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Fantasy Princesses and Princes?! (Alway accepting!)

Adriane nodded slightly, smiling as she held out her hand. "I hope to speak with you again later Princess Elizabeth. Brother, please be respectful." She turned back to Ollucios, her eyes filled with excitement that she held back from both her speech and movements. She had been taught since she was a young child not to show unladylike emotions, but inside she was much more like a child than she let on.


Damien straightened back up, his smile never leaving his face as he sunk into the familiar rhythm of conversation. "I'm very glad we made it at all. The weather has not particularly been in our favour recently. I hope you are having a good evening? Everyone seems to be in high spirits." He observed, though he had also noticed how tight the security was. He brushed it off, but still kept himself aware of the people around him.

[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clair downed the rest of her drink and spoke quietly, "a dance would be lovely but am i not hindering you?"

"Not at all. Im having alot of fun tonight"
"More or less" she says to him. She still is smiling and she noticed how stuffy the room was. She takes another small sip of wine before handing it over to a maid who offered to take it. "Are you enjoying your night?" She asks.

Ollucios moved his hand taking hers since she had offered it to him. "Well be warned i'm not a very good dancer" He said with a smile as he was quite knowledgeable that he was quite bad at dancing. He did remember her saying she knew the steps which would be nice since that would allow him to come closer as friends to her.

"Thank you most people look at me and think of me as a lieing, murderer, Bandit but your have showed me kindness many would not have Showen. " Smiling at her Frost remember something "Oh ya reminds me have you seen something like this?" and shows a drawing of a necklace that is blue with a sapphire in the middue.

(Sorry about the necklace bored because I had to go eat.)
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(To lazy so let's use old things from a different rp)

"Well when I was young we came here to meet the princess of this country for some agreement and when they did we meet you 3 and since I was the youngest of the 3 brothers I left and meet a girl she was playing in snow and helped her make it natural snow because my magic and then later on i gave her it and now I think it is one of you three that have it." Frost said he looks at the sea.
"I'm sure it will be fine, you can't be that bad!" She giggled slightly, walking over to the dance floor. She was fully relaxed, and dancing was one of her favourite things to do, so she was slightly excited to finally be able to dance with a partner that wasn't her brother or tutor for once. The other two were very predictable, and she always felt stiff and awkward with her mother watching her every move, so this would be her first social dance. Once they reached a suitable spot, she positioned herself, straining her mind back to the most basic lessons. She kept hold of his hand, and placed her other one on his shoulder.


"I most certainly am. Your home is incredibly beautiful, and your champagne is exquisite. This is certainly the best ball I have been to in quite some time." He noticed that Elizabeth seemed slightly hot, and realised how warm the crowded room had become. "However, I feel I need to take a breath of fresh air. Would you care to accompany me?" He asked, holding his had out for hers, though he wasn't trying to pressure her.

Ollucios was still a bit more nervous now since this was the 2nd royal and if he looked like some sort of goon in front of all the other royals the likeliness of others actually taking him serious was slim to none. So he decided that he would follow her lead and hope for the best within the situation they were in. Plus if all else failed and they did it wrong it would be a new statement of dancing for them.

"That would be lovely, I cans show you the gardens." She suggested and takes his hand not wanting to be disrespectful. She saw the knight dancing with Princess Adraine. She mouthed the words, 'Relax, you're a natural.' She shows the Prince to the garden and starts walking in the paths around their huge garden.

Seeing her take out a necklace he smiles and asks "May I acompany you to the ball as your dance partner?" Trying to hid the fact that the necklace was the one he was looking for as he extends his hand

(I totally understand lol xD )

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She takes his hand, "I suppose so." She says with a smile and puts the necklace back on. "I don't believe you answered my question, why are you looking for that necklace?" She asks.

"I'll tell you later." Frost says as they walk back into the ball and as usual asked the band to play Latin songs and started dancing with her.

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"Great now show me what I taught you!" Smiling as he twirled her and laughed like an actual laugh for the first time this whole week!
Adriane began the simple movements, trying to keep to the easiest dance she knew, the Viennese Waltz, the dance that originated in her country. It contained only a few movements, and it was the first one she learnt, so she figured it would be easy to do. "This is a really easy dance, so don't panic. Luckily they're playing a slower song." She smiled encouraging at him.


"That sounds delightful." Damien tucked her hand into the crook of his arm, making sure to keep in pace with her. "So, Princess, what do you do in your spare time?" He studied the beautiful flowers, having a self-professed passion for learning how to use them as gifts, particularly interested in the snow white roses.

Ollucios looked at her and followed with the movements making sure not to mess up too much. "Well hopefully I don't mess you up then.... I do know not to step on your feet at the very least" He said smiling as he continued to copy what he could and make sure that he didn't mess up to his best ability. Though he was slightly nervous since he wasn't 100% confident in himself..... though he hadn't been drinking he could still mess up possibly.

"I actually do a lot of things. I read listen to music, play music, I got horseback riding on my horse Midnight and there's more but I rather not bore you. What do you do in your spare time Prince?" She asks curiously. She looks at the flowers that were around. She remembers when she was young when she used to play in the gardens and plant the flowers. A small smile appears on her face just thinking about the memories.

As they dance he laughs again "let me help out" as he asked the band to change the song to a fast Latin song and helps her dance.

"Just relax. Let the music move you and you can't possibly mess up." Adriane closed her eyes for a brief moment, getting a feel for the unfamiliar music playing, before adjusting her steps to make up for it. "See, you're doing really well. The Viennese Waltz, as the name suggests, was invented in my country. It's a shame they aren't playing the original music, but i guess beggars can't be choosers." She looked up at him her face content.


Damien glanced over at her, glad to see that Elizabeth looked like she was having a good time. "Well, I read, hunt, play tennis, and take part in masques. There isn't as much choice in my country, but the plays are generally very interesting. You will have to come and watch one some day." He took in the scent that surrounded them in a cocoon of perfume, before continuing. "Do you know the language of flowers?"


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