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Fantasy Princesses and Princes?! (Alway accepting!)

"Oh I see. Thank you Clair." Siyaria smiles a bit as snow ball moves closer to Clair.

(Should probably show what Snowball looks like xD )
He smiled at her getting up atop Bel his blade relaxing near him so he could draw it if needed. He them moved a little bit and she began to move matching the speed of the other horse. Mainly due to the fact she knew more about the problems that Ollucios had with riding in the past but now he did know a bit more so she could adapt to what he needed help with. "I'll follow you that way I don't get lost on the way there" He said smiling at her as the horse matched her speed. He didn't know how fast Elizabeth would want to go and thus he decided to follow beside her.

Clair reached out and began to pet snowball "I know it may seem unfair to you but this is whats best for the people. I'm sorry"
"I dont care if its unfair. If its to help our bonds with another kingdom then it must me done.. And we'll probably get along." Siyaria smiles a bit. She knew it was the right think to do and she'd much rather help her kingdom then put it in danger.
She just sped up a little bit not wanting to go two fast. Soon she entered the forest that surrounded the forest. She looks over to him. "How is the job treating you?" She asks holding onto the reins with one hand and making sure to look where she was going but looking over to him. She keeps a rather slow pace but not painfully slow. She almost was about to speed up when she first got on but then she remembered. She has a soft smile on her face she just felt happy when she did stuff like this. She was probably screwed with Clair but for now she didn't worry about it.

"i really do hope you two get along" Clair sighed letting snowball lay in her lap "the entire court have been nagging at me all day to confirm the marriage proposal" (i'm heading to bed)
He shrugged as he held the reins gently in his hands. "It's pretty good.... I don't really have any complaints since it's kinda normal as to what I do." He said with a smile. "Patrol the lower floors for a few hours train for a little while then patrol some more. That's pretty much the instructions i've had to do as of recent" He said smiling as he continued to match her speed. Bel was pretty much watching for things too though not more than another horse. Ollucios was watching carefully as they moved that way he didn't lead Bel into a tree without paying attention.... which only had happened once before.

Kelsea was still in the castle, perhaps she should check in on the royal family. She Knocks onto the youngest daughter's door. "Just checking in... I heard about the marriage..." She said with a somber tone. @Libra259
She kept riding at a fairly decent pace not going to fast or slow. She almost had a couple close calls of her horse running into a tree or her falling off. But she managed. After a while she sees the opening in the trees and there was the creek. She slid off of her horse letting her horse munch on the grass and drink the water. She looks to him. "Is this a good place?" She asks.

"Oh ok.." Siyaria says with a sigh of relief. She wasnt sure what to think about this marriage and truthfully, it scared her.
Libra259 said:
"Oh ok.." Siyaria says with a sigh of relief. She wasnt sure what to think about this marriage and truthfully, it scared her.
"Hey... I know it's probably scary... If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here, ok?"
Siyaria smiles at her, "thank you Kelsea, I really appreciate it." She says thankfully and picks Snowball up from Clair's lap. She sighs and walks to her bed. "I dont know what to think, is that odd?.." She asks while laying on her bed. She places Snowball on her stomach and he lays down.
He stopped as well now slowly stopping his horse and dismounting from it. Bel began to follow after the others example and started to graze, "Yeah... this seems like a good spot.... As long as we don't run into any wolves we should be fine here" He said smiling since he didn't know himself about things. "I wonder what the water feels like though" He said looking over at it for a moment being a bit thoughtful not to spook the horses with any movement.

"Huh then let's go feel it." She says walking. Over to the edge of the water brig careful also not to spooky the horse. She kneels down and sits back on her ankles dipping her hand in the water. Not to cold, not to hot, it felt nice. Her dress spreads around her slightly. She splashes some of the water on her face since she didn't put any make-up on this morning. She felt nice. She almost wishes she lived in the forest. It felt free.

"So i'm guessing you like it since you didn't wrench back from it" He spoke a bit calmly as he moved over to the water with her making sure he didn't do anything strange to make the horses move. "It's kinda nice though.... being in the forest. Reminds me of where I used to live" He said happily as he looked around at the forest now as well as paying attention to her.

She turns towards him carefully getting up but staying by the she of the creek. "We have talked a lot but you have never told me about your family or where you came from." She asks looking up at him. She wipes the access water away from her face as she waits for an answer.

"Well yeah..... I just didn't think you'd really want to hear me talk about my family" He said honestly looking to the water now as he watched it. He honestly didn't think that it was too much of a problem to keep his family to himself since he figured she didn't want to hear him talk about his family and all that kind of thing. "If you want me to tell you about them i'd be alright with telling you of them" He said still holding his humble knight tone.
"Yeah I'd like to hear about..." She is cut off when she goes to take a step away from the creek she gets caught on her dress and she falls face first into the creek.

Well this is so perfect she seems to do this a lot. She turns her self over since she was able to catch herself with her arms and gets up carefully and she was laughing at herself. "Oh my god I'm so dead." She says thinking of her sister and mother. She was soaked. Her hair was now soaked, dripping. Well she tried so hard to get her hair straight earlier and now all it was going to do was curl again. "I'm sorry like I said I'm a clumsy person." She says as she starts making her way towards the side of the creek once more.

"Don't worry about it, hang on a sec... i'll make a fire so you don't have to be stuck in cold damp clothes and get sick" He said before quickly moving over to a tree and beginning to snap branches off though not giant ones but some of the younger ones that would make decent kindling for the fire itself. After gathering enough he found some stones and made a little pit for the fire, "I'll tell you about them when I know you're alright Elizabeth" he said before pulling out a little dagger and a rock. Striking the blade against the rock some sparks came off it and the wood slowly grew into a decent sized fire. "That should work, don't you think so m'lady?" he asked still quite not the best at breaking his knightly habit.


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