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Fantasy Princesses and Princes?! (Alway accepting!)

"Its quite nice." Siyaria says while noticing that he sped up. She would quicken her pace a bit to keep up with him. "There's not much fun like this in our villiage, so its a nice occasional event to have."
She was just stressed out and she had been holding it in for months upon months of problems. Different things, some not even revolving her. "I don't think of you as under me in any way. I don't even know why I'm upset. I mean I'm not the one who is arranged to marry someone I have never met, I'm not the one who is trying to run a kingdom..." She says her voice rising. She catches herself before she starts yelling. She was mad, upset,and yet she couldn't pin point one thing it was everything and yet she had no reason to be.

"If its not to far away, I dont see why not." Siyaria replies laughing a bit.
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He continued to hold her in his arms as she spoke to try and give that extra level of support. "While you may not be it's the pain from having someone you care about in that situation that's stressing you right?" He asked quietly so he could try and calm her. His voice had soothed crying children though how he did not know. Though if it could calm a stressed and angry woman.... was an entirely different story. Though he did hope he could help by the end of this.

She relaxes into his embrace. She didn't want to cry not now not in front of him. She wraps her arms around him finally burying her head in his chest. She actually found comfort there in that moment. She was just thinking. 'And it's not going to go over well with my sister if I tell her I may be falling for a knight.' She thinks to herself. She just grasps the back of his shirt not even realizing it. She didn't want to think, just didn't.

He felt her grip on his back and her head against his chest. He moved one of his hands against her back gently, "Just let the stress and anger out.... it's better to let it free then to keep it caged up." He said knowing this from experience though he probably wouldn't admit that. He didn't let off a blush quite yet since he was trying to comfort her in any other situation like this he probably would though.

She had been able to hold on for that last second but then she lost it. Her grip tightened even more and her eyes started tearing. It flowed down her face like a stream. She knew she would just about die if it was anyone else here with her. "I have no reason to cry I seriously don't, I'm sorry I just..." She says but she doesn't let go.

He held her a bit tighter too now, "Don't apologize to me please. You don't need a reason to cry... If you did wouldn't you have to justify everything else you do?" He asked quietly. There really was no angering him at the moment as was obvious he seemed to be... almost a complete opposite of his normal self now actually expressing the emotions which he had kept suppressed. "Elizabeth.... even if you did need a reason I already know it..... so don't worry about it, just let it out" He said still being as kind as he could. The torch flickering lightly in the cave as they stayed in this embrace.

She was still slightly surprised by his complete change in demeanor. 'I have always needed to justify everything' she thinks but it was nice not having to have a reason. It was almost like he took a complete 360 in his personality. After a while she felt herself calm down and it felt like she could breathe again. She eventually takes a step back even though she didn't want to. She brushes her eyes but tears still stained her cheeks and her eyes red and puffy. She smiles up at him the best she could.

He looked at her and smiled gently, "So do you feel a little better?" he asked a little hopeful that he had helped there. He felt kind of happy and started to think to himself now 'Wait a second.... Ollucios did you just hug her.... for a Second Time!' He only then realized that he could have been showing too much emotion now and decided he should probably try his best to mask it a little bit. He knew it would probably be best if he hid his emotions since he would likely cause her more stress if he said anything about his true emotions to anything.

She saw him seem to admonish himself about something but she just ignored it for now. "Yeah I feel better, thank you, that actually helped a lot." She says scratching the back of her head nervously. She sawhorses he almost seemed like he tried to hide his emotions away. "Hey please don't close up on me." She says more of a pleading tone now. She actually liked the softer side of him.

He heard what she said and his face began to get a bit pink. "Well... I.. uhmm... Alright" He said quietly since he hadn't been entirely sure that he should keep showing his.... emotion holding side. He usually just threw up that little illusion of boxing his emotions away. It was like a magic except for the fact that it was just his natural human ability. "I don't mean to close up it's just.... I don't want to make problems because my emotions do things" He said with a little sigh as he looked to his feet for a moment.

"Around the other knights and other people in the castle yeah I can understand but you don't need to hide them from me. What do your emotions exactly do?" She asks curiously. She understood the hiding emotions she never usually cries of anything or yells or even gets mad because she never allowed herself to. She looks to him curiously.

Her question was pretty on key here and it caught him a bit off guard to say the least. He sighed a little bit, "Well my emotions.... lets say they can get the best of me... not all of them but a few can.... that's why I try to hide them.... otherwise I do everything the emotion wants of me." He said knowing quite a bit about what could happen. "So I try to hide emotion and make sure I don't get anyone hurt because of it..... I'd rather hurt myself by keeping the emotion trapped rather than make others suffer from it" He said with an honest and somewhat saddened voice.

She carefully took a step towards him. "You don't always need to hide them away." She says softly. "Not around me." She says carefully. She looks him straight in the eye. "What are your...emotions telling you to do right now?" She asks innocently. She didn't want him to suffer from his emotions she already does from her.

He looked at her for a moment before gulping slightly. "Well... uhm.... n-nothing too extreme. It's not something that can hurt me in any way" He said with a bit of guilt obvious in his voice. He couldn't exactly say what his emotion was telling him to do first off. Since his mind had suggested him do something that would probably get him straight up killed if he tried it. So he decided that he should keep it on the lower area of his mind though he this close made it hard to.

"Tell me."she says actually wanting to know. She didn't know exactly what it was she was to innocent for her own good. She put her hand behind her back out of habit. She just keeps looking into his eyes. She felt a flutter in her stomach but ignored it.

He looked at her now finding it growing harder and harder to keep looking at her like this. "K-ki.... Actually even if I told you what it was i'd be executed when we got back if I did it..." He said now realizing how it would be if he was to try anything that he had thought of doing.

She finally realized what he meant. She leans up and kisses him softly. "Then it will be our little secret." She says softly not letting her gaze leave him. She knew they would have to sneak around now but it was worth it to her and she wouldn't let him get in trouble for this.

His face had went completely and totally pink when she did that. His mind now holding quite a bit of embarrassment. He didn't know what to say or do.... it was obvious now though that none of his emotions were currently hidden since he was like this. "I.... you... we just.... secret?" He said his mind hardly forming words at the moment as his brain was recovering from what just occurred. He took a few breath returning his face to a slightly pink shade. "S-so what you're saying is.... we're going to keep that as a secret... from others.... that we just.... kissed?" He asked not quite sure about what was going on in his own mind anymore.

She smiled at his reaction."That's how it's going to have to be no matter how much I wish it was different but it's the way it is." She says her voice sadder. Her sister would flip and her younger sister would be happy for her she thinks but she wasn't about to tell. "We might want to...uh get back so nobody starts to worry." She says looking down not really knowing if it was a good idea or not anymore.

He looked at her as he noticed she seemed sadder. "Uhm... Elizabeth, I want to say that.... well, I'm happy we did that... i'm fine with keeping it a secret if you can make me a promise?" He said as he looked at her again moving over to the side so that he could put his chest-piece back on rather than leave it here in the cave. He would also need to put out the torch too but not quite yet.

"What's the promise?" She asks carefully knowing she probably wouldn't be able to deny him. She looked over to the crystals once more. The cave just became one of her favorite places. She looks back to him after a second.


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