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Fantasy Protectors

"Almost everyone," Tig replied moveing closer to him. "We should work together," she said watching Selene and Kydlin carefully.
Hunter gave a good humored smile. "It just depends on who you're mentor is. We're running low on mentors right now, but I'm sure we could find you one. One that could 'Keep up with you'" he said. 

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Alex sighed as they came to a halt in front of his dorm. 

"So what now?" He asked as he did some cool down stretches "Shouldn't i be with the other recruits?"

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"Yeah, I need to make up for last time we went when you obliterated me on DDR," Nonie added, frowning at the memory. "...Anyway, does anyone know how to get to the forest from here?"

Rene followed everyone else's example and backed up too, still stood next to Azure.

"I'll cover you until you can get your powers to work, okay?" He said, "Counting on you to get them to work fast or we'll both get our asses kicked!"

He'd never really seen Kydlin use her power before, but he knew he did not want to get hit by Selene.
"I....t's," Mina spun around, looking down both directions of the street and glancing over the signs of the ones leading off it, before pointing in one of the directions. "It's that way, I think." She pressed her lips together in a frown, then purposely made her face impassive and nodded. "Yeah it's that way." She said with more confidence than she had, looking back at the others and hoping that they agreed with her.

As Rene spoke, Azure had already started concentrating. He knew that some kind of shield would be best against Selene's super strength, but he was semi-sure that Kydlin's whips could cut through almost anything. He glanced at Rene.

"Oh my god thank you." It all came out as one word, almost inaudible. That was half because of his concentration, half because he was thankful to Rene that he wouldn't die that day. 

"You start when you want to," Selene called to the trainees, raising her arms and her eyes jumping between them all, ready for whoever charged first.

@Camelot @Tohoak @NathanPanache

Kydlin stepped to the other side of the apprentices. She dieceded that unless she needed to she wouldn't use her whips. "Don't keep us waiting," she said smiling. 

Tig looked at each of them warily. She felt the shadows gathering in her hand in to a solid. Looking diwn she saw it had formed a shield. Great. Of all things a sheild. She started toward Selene. They had to fight sometime or later. She flicked her arms upwards sending the sheild towards Selene's face in distraction as she used her free hand to try and hit Selene side.


Hunter eased his breathing and nodded as they stopped. "You should. Their right over there," he said motioning over to where Selene and Kydlin stood ready to fight the apprentices. "Come on, we can go over and join them," he said leading the way.
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Alex followed Hunter, making sure to stay behind his new boss as they made there way over to the motley crew of apprentices. As he approached the group he did his usual scan, he glanced from one person to another keeping his eyes open for any sudden movement.

Hunter stopped a little way away from the group and motioned for Alex to do the same. "Once their done fighting I'll introduce you all. I you want you can join them. Its just a friendly mentor apprentice fight," he said watching Tohoak attack Selene. His eyes flickered over to Kydlin who was thrown upward. A sense of protectiveness came over him and it was all he could do to keep from helping her. 


Kydlin made a sound of suprise, but quickly acted. It was time to use her whips. Suddenly she was holding electric whips and fighting against Alec's power she flicked her wrist toward him. The whip hit the ground directly in front of him flashing in front of his eyes and blinding him for a moment. She landed on the gound in a crouch and did a somersault over to Alec. It would be harder for him to use his power in such close courters so he would have to rely on his combat skills. She brought her fist toward his side not useing her ful strength in case Alec failed to block it.

Selene hit the shield away with one hand, blocking Tig's punch with the other. She'd have to try better than the bait and switch. She swiped a foot at Tig's knees, still holding her wrist in an iron grip and threw the girl away, using as much force as she dare. It wasn't enough to tell them not to seriously hurt anyone if she was going to. Azure dove to the side, catching Tig and stumbling back a little himself. He still hadn't managed to summon anything yet, so until he found a way to do that, he decided to focus on keeping his teammates safe.

"Keep us guessing, no cliche moves," Selene told them, sidestepping so she could keep her eyes on Alec and Kydlin too.

@Tohoak @Camelot @NathanPanache

"Thanks!" Tig said gratefully to Azure. Her shield had vanished. "Any ideas on how to beat them?" She asked him looking at Selene warily.
Harlow nodded at the others comments and started skipping along towards the shortcut, turning back in twirls every so often to check the others were following him. Ah, what a wonderful life they lived. They were going to the arcade and he and Nonie could dance and dance and dance until he won (maybe). Happy days.

Soon, he was in the forest. He had stopped skipping now as it was too dangerous, the path was all clogged up with twigs and stuff, skipping would surely get him hurt. He spun around one last time to look at Nonie and Mina behind him beneath the green tinted sun rays.
Hazley returns from his holiday in the Bahamas and flies back to his tree fort. With a warm welcome from his dog and a crisp pre-apocalypse newspaper under his arm, he steps out on his balcony and takes a deep breath. "I wonder where that group of kids got to...", he looks into the distance and notices that the bridge he used to love so much, had been destroyed! "what monster has done this?" he exclaims, reminiscing about the good old days on which he used to go on short walks over the bridge. With a firm grip on his pernicious walking stick, he drops his paper and takes flight, with a turbulent need for some answers...
Azure glanced around, looking for something to use to distract them. He couldn't see anything to use, then he saw the baseballs that he and Rene had been using for practise. A lightbulb lit up above his head, and he semi-smiled, looking to Rene. There was no time for whispers, so he could only hope that Rene acted fast and the mentors didn't.

"Rene! Flashbang!" He called to him, stepping back and moving to cover his eyes so he wouldn't be blinded too.

@Camelot @Tohoak

Mina walked along behind Harlow as they walked through the forest, her music blasting into her ears, though not so loudly that she couldn't hear her surroundings. As they walked, she felt a buzz in her pocket, so she fished out her phone, pausing her music and checking the notifications. She had a new text. Checking the text, she stopped walking, then let out a screech of excitement, her hand moving to cover her mouth.

@TyTydaDog @Tohoak
Alex watched the other apprentices duke it out with the teacher. As he wasn't prepared for it, he watched as a little blue haired...boy maybe? He watched as he broke away from the group slightly and reached for something. It took him a moment before he realised he was reaching for a baseball. As he picked it up the boy yelled something about a flashback.

"Baseball" Alex responded as that's what he had, not a flashbang, but it was too late. There was a bright flash and Alex stumbled backwards, falling over into the grass.
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(I know Rene hasn't said he made it a flashbang yet, but lets just say he did....sorry...) @Camelot

Kydlin felt her fist connect with Alec's side as there was a bright flash and a loud bang. Flashbang. She dimly registered someone yell that. She blinded and defenseless for a moment. A clever move on the apprentices behalf. @NathanPanache @SecretRock 

Tig had just enough time to sheild her eyes. She was grinning. It was a brillant idea! She reminded herself that she would have to commplement Azure and Rene later. @SecretRock

Hunter flinched at the bright light and stumbled backwards sheilding his eyes. He almost fell but was able to caught himself. His eyes burned slightly, but after blinking several times he could see proprly again. He saw Alex had fallen onto the ground and extened a hand to the boy. "You okay?" He asked. @Blacknife
(It's fine, just pretend this happened earlier lol)

"Flashbang!" Rene echoed, panicking slightly.

His eyes darted between his hand and the mentors before he threw a bolt at the ground in front of them.
Selene shouted as she was blinded by the light. She'd heard what Azure had shouted, but hadn't reacted fast enough to shield her eyes properly. That's what she got for telling them to think outside the box. She stumbled back a bit from the shock, blinking to clear her eyes and stop them from burning so much. She could see vague shapes, but nothing too much. Azure concentrated on trying to summon a weapon when he heard a shout to his left. He glanced in that direction, not able to see much through the trees. He decided to ignore it for now, and looked back at his hands, trying to find anything he'd used in the past to fight with.

@Tohoak @Camelot
Li shoved his wallet back in his coat pocket as he walked, one arm wrapped protectively around the bag containing his dinner. He could feel the warmth of it through the bag and his sleeve, and he could smell it, making him hungry. He looked around as he walked. It was too bad that the best takeaway place was in the seediest part of town, but he knew that he could protect himself. His powers weren't for nothing, even during the day. As he passed a shop he knew, he saw a girl digging through the trash. He paused, looking at her with a frown.

"That's illegal, you know," He told her, making note of her poor quality clothes and mess. He looked down at teh bag in his arms, knowing that he'd have leftovers anyway. Maybe someone else could use them.

"Azure! Crowbar!" Rene shouted before dashing towards Selene.

He figured instinct - more like panic, really - was working pretty well for them at the moment so maybe shouting would help him summon something. He charged electricity around his hand and swung his fist towards Selene. He didn't really care if he hit or not, he just wanted to jump back fast enough to avoid getting hit himself.

Nonie screamed too - It just felt like the right thing to do.

"What happened?" She asked, looking over Mina's shoulder at her phone. 
Hazley saw a large flash  in the distance, he decided to go and check it. Whilst landing at the scene he realises that this was the works of the decimators. Hazley tryies to remember if he knows them... He gives up. Still very angry about the bridge, he yells "WHO THE F**K BLEW UP THAT BRIDGE? I LIKED THAT BRIDGE YOU KNOW, WALKS ALONG IT IN THE WINTER AND SOMEWHERE TO COLLECT MY THOUGHTS ON HOT SUMMER DAYS... SO WHO THE F**K BLEW IT UP?!?!?!
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