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Fantasy Princesses and Princes?! (Alway accepting!)

"Promise me that next time if we want to kiss that we can make it longer?" He asked with a smirk showing he did have a somewhat deviant side as he moved his chest piece back onto his body. He was still surprised that she would have done that... since he hadn't dared to try.. Though if someone found out. He was definitely going to the chopping block.

She couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Well I can definitely promise that, promise me something?" She asks making her way towards him slightly since he was in the direction of the exit of the cave.

He looked at her for a moment, "What's the promise i'm committing too?" He asked not sure that he'd be able to commit to it since it could've been something crazy. Though he didn't think Elizabeth would do that to him.... so he decided that he could probably commit to it.

"Next time we kiss, you will kiss me." She says with a slight smirk on her face. She was never going to make it some horrible promise. Her face softens slightly and makes her way towards the entrance of the cave a little more.

"I'd be more than happy to." He said with a smile it was kind of nice to actually be able to show his emotions to someone without harming them. "I'm thinking about it now though.... A relationship between a knight and a royal. Makes me think of some tales my father told me" He said with a little bit of thought behind it since he was just remembering things now.

She smiles at his answer."I have read stories about it also." She says. She finally exits the cave breathing in the air once more. She waits for him before making a move to go down the hill. She felt like she was on top of the world at the moment, she was happy.

He put out the torch and placed it down where he had it before now engulfed in the darkness once more. He move out of the cave though and over to where she was, "You have? Is that why you wanted to try it out or did something else spark your interest?" He asked since she was the once to kiss him first rather than vice versa.

"No that was just something that sparked my interest." She says looking away slightly blushing madly. She didn't know why but it did. She starts making her way down the hill carefully not really wanting to fall and roll down the hill.

He followed after her carefully since he had seen her blushing, "Well it's still pretty cute none the less." He said a faint blush appearing on his face. "So as for how we plan to do this in the future... I know we can't be around the castle since people would notice" He said honestly as he tried to comprehend how things would occur in time.

"I haven't really thought that far ahead but I'm sure everyone knows I like to go riding so I think if we just keep doing something like we did today it would be okay." She says not really coming up with a better idea. She would have to be extremely careful now.

"Alright.... I think they'd be ok if I was designated as your riding partner." He said with a smile. "I wonder though.... would we ever be able to do that on castle grounds....." He said as he thought for a moment then as it crossed his mind another thought did. It was of someone seeing it then him being taken away and tortured. "On second thought lets just be clever with how we do things" He said with a bit of genuine worry.

"Ok let's go." He takes her hand and leads her to a fancy looking building and the person there bows to Frost and as they went inside it was a nice building a sort of Latin dance room and lead her towards the Dance floor "Like it?"


(Sorry i was gone so soon m'lady.)
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"I am not going to let anything happen to either of us okay?" She says with a reassuring smile. She finally gets to her hprse once more, carefully untying the reins from the branch. "Seriously I won't go down without a fight." She says.

"I understand, I'd help you fight if I could.... By that I mean if i'm of able mind and body" He said since he knew sickness could take someone down a few pegs at any time. The slight fear from that resisted him there, he moved over to bell and rubbed head for a moment to make her calm still. She just looked at him before he untied her reins and then moved it away holding it to make sure she didn't walk away.

She jumped onto her horse carefully swinging her leg over. She smiles at him slightly. "It would be between my and the Queen, aka my sister." She says nonchalantly. She was hoping her sister wouldn't flip if they ever got caught. She didn't realize how difficult all of this was going to be. She just sits there for a moment waiting for him.

He moved onto Bel no still a bti uneasy but not showing it. "Well wouldn't she want you to have the things you want to?" He asked a little unsure now that he thought about it. Though it was always going to be a fear that they could get caught in the act and then have problems with other people. If the queen found out herself or anyone else did..... it was possible to be highly pragmatic and seen as unlawful since he wasn't of royal blood to any regard.

" I don't know about her anymore to be honest." She says thinking for a second. "I don't care if you aren't royal blood by the way. I don't care about any of that." She says with a small smile. She didn't know how but she knew that he was thinking about that. She pulled the rein slightly and signaled the horse to start walking. She was again careful not to run into anything. She saw the castle way to soon in her mind. She saw the open field and the stables and castle in the distance. She liked their little bubble but now it was gone and she had to face a terrible thing called reality.

smoke would come into the throne room. It would begin to form a shape. 98 was appearing. He was using his uniform and skeleton mask

@Mr Swiftshots
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He looked at her for another moment kinda surprised she had known what was going on in his head. "A-alright..... I just wonder though. How are we going to keep this a secret from everyone else?" He asked quietly as he pulled the reins causing Bel to follow her. "It's gonna work out.... one way or another" He said with a smile now a bit more confident in his own mind about this.

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"We don't talk about it I guess and we sneak around." She says shrugging. She didn't know really what else to say. They eventually got to the stables and she brought her horse back into where he always stayed. She took the saddle off and set t on the hook it was supposed to go on. "It might be kind of fun to sneak around." She says quietly making sure no one was around.

He moved Bel into her stall for a moment going through the same procedure though now bringing the sword with him. "Well that does seem like it would be" He said quietly with a little smile as he sat the saddle over on a little stool he had in there. Then he moved out of Bel's stall so she could rest and walked a little bit away from it, "But still it is a challenge.".

She sighs. "Yeah, I know." She walks out of the stall closing the somewhat gate looking thin g behind her. "But like I mean we will have to do what we are doing now, no one is around so that's when we can...talk...and....kiss." She says being quiet on the last word. She didn't really need anyone over hearing them.

He nodded, "That's probably for the best at the moment... maybe it will change in the future though" He said quietly as he let off a short sigh. He didn't exactly know the best course of action for them and knew only what he hoped they could do in the end of it all. "I do know somethings though.... for example the fact that usually the lower levels of the castle are empty since most of the others patrolling leave to take a break or something." He said as he thought about their ideas for a moment.

JPTheWarrior said:
smoke would come into the throne room. It would begin to form a shape. 98 was appearing. He was using his uniform and skeleton mask
@Mr Swiftshots
Clair pinched the bridge of her nose clearly getting more and more agitated "what is it now!"

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