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Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

Luxray sighed "I guess this pokehuman is asleep" Luxray leaves the stadium and wonders around.  heh "I guess I don't need to worry myself to much about new people when there isn't any."
@Katie Jensen

"are you getting hungry Garchomp?... 'cause I am..." Glaceon said hearing her stomach rumble "hey since I... OH SHIT!" Glaceon said before running off again
Garchomp sighs as she stands up and follows Glaceon "guess we're playing tag again...This doesn't help the hungry situation but at least I'm exercising."

Garchomp stops next to Luxray and laughs "sorry about her...she's being all energetic and stuff...um hi" she looks away from Luxray and blushes, she wasn't good at talking to guys.

"hahah it's alright I can be like that to sometimes...anyway want to sit down together with your friend?" Luxray asked as he smiled brightly.

@Katie Jensen
Garchomp blushes again and nods "Y-yeah let's do that...you have a nice smile by the way...I'm sorry that kinda just came out..." she bites the sleeve of her jacket to stop herself from embarrassing herself further.

Luxray blushed a little as well and asked "well where would you like to sit" Luxray was worried to say the wrong thing as well

@Katie Jensen
Luxray smiled as well "then lets go, don't wanna be standing here to long we'll miss the battle" Luxray walks over to where she was pointing at. He turns back and waves. "come on!" Luxray exclaimed as he chuckled

"I guess so... I can't find my bag anywhere though... I sorta left it here... it had my sandwiches inside it..." Glaceon said crossing her arms "I want my sandwiches"
"I'll go look for it ok I'm sure its around here somewhere, I'll come back later" Luxray walks around the stadium trying to find the bag. He sighed "this'll be looking for a needle in a haystack."


"you don't know what it looks like, don't worry I can spot it from a... Mile off!" Glaceon said noticing a bright blue bag hanging on the fence "wait no... that's not it... never mind" she sighed
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Luxray laughs "we should wait until people start leaving the stadium we'll have a better chance of finding it then"


"c'mon it'll be fine, besides, those are my sandwiches not anyone *Gasp* I remember! my bag's in the shower room, I left it there after my battle with Garchomp"
Garchomp runs over "I heard sandwiches! Did you call me over? Because you know I like sandwiches!" she laughs as her stomach rumbles "oh by the way this is Glaceon and you are? You didn't actually introduce yourself or maybe you did but I was too distracted by your face...Uh I mean your awesome sense of style..."


"Oh I'm so sorry! My name is Luxray and I just moved in here today and what would your name be?" Luxray blushed a little after she said that but didn't want to make it awkward for her so he tried to brush it off.

@Katie Jensen
Garchomp laughs "I already introduced myself, I'm Garchomp" she smiles at him and frowns as her stomach rumbles again "in the name of Arceus cease your rumbling"

Luxray laughs "I would go get the sandwiches for you guys but...I think there would be a problem going inside the girls shower room hahah..."

@Katie Jensen

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"I know I know I just feel bad that I can't be a gentleman and get for you guys that's all" Luxray chuckled nervously trying to be as nice as possible to his new friends.


@Katie Jensen
Luxray sighed and sat down waiting for Glaceon. He felt nervous that his new friends wouldn't like him if he started acting a little weird.

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