes & gave up... I then noticed "phew esme posted a second one! This time a close up!" Still.... Not able to find my name.

Sad face!

Edit: Thanks for setting me straight all! I was looking for "GgAcE' but I am under "ace" got it now ^_-
I would post a link to mine again, but I've since had problems with creepers saving it to their computers on another site ._. No more picture sharing for me D:

But here's a sexeh doodle someone made for me. Credit to Felly, who isn't on this site, BTW :/


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