[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Raerae said:
@DreamBeat I don't really have anything in kind for the forest. Do you? @Xeyran @PokemonGirl
Uhh... I haven't really thought about it yet. Kitten is redoing the battle system so I thought I would wait until that's done until I start doing pokemon and NPC battles. Plus, Crystal doesn't have any desire to catch pokemon just yet. Maybe we could make it so that we could get lost? There's really nothing I can think of. Our pokemon getting captured, our pokemon senses a powerful pokemon lurking in the forest and goes after the scent, etc. Just random ideas thrown out there.
Well, those aren't bad ideas at all, but I also don't mind moving us along with some character development/interaction and then just arriving in Capella. Our characters can always just hang out.
Raerae said:
Well, those aren't bad ideas at all, but I also don't mind moving us along with some character development/interaction and then just arriving in Capella. Our characters can always just hang out.
We could do that. I guess we would need something to talk about then.

Or someone can do something that causes some problems. Until I know how to work the dice system, I could just make a pokemon appear. Won't really capture it, but it could work as a plot device.
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If you'd like to, go for it. I'm really pathetic with ideas right now. There could always be an injured pokemon, maybe Crys hears it's cries for help and rushes off after it? Could have been trapped in something set up by hunters, or injured for a predator (I.e. Pidgey with a broken wing, etc.)
Raerae said:
If you'd like to, go for it. I'm really pathetic with ideas right now. There could always be an injured pokemon, maybe Crys hears it's cries for help and rushes off after it? Could have been trapped in something set up by hunters, or injured for a predator (I.e. Pidgey with a broken wing, etc.)
I would be fine with that. Seems a lot more simple than pokemon getting kidnapped.
I think I'll get the hang of it. I can't screen shot as I'm on my kindle, but I suppose I can link you the exact results somehow...

I'm so avoiding battling lol
Raerae said:
I think I'll get the hang of it. I can't screen shot as I'm on my kindle, but I suppose I can link you the exact results somehow...
I'm so avoiding battling lol
If you can't find some way perhaps to type the info. I want people to keep track of their hp and stat modifications at least

Bubbles Lvl 5 | Female | Jolly Nature

Held Item: None

Health: 20

Attack: 11

Defense: 10

Sp Attack: 10

Sp Defense: 13

Speed: 12

Evasion +/- 0

Accuracy +/- 0

Status: None

Normal (Physical)

Deals damage with no additional effect.

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

PP: 35

Normal (Status)

Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.

Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each.

Power: --

Accuracy: 100

PP: 40

Would this come in handy anywhere?
Actually,yes... instead of using the place on bottom or top, you could put it all in the side in that format.

so put your active pokemon over on the side so you don't have to keep going back to look at characters and place stat modifications and hp decrease there
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Awesome! I think it would be a good idea to put that in code so that other people can copy it if they like using code like that.
[b]Bubbles Lvl 5 | Female | Jolly Nature[/b]
Held Item: None
Health: 20
Attack: 11
Defense: 10
Sp Attack: 10
Sp Defense: 13
Speed: 12
Evasion +/- 0
Accuracy +/- 0
Status: None

{slide=Pound}[b][color=rgb(179, 89, 0)]Normal (Physical)[/color][/b]
Deals damage with no additional effect.

Power: 40
Accuracy: 100
PP: 35

{slide=Growl}[color=rgb(179, 89, 0)][b]Normal (Status)[/b][/color]
[color=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Lower's the target's Attack by one stage.
Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each.

Power: --
Accuracy: 100
PP: 40[/color]

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DemonKitten said:
Lucky for us, I can edit your post and copy
Yep. If you edit my post and then post it in a coded form so that everybody else can copy, don't forget to click on the wrench on the top right of the response box.

I think it was called the BB Code Editor
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I'm just posting to inform you guys that I may be back to my old ways by tommorow if things look up. I'll be active agaaaaaaaaaain. <3

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