[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Damn, I've already reached a pretty hard decision and I'm not even finished writing up half of my profile! Do I want a shiny right off the bat, or keep my pokemon traditions intact.
Tag me in things that need my approval. I do check to see if there are any new post in threads but it would be faster if I got a notification because I get emails for it. You can also just say demon and I will get a notification for that
@DemonKitten Also, in the experience, did you mean +that amount more in exp.(

Level 10- needs +50 exp to already existing). You see I was wondering how I leveled up so much after the Rattata battles.

From your description, it seemed you ment that number next to each level signified the cumulative exp's next benchmark for total.

But doing the math, if I have a Level 7(needs 35exp) All I would need to do is fight a Level 3 pokemon[gives 6 exp] to reach another level.

Though I do understand if this just how you planned the early levels and later on you do bigger exp jumps.
NoviceOfRoleplay said:
@DemonKitten Also, in the experience, did you mean +that amount more in exp.(
Level 10- needs +50 exp to already existing). You see I was wondering how I leveled up so much after the Rattata battles.

From your description, it seemed you ment that number next to each level signified the cumulative exp's next benchmark for total.

But doing the math, if I have a Level 7(needs 35exp) All I would need to do is fight a Level 3 pokemon[gives 6 exp] to reach another level.

Though I do understand if this just how you planned the early levels and later on you do bigger exp jumps.
You are right. I will be adjusting that to try and make it fit better.
You roll them and then enter them into the calculator so you can get accurate stats since you have to input ivs and eves
Can I join this? Well I still want to read and see how I like it,but it's looks neat. I didn't even realize there was a hosted poke-rp
@Bacon is fluffy you are more than welcome to. Sorry I have a tendency, because of work and college, to not be on as frequently. Tag me if you need me, I am more likely to answer since I do check my notifications everyday
I'M BACK,HAHAHAHAH! EXPECT POST NO LATER THEN TOMORROW! IT WAS DUE TO,ergh let me fix the caps, to some lousy internet, now to click back on,BUT NOW I FEEL READY TO PRISMATIC OUT.
Hi there. Really sorry to say this, but I'll be dropping out. Meant to say so a while ago, but I wasn't sure if this was still going tbh. Love you guys and the fandom, hope it takes off.(:
Just wondering, but is this still active? I'm really hoping it is, since I've liked posting so far, but I noticed other people haven't posted in weeks, so I was just wondering :)

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