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Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

Garchomp laughs as she gratefully takes the sandwich and eats it in almost one bite "thanks friend" she eats the last bite and looks around "I don't suppose you know where battle class is do you?"
Garchomp laughs as she gratefully takes the sandwich and eats it in almost one bite "thanks friend" she eats the last bite and looks around "I don't suppose you know where battle class is do you?"

"umm no... I was looking for it myself..." Glaceon said sort of embarrassed and a little intimidated by how big Garchomp's bite was, or maybe her sandwiches were just a little small, "I think it'd be somewhere big and open... I mean probably..."  
Garchomp scratches her dark blue hair and blows the yellow streak out of her eyes "guess we'll have to look for it together friend" 


Glaceon just nodded and started eating a different flavour sandwich, it had a blueish jelly like filling "we could try asking someone... I mean we aren't the only two here... are we?"
Garchomp strokes her chin and looks around "well other people might be asleep yet...but lets try looking for someone, lead the way my icy friend"

Garchomp strokes her chin and looks around "well other people might be asleep yet...but lets try looking for someone, lead the way my icy friend"


Glaceon nodded and began walking down a random hallway still eating the same sandwich, Glaceon kept looking back at Garchomp making sure that she was still there
Garchomp follows Glaceon and smiles "I'm not usually fond of ice types if I'm honest but I like you, you offered me food after all" she laughs as they travel through the hallways "this place is like a maze really isn't it?"

Garchomp follows Glaceon and smiles "I'm not usually fond of ice types if I'm honest but I like you, you offered me food after all" she laughs as they travel through the hallways "this place is like a maze really isn't it?"


"you don't really like Ice types... why?" Glaceon thought for a moment "oh... because your a dragon type duh... sorry I forgot," Glaceon yawned cutely she was still tired and being up so early didn't really help
Umbreon woke up eventually to the sun, annoyed he got up and got dressed then headed outside he put his head phones on and listened to music "Guess im missing class" He said plainly "maybe no one will notice" He thought as he began to break into a run heading to school
Garchomp laughs "dragon and ground type so ice are like my mega weakness" Garchomp sighs, not the best type for battling ice types really but she couldn't really change that, plus there weren't many ice types around either

Garchomp laughs "dragon and ground type so ice are like my mega weakness" Garchomp sighs, not the best type for battling ice types really but she couldn't really change that, plus there weren't many ice types around either


"Ouch. Hey it could be worse you could be Dragon Grass.... although I don't think that combination of types exists... ehh what do I know about Dragon types?"
Garchomp sighs "oh well at least I'm strong against fire, dragons and other such types so its all good" Garchomp follows Glaceon and looks around "I hope we don't miss class...I don't want to make a bad impression on my first day"

Garchomp sighs "oh well at least I'm strong against fire, dragons and other such types so its all good" Garchomp follows Glaceon and looks around "I hope we don't miss class...I don't want to make a bad impression on my first day"


"I'm sorry I'm trying my best" Glaceon said "it's just so you big here" Glaceon was clearly lost and had no idea what to do 
Garchomp looks around and sighs "wasn't there a large school building? I couldn't quite tell because I was hungry and tired but maybe we should try there?" 

Garchomp looks around and sighs "wasn't there a large school building? I couldn't quite tell because I was hungry and tired but maybe we should try there?" 


"Where are my classes" Umbreon said trying to maneuver his way around the halls

Glaceon saw a shape in the distance that she sort of recognised "C'mon Garchomp lets ask them" Glaceon darted off before Garchomp could reply

When Glaceon was halfway down the hallway she could make out that the shape was Umbreon she didn't call out to him but just ran faster
Garchomp sighs "I may be fast but it doesn't mean I like running y'know..." Garchomp crouches into a sprinter's start position and then launches forwards, overtaking Glaceon and overshooting Umbreon. She skids to a halt and begins walking back to Umbreon "phew...haven't done that for a while"

@pixelated @AnimeFreak
Garchomp sighs "I may be fast but it doesn't mean I like running y'know..." Garchomp crouches into a sprinter's start position and then launches forwards, overtaking Glaceon and overshooting Umbreon. She skids to a halt and begins walking back to Umbreon "phew...haven't done that for a while"

@pixelated @AnimeFreak

"You went just a little too far there..." Glaceon giggled, Glaceon turned to Umbreon "Hey" she said smiling "you look a little lost do you need help?" Glaceon asked curiously
Garchomp sighs "let's just run to the school building. We can't afford to be late on our first day" Garchomp was worried about being late, impressions were a big thing to her and if she made a bad one at the start of school she'd never forgive herself
Garchomp sighs "let's just run to the school building. We can't afford to be late on our first day" Garchomp was worried about being late, impressions were a big thing to her and if she made a bad one at the start of school she'd never forgive herself

"easy for you... I can't run at like a bigillion miles per hour" Glaceon said "so I think I deserve a head start" she smiled before running after Umbreon as fast as she could
Garchomp laughs "I could carry you on my back if you really wanted...you'd just have to hold on" she takes a deep breath and gets back into her starting position and gets ready to run

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