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Realistic or Modern Powers in Secret

Lilith looked at the waves in he ocean before replying. "I... I always kind of liked you too." She said hugging her knees closer to her chest. She looked at Ryan and smiled, slightly, which she almost never did.

Had Ryan's jacket not have been up his mouth would've caught the ground, he was so happy he didn't even realize that he had already disappeared. Once he realized that he had he stood up and started dancing (think of the 6flags guy) of course he was on the assumption that Lilith couldn't see him that is.

Lilith turned away then looked back at him, which he was gone. She sighed and stood up. She walked back to her home and turned on the lights in her room. She sat on her bed as she watched a Disney movie. Just because she acted like a quiet serious and mature person, didn't mean she couldn't enjoy a bit of funny movies.

@Aqua you guys can go ahead and post if you want. No need to wait.)
las0r0o7 said:
(You forgot that you can see me remember :3 )
(I thought you teleported away. Let me rewrite that.)

Lilith saw that Ryan was a ghost again, and saw him dancing like an idiot. She giggled, but quickly covered her. Mouth, not knowing if he knew her secret or not.

Ryan was dancing his ass off until he heard her giggle then he stopped dead in his tracks "I... Umm... You..." He scratched his head for a second "You can see me!?" He was now super confused now did he not change realms or was there something else she could do that he didn't know about.

@Queen of Fantasy
I woke up hade to get to class and when i got to school i went in english class and was talking to him
Lilith bit her lip and stared. "Um..." She mumbled. "Yes... I can see you... And hear you too." She said standing. "But... Being honest, your dancing rocks." She said giggling a bit again as memory of him dancing appeared again.

i started to wake up and recognized that voice and stood up. " bear is that you" i ran over with my arms open to give him a hug since it had been about three years.

Ryan was kind of thrown off for a second "that is pretty damn cool, not gonna lie" he couldn't help but laugh at her comment on his dancing, with all that said and done he switched back to the earthly realm and gave her a bear hug picking her up off the ground and spinning her around.

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith was shocked by the sudden hugs, but threw her arms around him. "I can't wait to see the girls faces." She said chuckling. "I mean, I bet NO ONE saw this coming." She said smiling.

Late. Late again and he wasn't the least bit upset, which was very conflicting considering this was his last year in that hellhole and his 'parents' were very clear about car access and tardiness. "If you're going to take your time getting to school, then there's no need to take the car. Blah blah blah." Grey muttered mockingly as he tightened the straps to his navy blue Jansport and continued to saunter his way up the steps of the school. Honestly, he wasn't planning to get to class at all that day, but seeing as the school had called his parents about his ditching problem, he had to be within the school perimeter. At least, that's what the student handbook had said. What? Are smarticle particles going to float from the classrooms and instill themselves in my brain? Chuckling at the thought, he pushed past the large double doors and made his way down the halls. That's where he spotted Ryan picking some chick off the ground and spinning her around. With a low whistle, he approached them cautiously with an amused smirk, trying to assess the scene. "Uh... congratualations! Is it a boy or girl?" He asked jokingly.

@Queen of Fantasy @las0r0o7
Ryan laughed his ass of at that "Oh I'm sure they will all be jealous like crazy, but it doesn't matter, your mine, that is all." He set her down and ruffled her hair a bit before taking her hand and started heading back to the school doors.

@Quren of Fantasy
Phenex wakes up saying "huh w-what's going on did I miss anything at all" as he rubs his eyes and yawns a little.
Lilith followed, with her face as red as ever. Once they got there, another jerky ditcher made a comment. "Leave us alone" she simply said, and they continued to walk.

Ryan laughed some at the guys comment "At least I have something important to me." Ryan didn't really care hat other people said about him, he was used to all the attention he got, both good and bad.

Looking at the two over his shoulder as they passed him by, Grey furrowed his brows a bit at the girl's curt reply. Someone doesn't know how to take a joke. But her bitterness wasn't any of his problem. But what was a bit unsettling was the whole 'quick fix' thing. It hasn't even been a month since school started and people are already pairing up. Learn how to control your hormones. "Suit yourself, mate!" He called back with a simple shrug before continuing on his walk toward his locker. Ah, 213. He reached out for the lock, but before he hand could even reach it, it was forcefully pushed away. "Huh?" Confused and a bit irritated, he tried again, this time he tried his best to push through the invisible bubble keeping him from his locker. Unfortunately, it only pushed him further away.

"What the fu--" Fed up and frustrated at that point, he pushed with all his might but that only seemed to worsen the situation. Grey was pushed back a few feet as the bubble between his hand and the locker grew, an electric-blue color lining the -once invisible- bubble. Soon enough, he gave up with a groan and looked around to make sure no one had spotted him. "Fucking force-fields." He grumbled. It was bad enough that weird things had been happening to him, but to only be able to control a portion of his newfound powers was a little less than shite.
Ryan continued on his way back to English class and pulled the door open Lilith and waited for the teacher to complain about how long it took "Where have you two been, did you get lost on the way here or something." And there it was, day one, already getting complained about what a lovely thing to have.

He shrugged his shoulders at the teacher and gave his infamous smile to her. "You have my sincere apologies for taking so long, I'm still trying to remember where everything is, I will try my best to remain in class from now on."

His smile and Irish accent came across sooooo smoothly it even made the teacher blush somewhat "umm.. never mind that, just get to your seat....." She quickly turned around back to the board to hide her face.

Ryan made his way back to his seat and propped his feat up on his desk again "That was too easy." He said with a grin towards Lilith.

@Queen of Fantasy
Lilith smiled at Ryan as she watched the two's short conversing. She sat down and grinned at Ryan's remark.

"Well that was interesting." She whispered at Ryan. She glanced toward the other classmates. Most of the girls in class gave her furious looks.

"I have a feeling ill have a hole in my head if they staring." She said sarcastically. She sat back in her chair and listened to the teacher.

"Its what I can do best, might as well take advantage of it, right." Ryan opened one if his eyes and looked around at the other girls staring at her like she was the devil. "You can stare at me all you want, and I can promise that they won't lay a hand on you, and if they do let me know." He closed his eye again and went back to sleep waiting on the bell to ring.
She chuckled and bit her lip. She waited for class to be over when finally the bell ringed. She stood up but the teacher stopped them.

"I was talking with some of the teachers, and I believe we're organizing prom. It should happen sometime this year, maybe around Halloween for a costume theme. Just wanted to give you all a heads up. Dismissed."

Lilith sighed. "Great, now ALL the girls are gonna hate on me." She said standing and waking up Ryan.


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