[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

@NoviceOfRoleplay @DemonKitten

1. So when I use damage calculator for battles, it gives me a min, average, and max values. Which one do I use or is it my choice? Three-sided die?

2. On catching: there's no mention of having to weaken a pokemon. Could I just do a capture without risking a battle? That probably would have been helpful with that tailow :P
Toogee said:
@NoviceOfRoleplay @DemonKitten
1. So when I use damage calculator for battles, it gives me a min, average, and max values. Which one do I use or is it my choice? Three-sided die?

2. On catching: there's no mention of having to weaken a pokemon. Could I just do a capture without risking a battle? That probably would have been helpful with that tailow :P
Use average unless you roll for critical
Toogee said:
@NoviceOfRoleplay @DemonKitten
1. So when I use damage calculator for battles, it gives me a min, average, and max values. Which one do I use or is it my choice? Three-sided die?

2. On catching: there's no mention of having to weaken a pokemon. Could I just do a capture without risking a battle? That probably would have been helpful with that tailow :P
Forgot about the catching part, yeah, technically you could but weakening it increases your chance

Speaking of Capture Rates, where are they? I went to serebii to check capture rates; they seem wildly different. In the tutorial, you say eevee has 6% capture. On serebii, it's 45 (not sure what it's out of).
Um, hello

So I may or may not have completely forgotten my password after I tried to get back in once my midterms were over, so I haven't been around for a little while. But I'm back!

My stuff has been moved to inactive, but if I become active again would I be able to get that moved back? Thanks :)
@NoviceOfRoleplay @DemonKitten

I didn't see anything on status ailments in the battle tutorial (other than confusion). Since thundershock has a 10% chance of paralysis, I took my best guess and rolled a 10-faced die. Rolling a 10 = paralysis. Let me know if I have to reroll.
No, I didn't misunderstand. The way she thought about it, was that she did the wrong thing for helping Bassy. Therefore, in her mind she was insulted.
Toogee said:
@NoviceOfRoleplay @DemonKitten
I didn't see anything on status ailments in the battle tutorial (other than confusion). Since thundershock has a 10% chance of paralysis, I took my best guess and rolled a 10-faced die. Rolling a 10 = paralysis. Let me know if I have to reroll.
That will work for now, I will look around fixing it
[QUOTE="Du Pain]Um, hello
So I may or may not have completely forgotten my password after I tried to get back in once my midterms were over, so I haven't been around for a little while. But I'm back!

My stuff has been moved to inactive, but if I become active again would I be able to get that moved back? Thanks :)

Sure thing.
I didn't see anything on paralysis, so I'm going with bulbapedia:

In general, a paralyzed Pokémon runs a 25% risk of losing their turn due to full paralysis. In addition, the afflicted Pokémon's Speed decreases to 25%.
I'm guessing roll a 100-sided die. If roll is greater than 25, the attack goes through. 25 or less: full paralysis.

@NoviceOfRoleplay @DemonKitten
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