Project Black

Deadpool said:
Absolutely.... not. I cannot stand controllers or people who use them on PC. The reason? I can take a look at the kill cam and instantly tell if you are using a controller. When you use a controller you tend to overshoot or undershoot where your crosshair needs to be 9/10ths(no matter your experience) of the time the 1/10 times tends to be pure luck. When you overshoot or undershoot, there's a split second of re-adjustment. That split second could be enough to save your life every time. Generally that's why I use a mouse, I say generally because you have games like Risk of Rain. But anyways... when you use a controller (depending on experience) you can place your crosshair onto someone effortlessly 5-8/10 times. Missing 2-3/10 times. I know it sounds wacky... but I'm a hardcore pc gamer. Especially when it comes to FPS'. So yeah... there's my argument about why I hate controllers.
Na I completely agree with your argument! Ofc with games likes brothers: tale of two sons or rocket league, controllers come on handy, but for fps games it's ALWAYS keyboard and mouse. Every time I watch my friend play with a controller on CS, I get all twitchy xD
[QUOTE="Zaire Ananta]Im sorry for being so irresponsible about posting guys i've been busy. I think im gonna have to drop out. I have so much school work and i have to run a business. I really want to be doing this with you guys but i simply can't stretch myself that far anymore. Feel free to use my characters to your leisure. So sorry....................... :(

It's sad to see you leave, but I really wont use your characters. It's more of a respect thing in my book. But if real life ever frees up you are more then welcome to come back and use them. I will leave them up in the character section so you wont have to remake them. ( ^_^ )

And yes, thank you for letting us know. You will be miss.
Lokipi said:
Na I completely agree with your argument! Ofc with games likes brothers: tale of two sons or rocket league, controllers come on handy, but for fps games it's ALWAYS keyboard and mouse. Every time I watch my friend play with a controller on CS, I get all twitchy xD
Haha, right? Just want to reach across and smack em'. "Stop bein lazy and learn how to play properly", I'm awful when it comes to my pc games, at least when it comes to debate.
Deadpool said:
Haha, right? Just want to reach across and smack em'. "Stop bein lazy and learn how to play properly", I'm awful when it comes to my pc games, at least when it comes to debate.
Haha, so true xD I've said this to them before but they always come back with "but it's so hard having the knife button here, or the sprint/walk button being shift." Then they splay their hands across the keyboard and shout 'see!! I have to use my pinkie!' xD it's almost as if l button re-assignment wasn't a thing ;)
Lokipi said:
Haha, so true xD I've said this to them before but they always come back with "but it's so hard having the knife button here, or the sprint/walk button being shift." Then they splay their hands across the keyboard and shout 'see!! I have to use my pinkie!' xD it's almost as if l button re-assignment wasn't a thing ;)
ouuuuu you get the life so well... I'm so glad to have met such a like minded person
Ok, so I will try and get a post up within the next two hours. It's lunch time and I made homemade burgers. ( ^_^ )

Food is so awesome! lol. So yeah. We will get things moving here shortly.
Trying to think of another way to get people join us. I figured if we got another 2 that would give us five peeps. Which is a decent amount.
Lokipi said:
Trying to think of another way to get people join us. I figured if we got another 2 that would give us five peeps. Which is a decent amount.
I have one person who is interested in being my +1. However I have to hear back from them first. @NovaNovass @Lokipi Nova, you gonna post, my friend?
You'll have to forgive my Dax posts. I am not use to using male characters as serious as this so I'm finding it difficult to build him up. But practice makes perfect!!! Also Deadpool, with @NovaNovass permission, bar fight? :P
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Lokipi said:
You'll have to forgive my Dax posts. I am not use to using male characters as serious as this so I'm finding it difficult to build him up. But practice makes perfect!!! Also Deadpool, with @NovaNovass permission, bar fight? :P
Between which characters?
I'm thinking of getting Charlie to stir up some trouble, which she might need some back up in. So it would be Wade, most probably Dax, if he's not tied up in drumming business, Charlie and Raven (if she doesn't scorn Charlie :P ) v NPC.
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So a ruffle with some racing locals? ( ^_^ ) Sounds like fun. I'm sure Raven would be in the mix of course. It would be funny to see Val nervously take down a few attackers. lol.
Yep :) I mean, I'm not gonna confirm that Charlie may pull a sly one at the pub. Buuut... she's had a history of dealings with these kinda things. ;)
Lokipi said:
I'm thinking of getting Charlie to stir up some trouble, which she might need some back up in. So it would be Wade, most probably Dax, if he's not tied up in drumming business, Charlie and Raven (if she doesn't scorn Charlie :P ) v NPC.
Alright sounds good to me, depends on how big this fight is going to get but we should be able to keep each other busy for a few posts at least.

NovaNovass said:
So a ruffle with some racing locals? ( ^_^ ) Sounds like fun. I'm sure Raven would be in the mix of course. It would be funny to see Val nervously take down a few attackers. lol.
I was really disappointed @NovaNovass Wade shot Val a smile but you hadn't said anything about that :P
ah it will be fun, plus there is no harm in trying while our group is small xD and aww I know, Wade's rugged charm not cutting it huh? xD Na, Charlie's brought it up so we'll get to see Raven's take on it :P
Sorry to do this guys, I'm heading off for the night. Will be about tomorrow but won't post more than maybe two posts tomorrow if all goes to plan (I have to start planning for my dissertation in the summer, going to Portugal for it! EEEkkks!!! :D I mean, ahem, yes all very serious, indeed.) Have a good afternoon/evening for which ever timezone you guys are based in.

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