[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Raerae said:
Hopefully. I just know there's three people in for a Sylveon and that may become redundant :P
Oh, also! Contest halls. How many and who wants to create ribbons?


HOW SWEET. I miss those days... ;3;


Dragonite is all of my dream team, yo.
Ok. I know I'm spamming a bunch of stupid questions here, but what are modifications? In the Catching Pokemon tutorial, there's something about +5 modifications or +100 modifications or something. I don't get it? Please help

@The Doorman @Raerae Your signatures are so cool (<3.<3)

Oh wait, it's gone... @Raerae ???
Modifications refer to things such as status effects (Like paralysis, or sleep), or pokeball effects (Like using a dusk ball at night, or a net ball on a bug type pokemon)

Oh, hey, don't stress yourself out. That's being simplified and will be elaborated upon later. Don't feel the need to read absolutely everything, it'll be summarized eventually. Ask Calamari or Nexus though if you'd really like some input(:

I don't know why mind disappeared! But thank you(:

Yes @The Doorman I absolutely LOVE that movie <333 especially the intro!
CalamariHero said:
Modifications refer to things such as status effects (Like paralysis, or sleep), or pokeball effects (Like using a dusk ball at night, or a net ball on a bug type pokemon)
ah~ But what's the +5 or whatever the number is for?

@Raerae Ahaha~ thanks. I've just been reading that thing for like 10 min.. just the mod part. I'll just come back to it later then ^.^

@The Doorman Dragonite is so cute >.<
Those modifications are used on a d100 dice roll. To see if you catch a pokemon, you roll a virtual d100 (this dice is hosted by the lovely RPN). The rolled value must be equal to, or less than, the catch rate of the pokemon. Modifiers raise this value, thus raising catch rate.
CalamariHero said:
Those modifications are used on a d100 dice roll. To see if you catch a pokemon, you roll a virtual d100 (this dice is hosted by the lovely RPN). The rolled value must be equal to, or less than, the catch rate of the pokemon. Modifiers raise this value, thus raising catch rate.
. . . . . *goes crazy* So simple! Oh mah gaah~ thanks
Raerae said:
For sure. And that was when the classics really hit home and I still loved Ash's fave and disposition.

I miss the old trainers.

It wasn't broken, and then they broke it.

The seasons to follow aren't the worst seasons in a show, but the nostalgia was gone and ah feeyull nothin for the modern casts.


CalamariHero said:
No problem. If there is one thing I know, it is numbers.
Oh, yeah, the nostalgia is gone... And I miss it and the old animation terribly. Breaks my heart watching new things. Same goes for Disney though.

Thank God there's a wizard of some sort!
I'mma level up my dragonair, mmyes.


Raerae said:
Oh, yeah, the nostalgia is gone... And I miss it and the old animation terribly. Breaks my heart watching new things. Same goes for Disney though.
Aye, and the characters are all the same with different faces and quirks.
Night, Beat.

Ohhhhh I miss Brock.

Attics are creepy.

Wow I'm so pathetically late. I'm sorry I was watching Fraizer.

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