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Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

Garchomp waves playfully pokes Luxray and pretends to glare at him "you wouldn't happen to be an electric type would you? I hear they're super fast and since I can go mach speed I wanna race an electric type to see who's faster" she smiles sweetly at him as if asking him to race

Luxray sits up in his chair looking startled "o-oh um yeah I am an electric type and yeah I-I don't mind" Luxray gazes at her sweet smile blushing until he realizes what he is doing and stands up quickly "s-so when would you like to"

@Katie Jensen
Garchomp begins stretching and grins "how about now? We'll be there and back before Glaceon gets back and then we can have sandwiches...Just a race from this side of the arena to the other side and back again" Garchomp was aware she talked about food a lot but she did like food so if people found it weird they'd have to get used to it. 

(I apologize I was forced to watch a basketball game until somebody saved me.)
Garchomp takes a deep breath and then bursts forward with extreme speed, the airburst she causes blows her jacket away as she launches herself forward "COME ON GARCHOMP! YOU CAN GO FASTER!" she catches up with Luxray, her armblades now extended and a blade on her back extended too 

Luxray reaches himself at the wall and bounces off it using it as leverage seeing for a split second Garchomp wasn't to far behind. "not sure I can win if I keep this up" he mumbles to himself. Luxray used extreme speed to boost himself.

@Katie Jensen
Garchomp hits the wall with force and throws herself around. She roars and uses all of her strength to catch up "MACH SPEED! I WON'T LOSE!" she races past Luxray and laughs. Just as she's about to win she trips and falls, die to the speed she's going she rolls a large distance and slides to a halt on her side.

"Garchomp!" Luxray exclaimed as he runs up to her kneeling down looking very worried "hey are you ok! come on we need to go see nurse Chansey" Luxray wasn't sure whether or not to help Garchomp up or if it would hurt her. "can you get up Garchomp!"

@Katie Jensen
Garchomp groans "ugh...my head hurts...Well that's what I get huh?" she laughs and looks at Luxray "don't worry about me I've done worse before, luckily this was a bit of dirt and sand rather than rocks and steep cliffs." she sits up and groans, she had hit her head but it was nothing serious, at least to her it wasn't

"you scared me half to death!" Luxray sighed and sat down He smiled and then started to laugh. "I have to say though I'm impressed your a ground type right, I didn't expect you to be so fast!" Luxray got excited and asked "hey would you like to run together sometime and train?"

@Katie Jensen
Garchomp nods "I'm a dragon type too and yeah that sounds fun, we should do that some time" She sits up and looks at the empty sandwich tub "who'd do such a thing? Those sandwiches weren't theirs to take..."


"Hmmm....we should go get something else to eat then.  I'm sure your hungry Garchomp, you've been wanting something to eat for a while now...if that's alright with you." Luxray looked over to glaceon as well "what do you think?"


@Katie Jensen
Garchomp laughs "honestly I'm always hungry...eating is one of my favourite things to do is eat" she tries to stand up and winces "okay ow, my ankle is busted. I think I twisted it when I fell"

@Katie Jensen @DollarBill

Glaceon was too busy licking the different flavours of Jam from the inside of the tub to take notice of Luxray's question but it was evident that she was hungry, extremely hungry and waiting around wasn't helping
"w-wait I think it'll probably be best for me to get all of us something to eat and rest up a bit before we get moving.  You did take a hard fall after all and we have no sandwiches now so I'll buy some for us. It's the least I can do anyway for your two's company." Luxray gets up and walks over behind the stadium where some food stands are it might take him a little while before he comes back.

@Katie Jensen

Garchomp sticks her tongue out at Glaceon "not my boyfriend and don't worry I'm not jealous either...I'm not like that" she clutches her ankle and takes a deep breath "he is really nice isn't he? Always trying to help out"


Garchomp shakes her head "don't get the nurse, it's only a sore ankle. I'll be fine. How's the arm?" she looks at Glaceon's arm to check if the cut is still bleeding
@Katie Jensen

"it's umm okay I guess... hurts a little..." Glaceon said looking at it as well it had stopped bleeding and she had made an attempt at cleansing and bandaging it inside the shower room

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