[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

[QUOTE="Du Pain]Just wondering, but is this still active? I'm really hoping it is, since I've liked posting so far, but I noticed other people haven't posted in weeks, so I was just wondering :)

Hey, thanks for showing interest! :D Yes, we're still active, but it's kind of slow rght now. Me and three others are still working on this role play, and we're working on events as well.
It is active bro, were caight i, come reformating, and a few players volunteered to be admins. All,changes have been,agreed upon and being implmented. Just keepbroleplaying, I made it my personal,goal to keep ya excited for now.
[QUOTE="Du Pain]Just wondering, but is this still active? I'm really hoping it is, since I've liked posting so far, but I noticed other people haven't posted in weeks, so I was just wondering :)

Yes, just revamping everything. I have some new game masters that are working on everything while I am overly indisposed
Couple questions:

1. I assume we start at Tempo Town, yes?

2. Is there anyone waiting to start their journey in Tempo Town? I hate RPing alone >_>.
I havent rped in a while, and i am still in the forest after tempo town, I can probably come back to rp with you
Deal. I'm almost done with my character, so we can start once I'm approved. Still have to choose a starter too.
Another question: Do players control NPC's or do we need a mod to play them? By NPC's, I mean people ranging from random townsfolk to important figures like Prof. Willow, gym leaders, etc.
Toogee said:
Another question: Do players control NPC's or do we need a mod to play them? By NPC's, I mean people ranging from random townsfolk to important figures like Prof. Willow, gym leaders, etc.
You are welcome to interact with NPC's but leaders and trainer battles will now be initiated by GMs. We will be making changes thursday
1. Regarding money, is it spent on miscellaneous items? I'm talking human food, human clothing, sleeping bags, the kind of stuff that doesn't affect pokemon battling? I figured as long as we don't go overboard (sports car! airplane!), we'd be OK.

2. An idea I borrowed from another pokemon RP I mod: item balls. Since pokemon can fit inside pokeballs, maybe there could be special item balls for non-essentials like clothing and food, similar to how items are found in the games. The balls would hold an item as long as it doesn't exceed the weight of a bicycle (the largest item carried in your backpack in game). Alternatively, belongings could be stored on a PC, similar to the pokemon box system. Thoughts?

3. Finally, I haven't started RPing yet. Even though I posted a profile, am I able to change my starter as long as I don't change my dice rolls? I'm feeling indecisive about Treecko.

If any of this is to be addressed tomorrow, you can ignore me :) .
Toogee said:
1. Regarding money, is it spent on miscellaneous items? I'm talking human food, human clothing, sleeping bags, the kind of stuff that doesn't affect pokemon battling? I figured as long as we don't go overboard (sports car! airplane!), we'd be OK.
2. An idea I borrowed from another pokemon RP I mod: item balls. Since pokemon can fit inside pokeballs, maybe there could be special item balls for non-essentials like clothing and food, similar to how items are found in the games. The balls would hold an item as long as it doesn't exceed the weight of a bicycle (the largest item carried in your backpack in game). Alternatively, belongings could be stored on a PC, similar to the pokemon box system. Thoughts?

3. Finally, I haven't started RPing yet. Even though I posted a profile, am I able to change my starter as long as I don't change my dice rolls? I'm feeling indecisive about Treecko.

If any of this is to be addressed tomorrow, you can ignore me :) .
1. That is fine. I am considering having restaurants and cafes like in alpha and omega but for now that is fine

2. That sounds quite interesting... I will express it to the others on Thursday

3.go ahead. Everything is probably going to be slightly adjusted Thursday so that people can start having a more organized start anyhow
If no one minds, I went ahead and started a RP. I'll have Pan explore around town for a bit after she gets her starter. By the time she gets to Route 1, any changes with the rules will be implemented by then.
Wasn't sure whether the professor was off limits to regular players, so I tagged all the mods in my post in case I needed one to play the part.
Oh, my. Notifications seem to not work for OOC tabs or something 0.0 It's always OOC.

Toogee said:
@DreamBeat Sorry I haven't posted yet. I wasn't well yesterday. I'm having a bit of a block today. I should have something up later.
That's fine~ You don't have to respond every day though. IRL situations take priority. Thanks for letting me know :D
My gosh, I wasn't sure if this was still active or not. Can I jump in? I don't mind starting over and writing by myself for a bit, if that's alright with you guys. I'd also like to offer my assistance, I know I was a former GM, though it looks as though those roles are covered now, still if I can help just let me know! Have we posted an Interest Check lately? Might be a good idea. I'd also like to request that my old character sheet be deleted if that isn't too much trouble, seeing my old work is both clutter and cringe worthy. xD
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My gosh, I wasn't sure if this was still active or not. Can I jump in? I don't mind starting over and writing by myself for a bit, if that's alright with you guys. I'd also like to offer my assistance, I know I was a former GM, though it looks as though those roles are covered now, still if I can help just let me know! Have we posted an Interest Check lately? Might be a good idea. I'd also like to request that my old character sheet be deleted if that isn't too much trouble, seeing my old work is both clutter and cringe worthy. xD

This is still active since Toogee and I are posting. We've got the Setting up to the first gym completely done while the others are kinda spread out. Man, I still need to work on that second gym though... Any assistance would be appreciated since we only have four people helping right now. Erm... We haven't posted an interest check yet. We would, but we're just so stuck on the combat system. We made stats and stuff, considered using a pokemon calculator to calculate damage, and stuff.

As for your CS, I don't see it, so did you delete it already?
Ew, stats. Well, I'll help with what I can, if you want to tell me exactly what needs to be done. I think the combat system should be immensely simplified - Fairness and accuracy are crucial, yes, but this thread has lost so many people since the beginning due to the await and complexity (supposedly) of dice rolls. I don't mean this rudely of course, but it'd save you guys headaches and reel in more people if you really simplified the dice aspect. Stats, too, the story could progress just find without so much detail.

Lovely stuff man.

No, I didn't, but that's alright, I'll try and get something up later and post a few times on my own.
First post sent! Hopefully I didn't mess up anywhere, yet. I also tagged all of the game masters, since I assume one of you is going to play Professor Willow.
Ayari said:
First post sent! Hopefully I didn't mess up anywhere, yet. I also tagged all of the game masters, since I assume one of you is going to play Professor Willow.
Awesome! One of the others will play Professor Willow if I don't by respond by tomorrow. Thanks for tagging!
OK, I'm a little confused about gaining experience through posting. I understand that 20 paragraphs = level. I do not understand which paragraphs are calculated. From what I understand from the rules, if a pokemon does something, the entire paragraph counts, even if the other sentences don't involve the pokemon.

With that in mind, I counted 106 sentences in my RP. Dividing by six gets me about 17 paragraphs. Does that make sense? Do I need an official counter (a mod) to confirm that number?

@DemonKitten @NoviceOfRoleplay
Toogee said:
OK, I'm a little confused about gaining experience through posting. I understand that 20 paragraphs = level. I do not understand which paragraphs are calculated. From what I understand from the rules, if a pokemon does something, the entire paragraph counts, even if the other sentences don't involve the pokemon.
With that in mind, I counted 106 sentences in my RP. Dividing by six gets me about 17 paragraphs. Does that make sense? Do I need an official counter (a mod) to confirm that number?

@DemonKitten @NoviceOfRoleplay
Novice changed it and I will consider (if too difficult to count) making it into every post, not paragraph, but I got about what you did from a quick skim. Just off by one so I accept and agree with 17.
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