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Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

Garchomp shakes her head "I was laughing because I used to do this back home...I used to push people too far and they'd end up getting hurt. Just my luck it happens here too."

Garchomp shakes her head "I was laughing because I used to do this back home...I used to push people too far and they'd end up getting hurt. Just my luck it happens here too."


"oh... I'm so sorry... y-you wanna come in?" Glaceon asked opening the door wide enough for Garchomp to enter, "o-only if you want to though..." Glaceon felt stupid

(P.S I should mention Glaceon doesn't have a crush on Garchomp, merely finds her cute)
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Garchomp nods and stands up "I'd like that" she stands up and smiles as she enters the room "a little chilly in here...You ice types like it cold huh?" she laughs at her joke as looks around

Luxray walks around and finds himself in a stadium. He see's a pokehuman he's never seen before and walk's up slowly to him "hi, I'm new around here and what might your name be" Luxray had felt a drop of sweat run down the side of his head as he said that.  He was nervous expecioully around a pokehuman he has never seen before.

Garchomp nods and stands up "I'd like that" she stands up and smiles as she enters the room "a little chilly in here...You ice types like it cold huh?" she laughs at her joke as looks around


"oh s-should I umm... warm it up a little then?" Glaceon asked sitting on her bed which was also cold, I think the AC has like... a heater function too..." Glaceon shut the door to keep as much heat in as possible
Garchomp shakes her head "it's all good, I'll warm up soon enough. How's the arm?" she looks at it and sighs, it was bloody but at least it hadn't fallen off

Garchomp shakes her head "it's all good, I'll warm up soon enough. How's the arm?" she looks at it and sighs, it was bloody but at least it hadn't fallen off


"I'm okay don't worry" Glaceon said licking it clean keeping an eye on Garchomp it actually hurt a whole lot, but Glaceon didn't want to make it a big deal
Garchomp hugs her arms and shivers slightly "I should get Nurse Chansey just in case, last thing you need is an infection on your first day here...again, I'm really sorry about that I just get so excited when I'm running..."

Garchomp hugs her arms and shivers slightly "I should get Nurse Chansey just in case, last thing you need is an infection on your first day here...again, I'm really sorry about that I just get so excited when I'm running..."


"stop apologising Arceus damn it!" Glaceon said "I tripped on my tail" she flicked her tail at Garchomp "anyway if you think we should get nurse Chansey then go ahead, but I'm not going... unless you want me too"
Garchomp shrugs "if it starts giving you trouble go see the nurse okay?" Garchomp falls backwards onto Glaceon's bed and smiles "so you're not mad at me right?"

Garchomp shrugs "if it starts giving you trouble go see the nurse okay?" Garchomp falls backwards onto Glaceon's bed and smiles "so you're not mad at me right?"


"no... not at all really..." Glaceon smiled at her, her smiles were cute adorable even, Glaceon lay next to Garchomp looking at the winters sky that had been painted on the ceiling, "do you think they went a little overboard with theming this place or what?" 
(yeah I got it in notifications but it's not blue...meh good enough I guess)
(@pixelated I find if it isn't showing the little menu with the names just delete the name and leave the @ symbol and try it again)

Garchomp shakes her head "nah I don't think so, my ceiling has pictures of the sky in the evening. The red sunset, the deep blue as it gets dark and all the little birds suspended in flight forever. It makes me miss home and I've only been here a day, but I have a friend now and hopefully she isn't gonna leave my side and even if she does I won't leave hers" Garchomp grabs Glaceon's hand and smiles "I don't have many friends back home so I'm glad I made a friend here"

Name: Snorunt

Age: 15

Type: Ice

Likes: Cold treats, quiet places, being by himself

Dislikes: Loud people, Hot places

Sex: Male

Crush: None of know

Personality: Snorunt doesn't say much to others, but if some one is to loud he get rather annoyed easily


Theme: (Optional) 


Name: Flygon

Age: 17

Type: Ground, Dragon

Likes: To run, Skygazing, Sweets

Dislikes: Doing work, Winter

Sex: Female

Crush: None of yet

Personality: Flygon gets excited leading her to yell often to others when talking. She often tends to hold out on doing any sorts of work to enjoy her self.


Theme: (Optional) 
@Katie Jensen

Glaceon blushed slightly at Garchomp holding her hand, but didn't show it, "don't worry Garchomp, I'm not planning on leaving, not as long as were getting on," Glaceon gave  her another smile
Garchomp nods and sits up "good, I won't try being your personal trainer anymore, I'm still sorry about your arm." she sighs as her stomach rumbles and then she laughs "it never ends...always hungry"


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