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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open!

It'd be great if you could add that bit. I've sat down to write a couple of times but nothing's coming to me. Everything's just been very very overwhelming. :/
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Welp, yesterday turned out to be busier than I expected, but on the bright side, working on the post for Evalyn now. ( :D )
@Lady Ravenshade Hope things aren't too terrible on your end. :/

@ParadoxalPaladin Whoa, sounds so idyllic. I think a pebble beach might be hard to walk on? I'm a SoCal beach bum and all the stereotypes that come with it lmao. Bleached sands. Seaweed kelp and trash everywhere. Surfers. It's all very Hollywood.

Fun fact, Wiznibs and I once walked 5 miles along a beach very early in the morning one day dressed in totally not beach wear.

That was a time.
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Posted. Sorry for the wall of text. I kind of... just let loose and lost myself in it. Hope it's alright at least. If not, lemme know.
@Beowulf for how long have you not had any notifications (as far as you can tell?) Week, two weeks, month?

There was an announcement a few days ago, don't know if you saw that?
I'm not sure I saw that announcement. About what page was it? You know what, I can figure it out.
@Beowulf Yup we've still been in awkward restructuring phase. Though hoping to solve that with one last Skype session this weekend.

Actually I'm thinking I'll finally post for Kiefer later today since we got a pretty good grasp on what's gonna happen for the rest of the day, and how to involve your character. Hopefully.
Alright just a heads up I have been having computer issues over the past couple days and today it just...my computer became literally unusable. Which was good because I already printed out all my readings and could get all caught up with them. But which sucks because I have a ton of shit I wanna write down for this RP and finally the free time to do it but now no computer.

I think I'm going to have to break down and take the ol boy in this weekend and pray to the gods they can figure out wtf is wrong with it. Because I'm in no place to buy a flipping computer right now and I can't education without one.

Will keep peeps on board with updates.
Oh yeah in the mean time yahll can welcome @Three Clubs who has been officially accepted into the RP as Kiefer's dance instructor / left hand man. Heyo!

Just haven't been able to go around and update things like

new players since my computer has been a twat but if I am able to figure this shiz out by the end of this weekend there will be massive ass text dumps for all. oTZ
Ugh electronic devices overall are a pain in the butt. Hoping everything turns out all right in the end, thanks for still sticking with us! @Pretzel Heart

@Three Clubs welcome to Primum Movens! Excited to see how interactions between Nelly and Sir Dominik play out~ :)
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Hello all! Excited to be able to get out on this whimsical literary dance floor. Even though my character really isn't much of instructor, but I'm sure he'll sort that out in time. Either way, happy to be a part of this.
I can't help but be amused every time I read or write the name 'Kip'.

Mainly because kip means chicken in Dutch.
Yes, there's that as well, but I just keep imagining a chicken flying around, only to remind myself that Kip is in fact more a hamster or squirrel in appearance.
Just so everyone knows, I won't be available this weekend because I'm going to the college graduation of a family member of mine's. Hope that's okay!
@Unwavering Knight Just remembered something! Would you still be up to rping the healing dance that Helbrecht suggested Nelly do for his cuts and stuffs.. It'd be interesting I think. That is if there's still enough time left on the second day.

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