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Realistic or Modern Power to the outcasts

black ace 3

Leap Year, Baby!
It was said once that the meek shall inherit the earth. so far though that has fail to come to be. they have been used to overthrow old kings to be replaced with new ones or whole new governments. while a few rise up most are still kept away in the alleys, streets, ghettos, etc. still outcasts. however some force saw fit to give some within Dresdin City all sorts of powers. question is: will it be used to help their fellows and do good or lash out at the people higher on the social ladder.

Dresdin City is an industrial city with alot of issues. there is a small really wealthy area but a fair amount of ghetto and poor person areas aswell.

1. Normal RP Rules.

2. All Characters are somehow outcasts of society

3.Have Fun!
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Naomi was walking home from another successful gig. blushing in embarrassment at the memory as she always does when it pops up due to her being not the dancer type. but she was apprently good at it and it was the only job she could really do so beggars can't be choosers. then out of nowhere some guy came from behind and put a knife to her throat. prepared to hand over the money, wasn't the first time doing this, then suddenly a burst of pain in her head and then rest of the body and the mugger was blown back. not asking any questions she just ran backj for her run down apartment.

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