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Fantasy Princesses and Princes?! (Alway accepting!)

(I have no idea where we are but here I go) Astride sipped her wine casually as she stood alone at the food table from the rest of the people. The music was fast and people danced. Laughter filled the room, yet no joy was on Astrides face. Astride only knew how to dance gypsy style. It also looked as if people needed a partner. Astride sighed, she didn't know why she had let Nana convonce her to go. She'd much rather be dancing with her family on the streets.
Siyaria kneels down as she begins to engage in conversation with the little boy. The little girl is now playing with her hair.
Libra259 said:
Siyaria kneels down as she begins to engage in conversation with the little boy. The little girl is now playing with her hair.
he walks closer to her "Never saw an important person act like that"
Charlie was walking through the town. He had on better clothes now since he lived with Kelsea. He saw Siyaria and approached her. He smiled at her. @Libra259
"Okay let go." She says walking towards him since the door that she went out of the night of the ball, also was close to the stables. At least now that she has a knight with her she won't be bothered. That was only a plus to him coming with her. She walked out the door actually excited. She walks beside him at his pace. "So what have you been up to today?" She asks curiously.

Clair sat in a meeting with her advisers , the topic of the day was the arranged marriage of her sister. Clair had been crowned queen just twenty days ago and already things were getting complicated , her sister upright refused to get married.This posed a major problem for Clair as the marriage was intended to strengthen the bonds between her kingdom and the neighboring one , if such a marriage was called off it could be taken as an act of war and that was something Clair wasn't going to let happen. Already her father and mother had spoken to Siyaria but it was no good the girl was set on remaining single , what a selfish move it was especially for a princess !

Once the meeting was over Clair thought it would be best to talk to Siyaria herself about the matter and so she st out to find the girl.Clair searched the palace high and low but could not find her, however she did find Elizabeth "Elizabeth where is that selfish sister of ours?"

She turned to her sister wen she hears her voice. "She isn't feeling well, I believe she is in her room." She says simply lying was one of her strong suits. She turned to Ollicios giving him the look of 'Please don't say anything' she says not knowing if he knew where she went or not. She turns back to Clair. "I'm going riding and Sir Nerivena, no need to send Kelsa after me." She says informing her. He was a knight so hopefully her sister would lay off.

@Mr Swiftshots @ScaraByte
Clair pinched the bridge of her nose "she's not feeling ok , yeh yeh. When will you two come to understand i grew up with your shenanigans!" Clair turned her back to Elizabeth and sighed loudly "go , however should i find that you are lying to me. Not only will you be punished but so will your sister"
"I haven't been up to much... pretty much just patrolling and then a little training earlier" He said with a faint shrug. He didn't exactly know why the princess had come to ask him about riding horses with her when she likely had many other... better people out there. Though he wasn't going to object to it. "How've you been m'lady?" He asked with politeness in his voice.

Oh Crap. "Okay" she says knowing she would have to defend him later since he really did have nothing to do with any of this. She honestly herself had no idea where her sister was. 'I'm not one of you Knights Clair, I'm your sister' she says in her head slightly irritated now. Her sister always got her into trouble with Clair but that was what sisters were for right? Oh she was so screwed. She sighs. "Lets go." She says and starts walking rubbing her temples. She turns to him. "What did I say you can just call me Elizabeth" she says smiling. "But I have been fine." She says walking into the stables.

@ScaraByte Mr Swiftshots
Siyaria sighs and frowns a bit, "i must be getting back now.. Im not on very good terms with my father.." Siyaria sighs, "I apologize for leaving so suddenly... Good bye Charlie, children.. And im sorry but I dont know who you are. I do hope we can talk again." Siyaria picks up snowball and waves to the four then walks back to the castle. Siyaria would climb to her balcony with snowball in her arms. She sits on the chair on her balcony and sighs.

@Ldybug123 @JPTheWarrior

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