Project Black

Combat... If the crew members want help in learning combat.

As for strategies... no. That falls to the captain... and if she wants to share her knowledge.

Why don't you pm me and we can work on something together.
Pause!!!! lol I just read over your character. ( ^_^ ) He is amazing! The only thing I would have to say about him is that his classes would not be mandatory. Meaning if others wish to learn. They can. ( ^_^ ) (Ross doesn't mind unless he is teaching the crew how to kill her and take over the ship. lol)

Wistin is accepted.
It's weird to explain... I just learned like a week ago. If you hold your courser over the little mail symbol in the right hand corner. A little tab will roll down.

At the bottom of that tab is says... 'start a new conversation'

From there it will take you to a new mail thread. ( ^_^ )
@NovaNovass I was thinking, if we need people, maybe you could edit the title of the rp to say we are still recruiting in Caps. Might grab people's attention :)
Lokipi said:
@NovaNovass I was thinking, if we need people, maybe you could edit the title of the rp to say we are still recruiting in Caps. Might grab people's attention :)
I can add that up there. Also Dax is approved. ( ^_^ )

I did a quick scan over him and all seems to fit I will go through his CS again right now and take my time. But you may use him in the rp. ( ^_^ )
could i make a new OC that we pick up on Edison? He could be a weapons technician or something to help with the ship.
They wont go to Edison for some time. Mostly because of a deal Shin has with the cpatain. But when they do go I already have an idea of a character that they will pick up from there.

(Characters from Edison are off limits to create. Mostly because Edison is kind of like my baby planet. I worked hard on her and have such a good story for her. ( ^_^ )...)

You can make another character if you want though. We still need a mechanic, a medic, hired guns, riders, crew men... and even a first pilot. (Mind you who ever makes the first pilot keep in mind that Shin would probably not get along with him or her.)

Also I finished the detail read on Dex. His status of approval still stands. ( ^_^ )
lol, just try to stay away from the animated images. I let Wasp slide... But I really don't even want to accept computer or digitally animated characters. This is just a preference for me.
Plus I might make the medic. ( ^_^ ) I have some ideas for that character. ( ^_^ ) It will be a girl and I might add in a hired gun... that will be male... Not sure yet. lol.
That's fine but when you come back I will need to talk to you about the pilot CS. The first thing would be that the second image you have for her will not be accepted. Real people images. No anime, no drawings, no computer animated images. I let Wasp slide... But this one I will not stand for.
I like her much better now. She is strong and fits in with the ship as a gunner master. Her side suit now gives off the feeling of a female ironman... But her personality reminds me of Anna from the movie Frozen. Which makes her unique and at the same time a good character.
I'm heading to bed guys, but feel free to type away while I'm asleep. Dax will be the silent sentinel after sendin Shin to rest. Captain's orders after all. While charlie will get her butt handed to her no doubt. Back story to this is, she's usually a good fighter, but she got mugged (no one really knows however, bar, more than like Dr Black, as she she's awesome!). So Charlie will be a little more delicate than usually in her training and it will cause her to mess up a little more.

I apologies for my poor writing style, I am usually better but I have only just come back to writing after a long break. So bar with me while I find my grip again. Anyway, night night guys! Happy writing :)

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