Project Black

@Lokipi Could you explain to me what's going on regarding the darkness? I'm seeing things about rider's, and Wasp (Zaire's character right?) is doing training. I'm just a little confused as to what's happening. There's a lot of names and a lot happening it's hard to keep track of whose doing what, but you seem to understand.
Haha sure @Deadpool :) Wasp is training Flayke, Raven and Charlie in what the two riders like to call hide and seek. At the beginning of his sessions, Wasp turns off all the lights and waits to see how long the guys take to find him. "The first lesson was always to try to find him hiding in the shadows and be able to reliably predict where he was."

So to catch up on what the characters are doing. Flayke, our one and only gunner for the time being, is getting prepped to kick butt. She's still at the door I'm guessing. Raven and Charlie are now in the room, playing Wasp's game with some money riding on it. Right now, both rider's have taken a different approach. Raven is using her peripheral vision to try and spot the quartermaster's position, while Charlie, now closer to the right back corner of their room, is relaying on sound.

Ultimately, however, the entire scene revolves around a man hiding in back of dark room, while a few girls stumble about in the dark trying to find him. AND that's about it for now.
Hopefully @Zaire Ananta will post soon. I have some ideas for the crew for when they get to Madelin.

To bring in the other hired guns I have created the crew will have a small mission to do on the moon.

After the mission they will take on four or more passengers. (This gives anyone a chance to make new characters and such if they wish too.)

From there they will be delivering cargo to another planet.....

So the sooner they land on Madelin the sooner they will get some work and the story can move forward. (Unless you guys want to time skip to them about to land on the moon.)
ooh what sort of cargo? and I am game for a time skip if everyone else is xD We can flip a coin to find out who gets the 10 platinum :P
By 1?! close call between finding Wasp xD Wanna say it happened because both characters picked up on his position and raced to it xD
Ok. We will be time skipping today. ( ^_^ ) I just made diner and almost done eating. ( ^_^ ) I made the best full chicken ever!!..... But then realized I had no idea on how to cut it. lol.

So yeah, once I'm done eating I will get on the time skipping post. ( ^_^ )
Sounds like a plan. I have been biting at the bit today xD And nice one! Just finished myself but it was a distinctly student-esk meal of home curry and rice :P Think your chicken wins! xD
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I am awful at making always ends up being too sticky... =/ but I am good at curries xD but yeah how are people doing??
Nice, never played if I am honest xD I'm currently in to rocket league and CS:Go xD but so looking forward to this year and next years game!!! :D
My brother is getting me rocket league when he gets his ps4! ( ^_^ )

Do you have ps4? If so my tag name is the same as my name for here. Just the first N is capitalized. ( ^_^ ) We can play games together. Maybe even minecraft!! (I love minecraft!)
Haha, I might give you an add at some point :) I have a ps4 but don't play that much on it, more a pc gamer than anything else :)

And nice one deadpool, I've not played either xD well I've watched my housemate play fallout while working but that's as far as I ever got xD
Lokipi said:
Haha, I might give you an add at some point :) I have a ps4 but don't play that much on it, more a pc gamer than anything else :)
And nice one deadpool, I've not played either xD well I've watched my housemate play fallout while working but that's as far as I ever got xD
They're both a lot of fun, I currently game on pc as well. PC master race, you wanna dance? I've got plenty of reasons to tell you why PC is better.

*Clears my throat*

Anyways, I love LOVE LOVE! PC gaming.
Haha, it's cool, I had this discussion with a bunch of my co-workers when I worked in a game store xD PC master race was mentioned a lot, gotta love zero punctuation! xD

But here's the key question for you: do you use a controller on the pc for when/if you play FPSs? xD
Im sorry for being so irresponsible about posting guys i've been busy. I think im gonna have to drop out. I have so much school work and i have to run a business. I really want to be doing this with you guys but i simply can't stretch myself that far anymore. Feel free to use my characters to your leisure. So sorry....................... :(
Lokipi said:
Haha, it's cool, I had this discussion with a bunch of my co-workers when I worked in a game store xD PC master race was mentioned a lot, gotta love zero punctuation! xD
But here's the key question for you: do you use a controller on the pc for when/if you play FPSs? xD
Absolutely.... not. I cannot stand controllers or people who use them on PC. The reason? I can take a look at the kill cam and instantly tell if you are using a controller. When you use a controller you tend to overshoot or undershoot where your crosshair needs to be 9/10ths(no matter your experience) of the time the 1/10 times tends to be pure luck. When you overshoot or undershoot, there's a split second of re-adjustment. That split second could be enough to save your life every time. Generally that's why I use a mouse, I say generally because you have games like Risk of Rain. But anyways... when you use a controller (depending on experience) you can place your crosshair onto someone effortlessly 5-8/10 times. Missing 2-3/10 times. I know it sounds wacky... but I'm a hardcore pc gamer. Especially when it comes to FPS'. So yeah... there's my argument about why I hate controllers.
[QUOTE="Zaire Ananta]Im sorry for being so irresponsible about posting guys i've been busy. I think im gonna have to drop out. I have so much school work and i have to run a business. I really want to be doing this with you guys but i simply can't stretch myself that far anymore. Feel free to use my characters to your leisure. So sorry....................... :(

Hey Zaire, it's alright, sounds like you have a plate full at your end so it's understandable and real life always comes first :) congrats on your business! It was a pleasure to rp with you for our short time :) Wasp and Flayke were cool charters.
[QUOTE="Zaire Ananta]Im sorry for being so irresponsible about posting guys i've been busy. I think im gonna have to drop out. I have so much school work and i have to run a business. I really want to be doing this with you guys but i simply can't stretch myself that far anymore. Feel free to use my characters to your leisure. So sorry....................... :(

You at least had the decency to say something. Don't feel bad, we understand how busy a life can get.

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