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Realistic or Modern Professor Oak's School for Gifted Youngsters.


New Member
It gives me great pride to stand before you all today, and see so many bright young faces looking towards the future with hope. Hope that one day the world might accept us for who we are. Hope that we may one day work with them to create a brighter future, a peaceful future. Hope that you may all one day control your gifts, that the gifted may one day live among the rest of the world, and that the world may live among us in harmony.

This school exists, as all schools do, first and foremost to teach. Your professors here will be your mentors, your guides, your allies in the coming years. Your classmates will be your family, and though you may have your disagreements, I ask that you keep an open mind and show respect for those around you.

May you find kindred spirits among these halls, those that have suffered and struggled as you have, those that walk the same road hand in hand. Most of all, may you find understanding here, for it is understanding that will lead to peace.

Welcome to my school, may its walls forever be a home to you.

-Excerpt from Professor Oak's introductory speech, Fall 2015 semester.


"To state, quite simply, that the world is a rather confusing place would, perhaps, be the understatement of the century." Professor Sycamore smiled, to the muted chuckles of his class. The early morning light poured in from the large windows, making the room feel as though it were an outside garden. "Can anyone tell me something about recent events?"

His gaze cast around the room, looking over the sleepy crowd of teenagers. "No one? I know the school is a bit off the grid, but I am well aware you all still have internet access. Some of you need a reminder not to be on their phones in the middle of class."

There were a few sheepish looks at that, and on of the students near the front raised her hand. "Team Libra had another protest the other day." She responded meekly, wilting slightly under the gaze of her peers. "Um... Over in Washington. It was a peaceful one though."

"Quite right." The professor nodded, smiling happily. "What were they protesting, anyone?"

"There's rumors there's going to be a draft." A gruff-looking student near the back spoke up, a sour look across his face. "That the government is going to force all of us to register our powers, so they can pick and choose the 'useful ones' to send to war."

"There's been talks of that for over a decade." Professor Sycamore spoke up, raising his hands defensively as nervous mutterings broke out among his students. "I can tell you right now, rumors like that are mostly fear mongering."

"But they out number us." The same young man spoke up. "That's how 'democracy' works, right? If the powerless all speak up, and the majority thinks us gifted should do something, then we have to do it, because they out number us."

"It's not that simple." Sycamore replied, shaking his head. "To explain, how about we get into looking at the constitution and the role of the supreme court. Miss Clair, can you please read the first page of chapter five?"


"It's been two weeks." Madame Hale spoke up, standing almost menacingly over the bed in the nurse's office. "I believe it's time you gave up this bed. There may be students who actually need it."

The girl in question didn't reply, merely turning her head towards the window. Dark hair fell over the tan skin of her face, obscuring her gaze as she looked out over the common area beyond the glass. A single streak of red in her hair, like a mark of rebellion that glared out at any onlookers, barely covered the rather nasty scarring around one eye.

"I have, in fact, been informed of the deal you know." The nurse continued, resting her hands on her hips. "The Professor took you in as a student. I don't really care all that much about your background, but everyone here is expecting you to be a student. That means you'd best be getting dressed and heading to class."

She paused a moment, huffing as the girl remained obstinate. "I'm not a teacher, I don't care if you go to class or do your homework. But it's time you explore a bit more of the school than the nurses office. Now get your butt in gear."

"What a pain..." The girl replied, sighing as she sat up in the bed, her voice carrying a slight rasp to it. Rolling her shoulders, she glanced towards the small pile of clothing that had been left for her. At the very least, a walk around the campus wouldn't be too bad.

Perhaps she'd just go lock herself in her dorm room instead.

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