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Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

Garchomp watches Giratina walk past her and shrugs "rude but okay I guess..." Garchomp walks back to the arena and begins jogging around the edge, she waves at Glaceon "come on, we'll see if we can get your speed up Slowpoke!" she laughs as she breaks into a light run.


"Hey no fair! your bigger than me!" Glaceon said trying to keep pace with Garchomp, her legs hit the ground twice as often as Garchomp's and she wasn't anywhere near her, and Glaceon knew Garchomp could go even faster
[ sorry,  I honestly didn't see your post :c]

Giratina was to shy to say anything and blushed abit, backing off abit." Um..I'm sorry about those girls..." he muttered 

"Oh it's really nothing" she siad with a smile "thanks tho.....by the way what where those guys saying?" She asked a dark look behind her eyes.


she ran up to the building of the school in her swimsuit she always wore rolling her suitcase. She saw pikachu behind her. She mumbled to herself as she entered school. She didnt quite know the dress code. She walked in and went to the front office to sign in and get her schedule. A charizard was already there who was smirking looking at her schedule not wanting to draw attention. She sighed and picked up the schedule it said buziel on it. It was hers. She sighed and took a look at it. Her first class of the day was training, she saw in the corner was her dorm number she smiled and walked out of the front office she got a strange glare from charizard as she left. She started to look for her dorm. 


She ran in and looked around she spotted charizard sitting there silently. She walked up and picked up her schedule. "Advanced power lessons." She mumbled as she started to walk away she was very shy and also I'm guessing new. She walked out of the office doors heading to the dorms as she saw on her schedule. She looked at the room numbers as she got down to the hall. 42..." she opened the door seeing a nice varity of things. She sat down on the bed and opened her bag pulling out her clothes to put away.  


she watched as the other pokehumans left the office. She sighed and peered down at her schedule. She had power statistics. She folded her schedule in half and walked out of the office once the others left and headed down the hall. She opened her schedule and looked at her number. 47..." she roamed down the hall looking for her room. She stopped as she looked up seeing the plaq number 47 on the very top above the door. She opened the door and looked seeing a nice bed and all necessities. She walked in and sat her things down and sat on the bed. It was a long trip for her all the way from palittown. 


Lopunny ran into the dorms hoping to catch charizard pikachu and buziel "hello?" She asked looking around "as student council president im meant to welcome you guys" she said knocking on room 47 
Charizard opened the door seeing lopunny as pikchu peeked out behind charizard. Buziel was in the hallway she smiled "hiya president!" Charizard crossed her arms "who voted you?" She sighed opening the door up wide. Buziel tilted her head "I'm   buziel!" She smiles walking up beside lopunny.  Pikachu smiles. "Im pikachu! Sorry bout charizard shes home sick!" Charizard growls "am not!" 

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Garchomp laughs "remember to breathe, don't worry about keeping up either just don't give up. We'll get you speedy in no time, maybe not mach speed but faster than your opponents yeah?" Garchomp laughs with excitement, she hadn't had many friends and now finally she'd made one. Hopefully she didn't come across as weird or as a show off

Garchomp laughs "remember to breathe, don't worry about keeping up either just don't give up. We'll get you speedy in no time, maybe not mach speed but faster than your opponents yeah?" Garchomp laughs with excitement, she hadn't had many friends and now finally she'd made one. Hopefully she didn't come across as weird or as a show off


Glaceon only caught up with Garchomp on corners "P-Please, slow down" She panted, Glaceon was truly giving it her all but was no where near her she eventually tripped on her own tail fell to the ground and rolled forward twice,
Garchomp turns around to shout encouragement and sees she's fallen over. She turns around and runs back as soon as fast as she can, she slides on her side next to Glaceon and smiles as dust and dirt cover her face and arms "hey there...Sorry I kinda forget how fast I run...you need anything?"

Garchomp turns around to shout encouragement and sees she's fallen over. She turns around and runs back as soon as fast as she can, she slides on her side next to Glaceon and smiles as dust and dirt cover her face and arms "hey there...Sorry I kinda forget how fast I run...you need anything?"


Glaceon had cut her left arm and was bleeding, She turned away from Garchomp not wanting to reveal that she was crying "I-I'm sorry Garchomp... I-I tried"
Garchomp wraps her arms around Glaceon and hugs her "hey don't cry...it's just a cut...It's my fault, I shouldn't have pushed you so hard" Garchomp sighs, she'd probably lose her only friend all because she was a huge show-off

Garchomp wraps her arms around Glaceon and hugs her "hey don't cry...it's just a cut...It's my fault, I shouldn't have pushed you so hard" Garchomp sighs, she'd probably lose her only friend all because she was a huge show-off


Glaceon cried into Garchomp's shoulder "I-it hurts t-though" Glaceon sniffled hugging Garchomp even more "I-I'm sorry I couldn't k-keep up Garchomp..."
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Name: Luxray

Age: 17

Type: Electric

Likes: Food, being rubbed on the ears, running, and books sometimes

Dislikes: Being hated on, meeting new people, and people knowing he likes to be rubbed it's embarrassing for him.

Sex: boy

Crush: not one yet

Personality: Tries to be calm, cool and collect even when greeting new people.  That is his outer shell.  But around friends he knows well and trusts he is very energetic but really nervous in some circumstances.

Name: Luxray

Age: 17

Type: Electric

Likes: Food, being rubbed on the ears, running, and books sometimes

Dislikes: Being hated on, meeting new people, and people knowing he likes to be rubbed it's embarrassing for him.

Sex: boy

Crush: not one yet

Personality: Tries to be calm, cool and collect even when greeting new people.  That is his outer shell.  But around friends he knows well and trusts he is very energetic but really nervous in some circumstances.

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     Luxray was walking across nervously on the first floor and opens the door to his room looking around.  He puts his bag down on his bed and starts to unpack.  He thinks how he is going to greet everyone without being a total slob.
Garchomp pets Glaceon's back "don't apologise. You just gotta stick to your own pace when you train" Garchomp's stomach rumbles and she starts to laugh

Garchomp pets Glaceon's back "don't apologise. You just gotta stick to your own pace when you train" Garchomp's stomach rumbles and she starts to laugh


Glaceon just cried heavier thinking Garchomp was laughing at her, she quickly got out of the hug and ran off trying to get away from Garchomp, the blood from her arm dripped onto the ground and left a trail leading back to her dorm room
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Garchomp chases Glaceon, this time only jogging "hey come back! Nurse Chansey is going to need to look at that arm! It'll get infected if you leave it like that!" she sighs to herself as she follows Glaceon, keeping her distance

After unpacking Luxray walks out of room and locks up.  He walks through the hallway seeing a trail of blood leading up stairs. "heh...that doesn't look to great." He says to himself. He sighed and ran upstairs following the trail of blood.  He runs into the 3rd floor seeing a Garchomp jogging towards a room. Luxray knew something was wrong and not thinking about meeting new people anymore he started jogging following Garchomp. "hey, is there something wrong?" Luxray asked.

@Katie Jensen
Garchomp stops and turns to Luxray "there's nothing wrong, my friend hurt her arm outside because of me and then she ran off...I feel awful" she sighs as she looks down at her arms, they were streaked dirt dust from the arena "what about you? You need something or are you just a wanderer?"

"Um..they called me a freak and such. I should be use to it..but I'm. .I'm kinda not. It hurts when people think your monster. " Giratina sighed 
Garchomp chases Glaceon, this time only jogging "hey come back! Nurse Chansey is going to need to look at that arm! It'll get infected if you leave it like that!" she sighs to herself as she follows Glaceon, keeping her distance


Glaceon locked her door from the inside and pressed her back against the door "G-go away Garchomp!" she cried before turning the AC way up and making the room and everything in it freezing cold "I-I'm N-not coming out!"
"I should go" Luxray said as he sighed "Garchomp just talk to her ok I'll see you sometime alright."  Luxray walks off down stairs and heads outside wandering around the campus.
Garchomp waves Luxray off and grins as she whispers to herself "he was cute..." she turns to Glaceon's door and sighs as Glaceon yells at her "I get it, you're mad at me because I pushed you too hard...I'll just sit out here until you're ready to talk to me kay?" Garchomp places her back to the wall and slides down it, she then proceeds to begin humming to herself


Garchomp waves Luxray off and grins as she whispers to herself "he was cute..." she turns to Glaceon's door and sighs as Glaceon yells at her "I get it, you're mad at me because I pushed you too hard...I'll just sit out here until you're ready to talk to me kay?" Garchomp places her back to the wall and slides down it, she then proceeds to begin humming to herself



Glaceon opened the door just a little allowing the cold air to seep out into the corridor, Glaceon pressed her head right up against the doorframe so she could keep Garchomp in view "I'm not M-mad at you G-Garchomp..."
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Garchomp shivers as the cold air hits her "then come out here and talk to me....we need to get that arm seen by Nirse Chansey"


"b-but you were laughing at me..." Glaceon whimpered licking some of the blood off her arm and opening up the door a little wider whilst turning down the AC
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