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Fandom PokeSchool (Pokehuman RP)

Garchomp begins sprinting towards Glaceon in a zigzag pattern, at the last second she straightens up, jumps in the air and brings her arm blade down on Glaceon, the blade now glowing bright white

Glaceon was thrown back quite far "Ah, damn didn't see that one...." she groaned

Standing up Glaceon spread her arms and ears summoning a massive blizzard that covered the battle ground
Garchomp instantly hugs herself and begins shivering "so cold...not gonna be as fast in this b-b-blizzard" she opens her mouth and a few sparks of light begin to fly from her mouth "need enough heat to use f-f-flamethrower"
Garchomp instantly hugs herself and begins shivering "so cold...not gonna be as fast in this b-b-blizzard" she opens her mouth and a few sparks of light begin to fly from her mouth "need enough heat to use f-f-flamethrower"

Glaceon had kind of screwed herself as she now couldn't see where Garchomp was she randomly charged into the blizzard her head sort of glowing white
Giratina watch the fight from the distance, not really rooting for anyone. Hopefully he didn't have to battle today. He sighed and sat on the side lines, placing his chin on his knees and hugged his legs
Giratina watch the fight from the distance, not really rooting for anyone. Hopefully he didn't have to battle today. He sighed and sat on the side lines, placing his chin on his knees and hugged his legs

Glaceon saw a shape infront of her but couldn't make out who it was, she headbutted them directly in the stomach area but hurt herself in the process
Garchomp bends over as something hits her in the stomach and takes a breath "ouch, that hurt" she exhales into the air and this time a large blast of fire follows and for a second clears up the area
Garchomp bends over as something hits her in the stomach and takes a breath "ouch, that hurt" she exhales into the air and this time a large blast of fire follows and for a second clears up the area

Glaceon was caught in that blast of fire "oww... owie..." she groaned gritting her teeth before shaking her head "nope, I'm good"
Garchomp clutches her stomach "jeez, got some strength in that head there" she laughs as she extends her hand to Glaceon "you did pretty good there, the blizzard really sapped me of my speed"
Garchomp clutches her stomach "jeez, got some strength in that head there" she laughs as she extends her hand to Glaceon "you did pretty good there, the blizzard really sapped me of my speed"

Glaceon took her hand "Thanks, I've been practicing my headbutt since I was little, only thing is... it's sorta hard to see in a blizzard..." she said brushing the snow off herself with her free hand
Garchomp nods in agreement "you can say that again. I hope I didn't burn you or anything...Hate it when my flamethrower goes over the top"
Garchomp nods in agreement "you can say that again. I hope I didn't burn you or anything...Hate it when my flamethrower goes over the top"

"Just a little..." Glaceon said "don't worry though I've lived through worse, I have a Flareon for a Dad"
Giratina  saw that shaymin left and wonder was what happened.  There was nothing he could had done, which made him feel bad 
Garchomp looks around, she sees Giratina sitting on his own and watches as Umbreon leaves "who's that sat over there on his own? He's been there a while now hasn't he? Maybe he's up next to battle"
Garchomp looks around, she sees Giratina sitting on his own and watches as Umbreon leaves "who's that sat over there on his own? He's been there a while now hasn't he? Maybe he's up next to battle"

"I don't really know, he's defiantly umm unique looking..." Glaceon said, "Maybe you should talk to him?"
Garchomp nods and makes her way over to Giratina she waves slowly and smiles "hey there, you okay? You look a little sad friend..." she doesn't get too close just in case Giratina doesn't like people getting too close 

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Shaymin walked back into class and sat back down reading she was very shy and when it came to coversations she could never start them unless she really really wanted to.

The teacher smiled "Okay everyone thats it for today as its your first day the rest of today will be free time your allowed to use any of the school facilities you want or keep battling if you want " he said before walking away.

Lopunny got up from her friends following the Umbreon she had seen leaving earlier.

Shaymin sat there reading as a couple girl walked by one whisered in the others ear and they both giggled and kept walking.

"I don't really know, he's defiantly umm unique looking..." Glaceon said, "Maybe you should talk to him?"

Garchomp looks around, she sees Giratina sitting on his own and watches as Umbreon leaves "who's that sat over there on his own? He's been there a while now hasn't he? Maybe he's up next to battle"

"im out this is boring" Umbreon got up and walked off heading back to his dorm

Giratina  saw that shaymin left and wonder was what happened.  There was nothing he could had done, which made him feel bad 
Giratina saw the girls walk past shaymin, frowning.  He was knew what was going on, because people had always talked about him. He inhaled a deep breath,  shyly walking over to shaymin,  feeling beyond nervous." U-ummm.hello."
Shaymin turned to look at him "oh um hi" she said with a smile sliding a book mark into her book closing it.

Giratina saw the girls walk past shaymin, frowning.  He was knew what was going on, because people had always talked about him. He inhaled a deep breath,  shyly walking over to shaymin,  feeling beyond nervous." U-ummm.hello."
Garchomp watches Giratina walk past her and shrugs "rude but okay I guess..." Garchomp walks back to the arena and begins jogging around the edge, she waves at Glaceon "come on, we'll see if we can get your speed up Slowpoke!" she laughs as she breaks into a light run.

[ sorry,  I honestly didn't see your post :c]

Giratina was to shy to say anything and blushed abit, backing off abit." Um..I'm sorry about those girls..." he muttered 

she ran up to the building of the school in her swimsuit she always wore rolling her suitcase. She saw pikachu behind her. She mumbled to herself as she entered school. She didnt quite know the dress code. She walked in and went to the front office to sign in and get her schedule. A charizard was already there who was smirking looking at her schedule not wanting to draw attention. She sighed and picked up the schedule it said buziel on it. It was hers. She sighed and took a look at it. Her first class of the day was training, she saw in the corner was her dorm number she smiled and walked out of the front office she got a strange glare from charizard as she left. She started to look for her dorm. 


She ran in and looked around she spotted charizard sitting there silently. She walked up and picked up her schedule. "Advanced power lessons." She mumbled as she started to walk away she was very shy and also I'm guessing new. She walked out of the office doors heading to the dorms as she saw on her schedule. She looked at the room numbers as she got down to the hall. 42..." she opened the door seeing a nice varity of things. She sat down on the bed and opened her bag pulling out her clothes to put away.  


she watched as the other pokehumans left the office. She sighed and peered down at her schedule. She had power statistics. She folded her schedule in half and walked out of the office once the others left and headed down the hall. She opened her schedule and looked at her number. 47..." she roamed down the hall looking for her room. She stopped as she looked up seeing the plaq number 47 on the very top above the door. She opened the door and looked seeing a nice bed and all necessities. She walked in and sat her things down and sat on the bed. It was a long trip for her all the way from palittown. 


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