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Yooooo. Novaaaaa. I don't remember everything about AEva's profile to the TV. How am I gonna repost his CS

Name: Aeva BloodWing

Age: 28

Race: Avalon


Personality: Kind, Curious, spontaneous, thrill seeking, loyal, trickster, unstable, violent when provoked

History: Aeva Bloodwing had been conceived and birthed on the Avalon home world, Orthlin. He had grown up in what you would expect to be a classic Avalon household. With a loving mother, father, and his two younger sisters. As most young Avalons, Aeva was adventurous and curious about the entirety of the world around him. He wanted to know everything that there was to know. The thirst for knowledge and thrills burned like a hearth within Aeva's chest and the fire could be seen within his scarlet eyes. He had often gotten himself in trouble with the other parents in the area for trying to swoop down from the skies and steal their livestock. Aeva had no malicious intent when he did this. He just wanted to do it for the hell of it. Because it was fun and he knew he could get in trouble for it.

His childhood and adolescence passed him by normally. Telling tall tales to his younger sisters of all his "great" deeds and hilarious misadventures. It was only when a human drop ship arrived asking for volunteers for a science experiment that would change the galaxy as they knew it, did Aeva ever leave his home world. The young Avalon had heard of these experiments. They supposedly turned regular people into powerful beings with amazing powers that could indeed change the galaxy. Many Avalons joined the drop ship out of mere curiosity. Up to 27 Avalons and 2 Humans. Only three survived in total. Two Avalons and one Human.

The experimentations and genetic augmentations were unbearable. Day and night with no rest they would push the full limits of Aeva's body and mind. Breaking his bones, ripping muscles, tendons, and even damaging his brain permanently. They broke him and reduced him to a big pile of feathers and blood and reforged him over and over again. Shattering his limits and rebuilding them again until finally Aeva snapped. His sanity shattered and he wailed in rage and sorrow, bellowing curses and howls of spite. As the last pieces of his sanity fell into the recesses of his mind, true ability came forth like a flood of clarity. Aeva mind had truly become "unhinged". Full access to his brain with little to no restrictions other than his own emotional state. An Avalon's eyesight was already unparalleled but this sharpened his senses and focus as if it was razor's edge.

Following the trials came the military training. Extensive and as cruel as the experiments, Aeva was beaten and broken down once more until he rose and graduated from the training as a fully fledged Combat Mechanic. A Melder to be exact. A literal leader forged in the depths of what could be considered Hell. Immediately after training, Aeva was sent upon multiple operations across the galaxies. Ranging from sabotage, White Hat hacking, in battle repair missions, rescue missions and scouting new planets , who's wildlife would put the Kalor's home planet to shame. It was after several years that Aeva was granted leave and visited his family on Orthlin. Needless to say, his family was shocked to see a scarred and stalwart Aeva walking through their doors. With wings twice as big from when he left and a muscular body from training and battles.

This time was not wasted as it reminded Aeva of his roots. Of his natural curiosity and love for thrill seeking. He regained a piece of himself that otherwise would have been lost in the void that was his mind now. Renewed and Invigorated, Aeva broke away from the cruel military operations and went his own way. Helping random strangers, White Hacking, and his recent interest in large scale repairs on old warships.

Position on the ship: Mechanic

Extra: Description of the Avalon Race (If you dont wanna read it it's ok its just extra info.)

Avalons are bipedal winged humanoid creatures bearing a shocking resemblance to the human race with only slight differences. They are slightly heavier than human average due to their wings also factoring into their whole weight. They average at 5'8-6'3 and weigh roughly 196 lbs - 250 lbs. The weight varies greatly between Avalons as some wings are quite larger and more powerful than others. These angel-like creatures bolster incredible eyesight. Normally soaring in the skies, their eyes have adapted to be closer to that of a hawk or eagle on Earth. The wings of the Avalons are large and powerful. Enough to carry themselves and sometimes a passenger or two depending on the individual Avalon and achieve sustained flight despite the extra weight. An Avalon's speed while flying has been recorded at 180 mph unassisted. With cybernetic assistance and suits, they have been able to break the sound barrier. This angelic race also has incredibly efficient respiratory system. Given that they were constantly flying at ridiculously high altitudes, even breathing in the outer atmosphere of a planet isn't too much of a hassle for them.

A distinguishing feature of the Avalons is that they are almost all incredibly beautiful. Disturbingly so, sometimes. Hence why humans confused them for angels the first time they encountered Avalons.

The Orthlinians have a two rather prominent weaknesses. The first being their skeletal structure. They're bones are very light and are needed to be to achieve flight for extended periods of time. This makes them very vulnerable to blunt force trauma and they often break bones from minor falls. The other is also their greatest strength. Their wings. The wings of the Avalon are a major part of their body and cannot be healed if wounded badly. The same as if a Human were to have his arm blown off or if a Kalor's neck was to be cut deep enough, if an Avalon's wing was to take substantial damage they would more than likely perish from the wound as it functions like another part of them. Having their wings injured or being otherwise grounded is a huge psychological trauma to them and if they survive it isn't uncommon for them to take their own lives.


They are a people of incredibly rich and diverse culture. Using their efforts to further improve upon themselves rather than against each other. Avalons have a natural curiosity and want to know about everything there is to know. Even things that are seemingly unimportant or dull. Due to this, they are natural geniuses, more so than humans and were even more technologically advanced than humans in some areas.

They found that their reality's door had been burst wide open when they saw a human ship approaching their planet from several light years away. Humankind was surprised when the Avalons were not only expecting them but welcoming them with open arms. Being so kind and (unnaturally) beautiful, along with being creatures bearing great wings upon their backs, some humans believed they had stumbled upon the home world of Angels.

The Avalons found themselves with a wealth of knowledge and diversity just waiting for them among the stars. They took to space travel quickly and to interacting with the other species even quicker. They quickly gained the place of one of the most influential races and smartest races in the universe.

During The First Intergalactic War was when the Avalons military use was discovered. They were among the best stealth/recon agents in known space and some of the best marksman in history were Orthlings. Their supernatural eyesight was something to be feared in battle coupled with their natural agility and ability to fly at supersonic speed (with technological help).

Their mental prowess also made them excellent tacticians and strategists. (Its also what lets them process whats going on at supersonic speeds.) However, their bodies are fragile and they cannot take physical punishment.

Despite being fragile, their prowess in flight and espionage are almost unmatched.
Name: Aeva BloodWing

Age: 28

Race: Avalon


Personality: Kind, Curious, spontaneous, thrill seeking, loyal, trickster, unstable, violent when provoked

History: Aeva Bloodwing had been conceived and birthed on the Avalon home world, Orthlin. He had grown up in what you would expect to be a classic Avalon household. With a loving mother, father, and his two younger sisters. As most young Avalons, Aeva was adventurous and curious about the entirety of the world around him. He wanted to know everything that there was to know. The thirst for knowledge and thrills burned like a hearth within Aeva's chest and the fire could be seen within his scarlet eyes. He had often gotten himself in trouble with the other parents in the area for trying to swoop down from the skies and steal their livestock. Aeva had no malicious intent when he did this. He just wanted to do it for the hell of it. Because it was fun and he knew he could get in trouble for it.

His childhood and adolescence passed him by normally. Telling tall tales to his younger sisters of all his "great" deeds and hilarious misadventures. It was only when a human drop ship arrived asking for volunteers for a science experiment that would change the galaxy as they knew it, did Aeva ever leave his home world. The young Avalon had heard of these experiments. They supposedly turned regular people into powerful beings with amazing powers that could indeed change the galaxy. Many Avalons joined the drop ship out of mere curiosity. Up to 27 Avalons and 2 Humans. Only three survived in total. Two Avalons and one Human.

The experimentations and genetic augmentations were unbearable. Day and night with no rest they would push the full limits of Aeva's body and mind. Breaking his bones, ripping muscles, tendons, and even damaging his brain permanently. They broke him and reduced him to a big pile of feathers and blood and reforged him over and over again. Shattering his limits and rebuilding them again until finally Aeva snapped. His sanity shattered and he wailed in rage and sorrow, bellowing curses and howls of spite. As the last pieces of his sanity fell into the recesses of his mind, true ability came forth like a flood of clarity. Aeva mind had truly become "unhinged". Full access to his brain with little to no restrictions other than his own emotional state. An Avalon's eyesight was already unparalleled but this sharpened his senses and focus as if it was razor's edge.

Following the trials came the military training. Extensive and as cruel as the experiments, Aeva was beaten and broken down once more until he rose and graduated from the training as a fully fledged Combat Mechanic. A Melder to be exact. A literal leader forged in the depths of what could be considered Hell. Immediately after training, Aeva was sent upon multiple operations across the galaxies. Ranging from sabotage, White Hat hacking, in battle repair missions, rescue missions and scouting new planets , who's wildlife would put the Kalor's home planet to shame. It was after several years that Aeva was granted leave and visited his family on Orthlin. Needless to say, his family was shocked to see a scarred and stalwart Aeva walking through their doors. With wings twice as big from when he left and a muscular body from training and battles.

This time was not wasted as it reminded Aeva of his roots. Of his natural curiosity and love for thrill seeking. He regained a piece of himself that otherwise would have been lost in the void that was his mind now. Renewed and Invigorated, Aeva broke away from the cruel military operations and went his own way. Helping random strangers, White Hacking, and his recent interest in large scale repairs on old warships.

Position on the ship: Mechanic

Extra: Description of the Avalon Race (If you dont wanna read it it's ok its just extra info.)

Avalons are bipedal winged humanoid creatures bearing a shocking resemblance to the human race with only slight differences. They are slightly heavier than human average due to their wings also factoring into their whole weight. They average at 5'8-6'3 and weigh roughly 196 lbs - 250 lbs. The weight varies greatly between Avalons as some wings are quite larger and more powerful than others. These angel-like creatures bolster incredible eyesight. Normally soaring in the skies, their eyes have adapted to be closer to that of a hawk or eagle on Earth. The wings of the Avalons are large and powerful. Enough to carry themselves and sometimes a passenger or two depending on the individual Avalon and achieve sustained flight despite the extra weight. An Avalon's speed while flying has been recorded at 180 mph unassisted. With cybernetic assistance and suits, they have been able to break the sound barrier. This angelic race also has incredibly efficient respiratory system. Given that they were constantly flying at ridiculously high altitudes, even breathing in the outer atmosphere of a planet isn't too much of a hassle for them.

A distinguishing feature of the Avalons is that they are almost all incredibly beautiful. Disturbingly so, sometimes. Hence why humans confused them for angels the first time they encountered Avalons.

The Orthlinians have a two rather prominent weaknesses. The first being their skeletal structure. They're bones are very light and are needed to be to achieve flight for extended periods of time. This makes them very vulnerable to blunt force trauma and they often break bones from minor falls. The other is also their greatest strength. Their wings. The wings of the Avalon are a major part of their body and cannot be healed if wounded badly. The same as if a Human were to have his arm blown off or if a Kalor's neck was to be cut deep enough, if an Avalon's wing was to take substantial damage they would more than likely perish from the wound as it functions like another part of them. Having their wings injured or being otherwise grounded is a huge psychological trauma to them and if they survive it isn't uncommon for them to take their own lives.


They are a people of incredibly rich and diverse culture. Using their efforts to further improve upon themselves rather than against each other. Avalons have a natural curiosity and want to know about everything there is to know. Even things that are seemingly unimportant or dull. Due to this, they are natural geniuses, more so than humans and were even more technologically advanced than humans in some areas.

They found that their reality's door had been burst wide open when they saw a human ship approaching their planet from several light years away. Humankind was surprised when the Avalons were not only expecting them but welcoming them with open arms. Being so kind and (unnaturally) beautiful, along with being creatures bearing great wings upon their backs, some humans believed they had stumbled upon the home world of Angels.

The Avalons found themselves with a wealth of knowledge and diversity just waiting for them among the stars. They took to space travel quickly and to interacting with the other species even quicker. They quickly gained the place of one of the most influential races and smartest races in the universe.

During The First Intergalactic War was when the Avalons military use was discovered. They were among the best stealth/recon agents in known space and some of the best marksman in history were Orthlings. Their supernatural eyesight was something to be feared in battle coupled with their natural agility and ability to fly at supersonic speed (with technological help).

Their mental prowess also made them excellent tacticians and strategists. (Its also what lets them process whats going on at supersonic speeds.) However, their bodies are fragile and they cannot take physical punishment.

Despite being fragile, their prowess in flight and espionage are almost unmatched.
Lol, It's his character sheet. All the sheets are not lost. They are just hard to read at the moment. I could not recover his image though. Sadly the move did come with some ups and downs. 

Also if anyone is having a hard time finding their character's CS please let me know. I will help find it for you. 
Lol, It's his character sheet. All the sheets are not lost. They are just hard to read at the moment. I could not recover his image though. Sadly the move did come with some ups and downs. 

Also if anyone is having a hard time finding their character's CS please let me know. I will help find it for you. 

Well everyone knows what he looks like in sure lol and if not I'll just PM or idk
I swear I'll reply eventually. I've just been working two jobs, just finished a shift and I'm exhausted and currently have the biggest buzz I've ever had. Thank God for autocorrect causei can't type very well right now xD
We haven't really lost anyone. I mean some came and went but they didn't really stick around to make their mark in the rp. 

So those that have made a mark in the rp are still here. (^_^)
Oh same. Complete filler lol. I mean I wouldn't mind carrying out some short dialogue between the three just to pass the time but ultimately that's just what it is......something to waste time lol.

I have the same concern Khaz.

BTW my character doesn't like yours in Cursed. Not sure if you noticed hahahahaha!
Ah I am trying but I am rushing for a deadline, managed to get an extension (phew!) but I have stupidly installed a programme which blocks the website, bar for like 10 mins per day >.< This site and a bunch of others, so with that and my deadline access has become 10x more difficult. Will try and have something for you guys tomorrow though. 
Ah I am trying but I am rushing for a deadline, managed to get an extension (phew!) but I have stupidly installed a programme which blocks the website, bar for like 10 mins per day >.< This site and a bunch of others, so with that and my deadline access has become 10x more difficult. Will try and have something for you guys tomorrow though. 

Take your time. (^_^)

Everyone is still here and pretty active. (^_^) You already mentioned that you would be very busy and tied up this month with real life stuff going on. And it's very much understandable. We just hope everything works out for you. We are cheering you on!! lol
Ah I am trying but I am rushing for a deadline, managed to get an extension (phew!) but I have stupidly installed a programme which blocks the website, bar for like 10 mins per day >.< This site and a bunch of others, so with that and my deadline access has become 10x more difficult. Will try and have something for you guys tomorrow though. 

Take your time. (^_^)

Everyone is still here and pretty active. (^_^) You already mentioned that you would be very busy and tied up this month with real life stuff going on. And it's very much understandable. We just hope everything works out for you. We are cheering you on!! lol

You do you girl. I'm sure we all are waiting with bated breath hahaha
OKAY! Shin has finished defrosting. Poor lad. At least we didn't have to soak him in room temperature water for ages. :P  

Anyway, with the exception of Charlie, I do believe that now Shin is out, you guys won't need me posting as much as we have medics and what not for Jack's job. This means, and by all means have fun with it, that you can post to your heart's content! Don't worry about me catching up, I will be on to read a few posts most nights, I will just find it difficult to post. So rather than waitin' weeks for me (Sorry!) you guys can have fun. :)  

I will try and sort a post out for Charlie soon, and I know Dax has a rather serious chat with Ross scheduled in. But there's a lot of work on the ship which needs to be done as well as partying (everyone is crew!!!!!!). I know you said you guys will wait, but I promise I will be reading along as you guys progress :)  Figured this way people get to write without having to wait on me. 

If anything major happens, I will post :)  
OKAY! Shin has finished defrosting. Poor lad. At least we didn't have to soak him in room temperature water for ages. :P  

Anyway, with the exception of Charlie, I do believe that now Shin is out, you guys won't need me posting as much as we have medics and what not for Jack's job. This means, and by all means have fun with it, that you can post to your heart's content! Don't worry about me catching up, I will be on to read a few posts most nights, I will just find it difficult to post. So rather than waitin' weeks for me (Sorry!) you guys can have fun. :)  

I will try and sort a post out for Charlie soon, and I know Dax has a rather serious chat with Ross scheduled in. But there's a lot of work on the ship which needs to be done as well as partying (everyone is crew!!!!!!). I know you said you guys will wait, but I promise I will be reading along as you guys progress :)  Figured this way people get to write without having to wait on me. 

If anything major happens, I will post :)  

You are not in the clear yet @Lokipi!!!!!

Lol, I think we will be active but not as much until you fully return. (^_^)

I'm excited that you posted, more so that Shin is out of the pod..... Even if he is pissed. But there is still much to do. 
Guys I haven't had a chance to read the posts yet, I keep trying to but keep getting side tracked. 

I'm also going to Montreal for the rest of the week for a tourney so I'm very busy trying to make up for missed classes and papers I have due next week so this week may be a little difficult to get a post up. Although its a relief to hear that things are going to be moving slow  :P

If I get any downtime I'll definitely post but it might be short and messy cause it might be while I'm on the bus on my phone lol

Sorry for any inconvenience 
8 hours ago, Khaz said:

Guys I haven't had a chance to read the posts yet, I keep trying to but keep getting side tracked. 

I'm also going to Montreal for the rest of the week for a tourney so I'm very busy trying to make up for missed classes and papers I have due next week so this week may be a little difficult to get a post up. Although its a relief to hear that things are going to be moving slow  :P

If I get any downtime I'll definitely post but it might be short and messy cause it might be while I'm on the bus on my phone lol

Sorry for any inconvenience 



OOOooohh my GAwwwddd, Khaz. How could you do this? It's not like I (that's right, ME, the epitome of activity) have ever held up you guys! jeez.  

hehe, dude take your time! The ship is, quite literally, not going anywhere right now so you are all good! 

Hope Montreal goes well!

And hey, short and sweet is always good :)  


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