Project Black

Lokipi said:
I completely missed this convo xD got no notifications D:
But anyway, posting to apologise. I've been sick, so I've been able to get on and look at messages, but looking at a pc screen for a prolonged amount of time made my head feel like it was gonna cave in on itself. So couldn't post.

However, I'll get on that this evening (currently in work). :)
Take your time. We all know what it's like to be sick. ( ^_^ )
So as it turns out, I tore a muscle just under my scapula. Left side. Apparently I did some kind of fast movement in the wrong direction and I've been experiencing pain for a good two weeks. Turns out that's why
shadowz1995 said:
So as it turns out, I tore a muscle just under my scapula. Left side. Apparently I did some kind of fast movement in the wrong direction and I've been experiencing pain for a good two weeks. Turns out that's why
Was it from that fight you had?

And I hope that it's not serious.... I've only had a few pulled muscles in my life. Never torn one.
shadowz1995 said:
So as it turns out, I tore a muscle just under my scapula. Left side. Apparently I did some kind of fast movement in the wrong direction and I've been experiencing pain for a good two weeks. Turns out that's why
I wish I could tell you it gets better but I tore my supraspinatus two years ago year and my shoulder has never been the same. Also recovery sucks .-.
That moment when something on your course you learnt becomes relevant. I know exactly what each of those muscles do and what bone (s) they attach too :D YEs!
Lokipi said:
That moment when something on your course you learnt becomes relevant. I know exactly what each of those muscles do and what bone (s) they attach too :D YEs!
That or you are in a lobby with intellectual people and suddenly everything you learned because relevant hahHa
shadowz1995 said:
That or you are in a lobby with intellectual people and suddenly everything you learned because relevant hahHa
I am now slightly confused, sorry :P

Edit: now I'm in less pain, I figured it out xD I got ya xD
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Lokipi said:
That moment when something on your course you learnt becomes relevant. I know exactly what each of those muscles do and what bone (s) they attach too :D YEs!
Are you in Kinesiology :0
That moment when something on your course you learnt becomes relevant. I know exactly what each of those muscles do and what bone (s) they attach too

:D YEs!
Are you in Kinesiology :0


Yes and no, as my course covers it but we don't specialise in it/we've never called it by its proper name. Osteology and palaeopath is my specialisation, but as part of it, we had to understand how/when bones develop and what can cause a bone to change shape - that meant understanding where muscles attach,  what the muscles do, joint types, ossification centres, bone composition and etc.  By knowing muscle attachment sites and movements, we can investigate injuries, make 'loose' suggestions on activity (some people in the field do it - I disagree with it but that's another story) as well as identify bone fragments :)
Ok, so this is to everyone... I will have to pm or send out invitations to the other rpers to get them over to this thread. 

But to clear a lot of things up... There is a character section. I am working on a new CS for Ross and my other characters. I would like for each active character to have their own thread. 

And one can not post in said character thread unless I approve of their character or!!!!! They have already been approved and have been active in the rp. 

I think this will help us out to see who is active and who is not. Not to mention that each character will have their own section. That way we can place up any and all kinds of information about the character. 
OMFG!!!!!! I laughed so hard at the video!!!!

That was close to how I saw Dj flying the Gallion. I like how at first things were going ok.. But then shit hits the fan. lol

Also!! I started up a new rp, so I will be running three rps all together. 

Here is my newest creation!!! CURSED!!!
Looks good Nova !!! Wish I could join >.< but I am gonna be on lockdown for my work till October, so can only factor in time for Project Black and X-men :(  but best of luck to your new story! Might keep up with it and read the posts :)  

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