[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Will quests be a one time shot or are you allowed to repeat a quests? This will help in knowing what kind of rewards would be appropriate, and what kind of help the quest giver would require.
I was also wondering how escaping from random battles would work.

Roll a d100 if you roll over 50 then you escape. Add 25 to your roll if your current pokemon has a higher speed than the wild pokemon.

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You can escape from all battles except from those pokemon that use a move that prevent such. I never had issues except with pokemon that didn't allow it
The max EV's at level 100 are 510, so it would make sense to give 51 EV's every 10 levels or something like that
I will just give 510 since in x and y you could fully max out your evs at the very start

Also, I will be leaving for work. If yall could keep the interest check up and running.
Sooooooooooooooo, seeing as I am just an everyday trainer and not in any way an expert what do Evs even do?

No clue bout this stuff, lol. I understand most of the other things, though some things aren't quite working out ^^"
they are points you can allocate to different stats. In the early days when you defeated a pokemon and lvl up you gain an aditional point (ev point) to a designated stat based off what pokemon you defeated. Example: defeat a caterpie and lvl up and you would gain an additional stat point in your speed stat. Later on they incorporated a training mini game that would let you pick what stats your ev points would go into
Yeah trying to ev train your pokemon in the old days was a nightmare, and generally sucked all the fun out of the game. At least it did for me so i just stuck to having fun and not worrying about it :P
Hiiiiii. I see the tread is hard at work, as always. I've got ideas to post, will do so later this evening. @DemonKitten Are the Northern Lights something we can incorporate as a widespread phenomenon? Most voted yes on that, it's a thing in Iceland. Might introduce a legendary, although I'd like for it to be something that happens on certain nights.
Raerae said:
Hiiiiii. I see the tread is hard at work, as always. I've got ideas to post, will do so later this evening. @DemonKitten Are the Northern Lights something we can incorporate as a widespread phenomenon? Most voted yes on that, it's a thing in Iceland. Might introduce a legendary, although I'd like for it to be something that happens on certain nights.
It might be cool so that certain areas have "special pokemon" that can only be caught durring this event/events.
/Epic rift

Belt's are fashionable. Not my first choice, but as long as we're not all sporting wrist accessories I'm good.
I have never played either X/Y or OR/AS

I have no idea what you guys are talking about, relative to megastone related accessories.

I am aware of the megastone existence and use, but not the whole accessory thing.
@The Doorman I'm doing body jewelry.(:

@CalamariHero Oh, my apologies. Just were the megastone is placed, basically. Some characters wear it different ways, bracelets usually, though Maxie and a few other characters wore them in a different manner. Embedded in various accessories and such.

I can't remember what though, I lost my game months ago like a genius. :/

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