Project Black

It's school season right now. A lot of kids went back to school, some people are making their way back to collage, and the rest of us are left with rushes at work or to pick up what others left behind. 

It's all good. This is a very solid group. I'm sure that even during the holidays things will be slow. But if we post when we can and take our times, we should be fine. (^_^)
It's school season right now. A lot of kids went back to school, some people are making their way back to collage, and the rest of us are left with rushes at work or to pick up what others left behind. 

It's all good. This is a very solid group. I'm sure that even during the holidays things will be slow. But if we post when we can and take our times, we should be fine. (^_^)

Yeah I got work, class, and more work but I'm nocturnal so I always find time in the night to respond to whatever lol
Yeah I got work, class, and more work but I'm nocturnal so I always find time in the night to respond to whatever lol

Normally this is the busy season for everyone else, and the slow season for me. I don't have school or classes, and my job is very much laid back. I make decent money and don't have many days to work a week. Not like before, but I can manage. lol.

So I'm more or less on almost all the time. (^_^)
Normally this is the busy season for everyone else, and the slow season for me. I don't have school or classes, and my job is very much laid back. I make decent money and don't have many days to work a week. Not like before, but I can manage. lol.

So I'm more or less on almost all the time. (^_^)

Damn so you must get bored lmao
Well my x-men one died before the site changed, Blackwood was another one I started and that died because some of the rpers are pulling one liners after I informed them that it was a casual to detailed rp.... And now I've been working on one called 'The Black Ale'. No one seems to be wanting to do a pirate rp at the moment. 

But I have high hopes for it. Maybe two or three strong rpers can get it started and keep it going. But I first need the rpers. lol. 

I'm in the middle of changing up the information on the rp in hopes things will pick up. 

I also joined another rp... But it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. There is a new person to rp and they are oping and pping... And when you try to inform them of what they can and can not do they get offend easily and very quickly. So it's a struggle that wont last very long in the rp. Plus I don't think the GM has really set the story up... I think he is wanting everyone else to make things happen... So it's kind of annoying. I liek rps were the GM takes their responsibility seriously and uses it with respect. I try my best to be both understanding and stern when it comes to rps. Your goal is to have fun, but their are rules in place to keep people from going overboard with characters and with fights or situations. 

Some rps I GM I give free reign towards the rpers, in others I crack the whip, and in ones like 'Project Black' I just have to make sure everyone and everything is on track. (^_^) We have a great group of rpers that get along very well and have a great understanding of how to rp and respect the others they are rping with. So it's hard to get another rp to become strong like this one. 

'Cursed' is similar to 'Project Black' but because it's fantasy and I have yet to reveal a lot about the magical part of it, I'm letting people kind of lead the rp in the direction they want. It's a very flexible rp, but once things start really getting serious in that rp, there will be a plot laid out for the rpers to follow. (^_^)
Well my x-men one died before the site changed, Blackwood was another one I started and that died because some of the rpers are pulling one liners after I informed them that it was a casual to detailed rp.... And now I've been working on one called 'The Black Ale'. No one seems to be wanting to do a pirate rp at the moment. 

But I have high hopes for it. Maybe two or three strong rpers can get it started and keep it going. But I first need the rpers. lol. 

I'm in the middle of changing up the information on the rp in hopes things will pick up. 

I also joined another rp... But it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. There is a new person to rp and they are oping and pping... And when you try to inform them of what they can and can not do they get offend easily and very quickly. So it's a struggle that wont last very long in the rp. Plus I don't think the GM has really set the story up... I think he is wanting everyone else to make things happen... So it's kind of annoying. I liek rps were the GM takes their responsibility seriously and uses it with respect. I try my best to be both understanding and stern when it comes to rps. Your goal is to have fun, but their are rules in place to keep people from going overboard with characters and with fights or situations. 

Some rps I GM I give free reign towards the rpers, in others I crack the whip, and in ones like 'Project Black' I just have to make sure everyone and everything is on track. (^_^) We have a great group of rpers that get along very well and have a great understanding of how to rp and respect the others they are rping with. So it's hard to get another rp to become strong like this one. 

'Cursed' is similar to 'Project Black' but because it's fantasy and I have yet to reveal a lot about the magical part of it, I'm letting people kind of lead the rp in the direction they want. It's a very flexible rp, but once things start really getting serious in that rp, there will be a plot laid out for the rpers to follow. (^_^)

Yeah. The few I have GMd have been annoying. Casual to detailed and you think you just told them you Fucked their mothers and raped their sisters. Like bruh there is a requirement you have to meet and your ass isn't meeting it. Step to it and disrespect me again and your gone and I will report you as well. Like damn man...
Yeah. The few I have GMd have been annoying. Casual to detailed and you think you just told them you Fucked their mothers and raped their sisters. Like bruh there is a requirement you have to meet and your ass isn't meeting it. Step to it and disrespect me again and your gone and I will report you as well. Like damn man...

Normally if they don't step up to the requirement I just ask them to leave in a nice way. Sometimes I have to be rude, but I try not to let things get that far.  
Also with the IC, I think I will wait until the others post. I don't want to power post and then they get left behind. 


But yeah, Shin's chapter has only just begun. lol. 
They will be on Edison for a while because of it. I have it laid out to where if characters don't want to get involved in Shin's chapter, there will be other things they can do while on Edison. But some of that will have to wait until they are healed and such. (^_^)

Oh yeah I fully intend to take Val on a real flying trip lmao. I also fully intend to repair the ship with shin 
They will be on Edison for a while because of it. I have it laid out to where if characters don't want to get involved in Shin's chapter, there will be other things they can do while on Edison. But some of that will have to wait until they are healed and such. (^_^)

Yeah me and Lokipi have some plans as well. Its gon get lit >:D
I'm sure hootie is about :) like you said before, we've got an amazing group of dedicated roleplayers :D  

And Nice one Buddha! You feeling good then?? :)  

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